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It is a common idea, and an element in many legal systems, that people can deserve punishment when they commit criminal (or immoral) actions. A standard philosophical objection to this retributivist idea about punishment is that if human... more
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      Folk PsychologyPhilosophy of PunishmentFree Will and Moral ResponsibilityCompatibilism and incompatibilism
When trying to capture the meaning of freedom, the issue is approached usually in a negative sense, by specifying the constraints affecting it. «The only freedom which deserves the name is that of 15 pursuing our own good in our own way,... more
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      LawLegal LiabilityLegal ResponsibilityGeneral Theory of State and Law
ÖZET Hekimlerin tıbbi tedavi yöntemlerinden birini seçme hakkı, özel hukuktan doğan sorumluluk hukuku içerisinde incelenen kavramlardandır. Hekimin tıbbi takdir yetkisi kavramı ise, hekimin tedavi yöntemlerinden birini seçmesi... more
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      Hukuki SorumlulukSAĞLIK HUKUKU HASTA HAKLARILegal ResponsibilityTıp Hukuku
В работе исследуются основные подходы к определению юридической ответственности в современном избирательном процессе России и ее виды. The paper examines the main approaches to the definition of legal responsibility in the modern... more
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      Constitutional LawElectionsElection LawElectoral Law
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      NeuroscienceCriminal LawNormative EthicsBioethics
It is common for philosophers to argue that psychopaths are not morally responsible because they lack some of the essential capacities for morality. In legal terms, they are criminally insane. Typically, however, the insanity defense is... more
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      Philosophy of PsychopathologyLegal Responsibility
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      ReasonsPractical Reasons and RationalityMoral ResponsibilityLegal Responsibility
Corruption is a negative phenomenon in modern conditions, which has penetrated into all areas of the state's functioning, causing significant damage to its development. Therefore, overcoming this phenomenon is the main problem, which... more
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      CorruptionEconomic CrimesLegal ResponsibilitySelf- government
Bajo la hipótesis de que todo juicio de atribución de responsabilidad supone la defraudación de una expectativa, en el texto se propone comprender a estas últimas como estándares que pueden ser adoptados por los miembros de una comunidad... more
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      Legal TheoryResponsibilityAttitudesReactive Attitudes
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been used by many companies to gain public confidence through providing essential commodities of some high value to a customer, particular in telecommunication industry where only one mobile... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCustomer LoyaltyLegal ResponsibilityTelecommunication firms
Responsibility, as referred to in everyday life, as explored in moral philosophy and debated in jurisprudence, is a multiform, ill-defined but inescapable notion for reasoning about actions. Its presence in all social constructs suggests... more
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      Artificial Intelligence and LawMoral ResponsibilityCognitive systemsKolmogorov Complexity
El artículo presenta una reflexión crítica de la propuesta de Hans Kelsen sobre las relaciones entre algunos conceptos jurídicos fundamentales. En primer lugar, se presentan virtudes del esquema kelseniano para la comprensión de las... more
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      Legal TheoryPhilosophy Of LawHans KelsenResponsibility
A Facebook jogi státusza. A közvetítő-szolgáltatók felelősségére vonatkozó szabályok alkalmazhatósága. A 2017-ben elfogadott német felelősségi szabályok (NetzDG) részletes ismertetése, kritikája és alternatívái.
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      IT lawFacebookFreedom of SpeechGerman Law
Toda teoría jurídica se compromete de forma explícita o implícita con postulados filosóficos. Dichos postulados dan sentido a las afirmaciones e hipótesis que se construyen dentro de la teoría, permiten llenar vacíos que puedan... more
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      JurisprudencePrivate lawTort LawLaw of Torts
It is not always clear, through policies or law, where and when family responsibility ends. This article outlines the tensions that underlie policy and legal conceptions of obligation and everyday obligations that shape typically gendered... more
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      Sociology of FamiliesSocial PolicyIntergenerational RelationshipsDuty of Care
Objective: This paper is dedicated to Artificial Intelligence and it consists in identifying the role and functions performed by Artificial Intelligence by noting the innovations brought by the introduction of this technology. Artificial... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceLegal PersonalityLegislationLegislación
4857 sayılı İş Kanunu 2. maddesinde alt işveren-asıl işveren iş ilişkisi unsurları zikredilerek tanımlanmış ve işbu ilişki içerisindeki tarafların sorumlulukları ana hatlarıyla belirlenmiştir. Yazımızda, alt-asıl işveren ilişkisinde yer... more
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      Employer brandingLabor lawLabor Employment LawsIş Ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku
Przegląd Sądowy nr 1/2008, s. 174-184.
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      Comparative LawCivil LawLaw of ObligationsTort Law
This paper deals with the relationship between legal responsibility and causation. I argue that legal responsibility is not necessarily rooted in causation. First, I show (in §1) that there are significant and independent non-causal form... more
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      Hans KelsenCausalityResponsibilityH.L.A. Hart
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been used by many companies to gain public confidence through providing essential commodities of some high value to a customer, particular in telecommunication industry where only one mobile... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCustomer LoyaltyLegal ResponsibilityTelecommunication firms
The article presents definitions of basic concepts related to legal responsibility. The type of teacher’s material liability, responsibility for maintaining order and discipline have been described in detail, and the scope of civil and... more
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      EducationTeachersPolish LanguageEdukacja
Conscious societies closely monitor the activities of the businesses and the results of their activities and show their reactions on an activity they do not find correct or sufficient. This not only leads to intensification of competition... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityEthical ResponsibilityEconomic responsibilityLegal Responsibility
This is a teaching and learning guide accompanying my two articles on the ethics of crashes with self-driving cars. The guide summarizes this topic, offers reading suggestions (with short summaries of those readings), and also suggests... more
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      RoboticsApplied EthicsAutonomous RoboticsLegal Ethics
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      CausationLegal Responsibility
Настоящая статья посвящена исследованию актуального международно-правового опыта на примере некоторых дел, рассмотренных Европейским Судом по права человека, который, как нам представляется, было бы разумно учесть и использовать при... more
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      Constitutional LawLawmaking of the European Court of Human RightsElectoral SystemsElections
The purpose of the article is to analyse the legal institution of juicio politico (impeachment) in the LatinAmerican presidential system, regarding the regulation adopted in Argentina, Brazil, Honduras and Paraguay. The hypothesis assumes... more
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      Political ResponsibilityImpeachmentLegal ResponsibilityLatin-American presidential system