Learning resource
Recent papers in Learning resource
This paper describes The Flexible Learning Toolboxes Project, a component of the Australian Flexible Learning Framework for the National Vocational Education and Training System 2000-2004 (AFL Framework). The AFL Framework is designed to... more
Farm animal welfare is a knowledge domain that can be regarded as a model for new ways of organizing learning and making higher education more responsive to the needs of society. Global concern for animal welfare has resulted in a great... more
Abstract: Higher Education is increasingly relying on e-learning as a means of providing students with teaching and learning resources. Almost inevitably, this means that students interact with these learning resources through the medium... more
Nowadays modeling user's preferences is one of the most challenging tasks in e-learning systems that deal with large volumes of information. The growth of on-line educational resources including encyclopaedias, repositories, etc., has... more
Web-based tagging systems for educational resources allow users to associate free keywords with resources. This paper first studies similarities and differences of tagging systems that are an integrated part of learning platforms, and... more
Abstract: We describe an electronic guidebook, Sotto Voce, that enables visitors to share audio information by eavesdropping on each other's guidebook activity. We have conducted three studies of visitors using electronic guidebooks... more
A primary focus of dental education is to teach students the knowledge, skills, and values essential for practicing dentistry. However, the preparation of dentists to manage a business is frequently cited as inadequate. . A survey was... more
It is now an incontrovertible fact that capabilities are the source of competitive advantage. However, the process through which firms build capabilities over a period of time is only partially understood. Concepts like learning, resource... more
The Web puts a huge number of learning resources within reach of anyone with Internet access. However, many valuable resources are difficult to find due to the lack of interoperability among learning repositories. In order to achieve... more
The Listing of Inherited Disorders in Animals (LIDA) for cats has implemented research-led approaches to learning and teaching and used these to showcase student output of high quality. The Listing of Inherited Disorders in Animals (LIDA)... more
Knowing how to select, organize, and use information in order to solve problems, handle new situations, and continue learning are key issues in the teaching and learning scenario in contemporary society. Teaching these skills is... more
The advancement of wireless and mobile technologies has enabled students to learn in an environment that combines learning resources from both the real world and the digital world. Although such an approach has been recognized as being... more
This qualitative study explored health sciences students' perceptions of their experiences in online problem based learning (PBL) and focused on their views about learning and group process in the online environment. Participants were... more
The emerging information landscape portrays a complex domain before the library fraternity with multiplicity of physical as well as digital formats in which they manifest in diverse publication types. Libraries today operate on a truly... more
Purpose Digital libraries have the potential to offer unprecedented resources for supporting e‐learning. This paper addresses and discusses such aspects as what is meant by “e‐learning”, and how can it be supported by the library... more
This paper presents the systematic development of a ‘Uses and Gratification Expectancy’ (UGE) conceptual framework which is able to predict students’ ‘Perceived e-Learning Experience. ’ It is argued that students’ UGE as regards... more
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Background Community-based education (CBE) is part of the training curriculum for most health workers in Uganda. Most programs have a stated purpose of strengthening clinical skills, medical knowledge, communication skills, community... more
University of Bolton, Bolton, Lancashire, England E-learning approaches have received increasing attention in recent years. Accordingly, a number of tools have become available to assist the nonexpert computer user in constructing and... more
With the emergence of Web/eLearning 3.0 we have been developing/adjusting AHKME in order to face this great challenge. One of our goals is to allow the instructional designer and teacher to access standardized resources and evaluate the... more
This paper describes the main errors and limitation associated with the methods of regression and correlation analysis. Those methods have been developed specifically to study statistical relationships in data series.
The purpose of the study was to determine applicability of e-learning in problem based learning (PBL) by investigating its usage and acceptability among students and its effect on academic achievement. The study was carried out among... more
The relative positions of the sun, moon, and earth, their movements, and their relationships are abstract and difficult to understand astronomical concepts in elementary school science. This study proposes a three-dimensional (3-D)... more
This qualitative study explored health sciences students' perceptions of their experiences in online problem based learning (PBL) and focused on their views about learning and group process in the online environment. Participants were... more
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all the researchers that submitted their contributions. Their excellent work warrantees a high scientific level for this workshop.
The Web puts a huge number of learning resources within reach of anyone with Internet access. However, many valuable resources are difficult to find due to the lack of interoperability among learning repositories. In order to achieve... more
Background: There are approximately 52,000 teacher-coaches coaching 750,000 high school student-athletes in Canada. Despite this large population, Canadian high school teacher-coaches remain relatively unstudied. High school coaches in... more
Web-based Educational Systems (WBES) is one of the fastest growing and challenging areas in educational technology research. To meet the high expectations and requirements of educational community, a present challenging goal is the... more
The learning technology standardization process is one of the key research activities in computer-based education. Institutions like the IEEE, the US Department of Defense and the European Commission have set up committees to deliver... more
Digital libraries offer opportunities for elearning that are not possible in their physical counterparts. Digital libraries complement other learning environments, such as those provided in distance education and courses offered online,... more
Abstract—A knowledge base of online experiments was built. It is a kind of catalogue describing online experiments used for educational purposes. Metadata for describing this special kind of learning resources and analysis of experiments... more
Preparing multi-media rich e-learning content is a labour-intensive process, requiring great time investment from content experts and multi-media designers. This high labour cost is particularly acute in fields in which knowledge changes... more
Until recent years network-based education and grid technologies were two distinct areas. But e-learning systems have been increasingly addressing learning resources sharing (text, images, video, on-line data, etc.) and reuse,... more
This study examined students' use of learning resources in a technologically-mediated online learning environment. Undergraduate student groups were engaged in an online problem-based learning (PBL) environment, rich with pre-selected... more
An ontological system integrated with an eLearning platform can support teachers in building courses and students in accessing courses content. To this end we propose an ontological approach to semantically enrich eLearning courses. In... more
Repositories with educational resources can support the formation of online learning communities by providing a platform for collaboration. Users (e.g. teachers, tutors and learners) access repositories, search for interesting resources... more
This article presents a theoretical model of lesson study, an approach to instructional improvement that originated in Japan. The theoretical model includes four lesson study features (investigation, planning, research lesson, and... more
The literature abounds with information about peer tutoring and the benefits that it can bring to student learning. This case study sought to explore ways of using peer tutoring to enhance the learning experience of a group of higher... more
Learning objects-based architectures often allows the creation of coarse-granular learning resources by aggregating learning objects retrieved mainly from well-structured public repositories. Nonetheless, the learning resource building... more
An investigation was carried out to determine the extent to which evidence of collaborative learning could be identified in students' textual interactions in an online learning environment. The literature on collaborative learning has... more
Objectives : This article describes a project which explored the potential for mobile technologies to give health students in the community access to learning resources. The purpose included the need to identify possible barriers students... more
Personal interaction with learning materials, (re-)arranging learning resources in a semantically meaningful way is important for comprehension and personal knowledge construction. Current learning systems only enable learners to add... more
This paper reports findings of a study that examined student performance and attitudes towards the use of information technology in virtual and conventional settings. Students were preservice undergraduate and graduate students enrolled... more