Lonergan Studies
Recent papers in Lonergan Studies
Reviews the historical origins and principal elements of Karl Rahner's critique of Thomas Aquinas and Bernard Lonergan. Argues that Rahner's critique fails to come to terms with the basic problematic of Trinitarian theology, and... more
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Há em todos nós algo que nos impulsiona a compreender e conhecer as coisas. Esse "algo" recebe diversos nomes: força, desejo, impulso, ímpeto ou tendência. Diante de um estímulo, sofremos ou podemos sofrer uma incitação que tende a nos... more
This paper argues that, regardless of his personal sympathies either way, Lonergan's systematic and moral theology support and give reason to affirm the Catholic magisterial teaching against contraception.
Lonergan presents the 'structure of the human good ' in Method In Theology, 1972. This is presented as an (x,y) grid. I argue that Lonergan sought to introduce the historical dimension (developed in the 1930's) into a classicist scheme... more
Originally a lecture at Seton Hall University, January, 2015, this paper is an introduction to a few of the more striking themes from Lonergan's Christology, including Lonergan's approach to the NT, the development of Christological... more
In this bibliography I have compiled fifty essays on MuralGaga published between mid-July and mid-January. They detail my efforts of investigative journalism into the "info-wars" conducted by pro-Israel groups against the UK Labour Party... more
T 4 Piaget was studying the development of intelligence in children, an enterprise naturally cognate to Lonergan's interests. The encounter seems to have catalyzed, or at least contributed to, a significant transformation in Lonergan's... more
The hypothesis of this (preliminary) study is a development in Lonergan’s thought on ‘first philosophy’. He was raised on the scholastic assumption of metaphysics as first philosophy. In Verbum he made an initial break by expounding the... more
Shows how a cumulative and remarkably fertile tradition of theological understanding developed from Augustine. Augustine grounded the missions of Word and Spirit on their distinctive processions in God, and coordinated the missions in... more
The Commission raises the question of the ethical and philosophical foundations of the biological sciences. My response: At the center of our thesis is the empiricist's assumption about knowing: " What is obvious in knowing is what... more
My thesis, in brief, is that Lonergan is important today because the contemporary situation puts in stark relief the perennial problem for theology: the wisdom of theologians. The solution is not in the appropriation of any external... more
The study moves from the most general categories—finality and history—to the specifically theological categories of grace and providence. After a brief glance at the precursors to Insight, the study turns to Insight itself to explore how... more
Some papers written at BC 2013-4. Mainly on science. As with all the drafts, work in progress. But if anything is useful, please feel free.
The Catholic Church professes that everyone is offered grace sufficient for salvation and that this grace is not necessarily identical to the grace of explicit Christian conversion. This paper is an effort to connect this doctrine with... more
Thomas Aquinas's theory of habitual grace rests on a generically metaphysical account of the faculties of the soul and of the natural and supernatural habits that perfect them. Bernard Lonergan opened up fruitful avenues for rethinking... more
This study investigates Lonergan's conception of the role of metaphysics, and scholastic theology, in the development of a renewed theology.
This study examines Lonergan’s metaphysical method and some of its implications for a renewed theology, in the context of Robert Doran’s efforts to bring Lonergan’s scholastic theology forward. Doran and I share a commitment to Lonergan’s... more
TOWARDS IMPLEMENTING A GLOBAL ETHICS. Uses notion of feedback matrices
Foreword by Philip McShane
Foreword by Philip McShane
Hans-Georg Gadamer said that he was finally forced to write Truth and Method after so many years because whenever his students had spoken proudly of having been formed by him they were met by the puzzled question, “Who?” To Lonergan... more
Originally a lecture delivered at the Gregorian University, Rome, revised for incorporation into a book.
The main work of the Canadian philosopher Bernard Lonergan (1904-1984) is the book Insight: A Study of Human Understanding (1957). In this book, Lonergan presents his version of Aquinas' philosophy of knowing from a contemporary... more
Forthcoming in a book dedicated to Laudato Si
Paper presented at the 45th Annual Lonergan Workshop, Boston College (2018)
Better to sharpen the sword than to slog a soldier out! In a sense, "the tool is very much important than the task‟ for which it is employed. How a thing has to be done is equally important to what has to be done. This "tool‟ or "the how‟... more
Questo riassunto è stato scritto con lo scopo di facilitare la lettura e lo studio di una delle più importanti e originali opere di teologia del '900, per diffondere la conoscenza di Bernard Lonergan al di là delle ristrette cerchie... more
As I read him, the heart of Lawrence’s project as philosophical is an articulation of the conversational link between the transcendental structures of conscious intentionality, and the world mediated by meaning. As theological, it is... more
University of Notre Dame Press Yale philosophy emeritus Michael H. McCarthy has been reading Lonergan since the 1960s, and is convinced of the enduring value of a critical, Christian humanist, one of the " great unheralded thinkers of the... more
From these conference notes: "Lonergan's idea of doctrine as judgment has shaped the way I train lay people for ecumenical encounter between church and parish. I have learned the following: 1. That healthy ecumenical dialogue—whether... more
In Receptive Ecumenism: Listening, Learning and Loving in the Way of Christ, eds. Vicky Balabanski and Geraldine Hawkes, Adelaide, S.A.: ATF Press, 2018, 37-48.
In this essay my aim is threefold. In the first part, I briefly comment on my experience of meeting, greeting, and protecting undergraduates and graduate students in the last twenty years in the United States and Mexico. In particular I... more
In Insight: A Study of Human Understanding, Bernard Lonergan executed his programme to " thoroughly understand what it is to understand. " i He did so by developing a theory of cognition with the act that he called " insight " at its... more
Tricks and tools for Christian leaders who want to be lifelong theological learners. Based on the theological method of Bernard Lonergan.
About Method in Theology's Chapters on History
In Insight: A Study of Human Understanding, Bernard Lonergan executed his programme to " thoroughly understand what it is to understand. " i He did so by developing a theory of cognition with the act that he called " insight " at its... more
Physics has been regarded as a reasonably successful science, a field of study that can help us along. It is worthwhile for non-physicists to get a sense of that help. This essay intends to show that physics can indeed help us to... more
Gilbert 23:6 (July/August 2020): 23. In this biographical sketch of the legendary Canadian Jesuit, I focus on his overall theological vision and his approach to the thought and legacy of G. K. Chesterton.
A lecture at the Gregorian University, Rome, November 6, 2015. Having realized that its institutions and cultural forms are not normative, the West is facing a crisis of normativity: is anything normative, and can we know it? In this... more