Systematic and Historical Theology
Recent papers in Systematic and Historical Theology
In Dostoevsky’s 1869 novel, The Idiot, two characters mention an intriguing theory, which they both attribute to the eponymous spiritual hero, the Prince: the idea that “beauty will save the world.” Since then, a long line of writers... more
"Our words indicate our thoughts, but our thoughts don't make anything happen…. It's not the same with God." In Speaking the Love of God: An Introduction to the Sacraments, Dr. Jacob W. Wood shows how Christ gives his Church the power to... more
Abstract: This study deals with the relationship between the notion of definitive sanctification which is proposed by John Murray (1898-1975) and the ordo salutis. The idea of definitive sanctification has been criticized in many... more
* Two American Calvin scholars, John Fesko and Cornelis Venema, had a debate over Calvin’s understanding of the Mosaic covenant. Fesko argues that for Calvin the Mosaic administration of the law embodies a covenant governed by a “works... more
Anselm of Canterbury was the father of the first systematic effort at explaining the redemption of Christ by means of satisfaction in Cur Deus Homo. Others before him offered multiple explanations. However, his efforts have remained the... more
We are all haunted by histories. They shape our presuppositions and ballast our judgments. In terms of science and religion this means most of us walk about haunted by rumors of a long war. However, there is no such thing as the “history... more
In einem trivialen Verständnis bedeutet Mystik das, was die Religionen der Erde jenseits ihrer institutionell-dogmatischen Ausprägungen miteinander verbindet. Inwieweit ein solch entkontextualisierter Mystik-Begriff wissenschaftlich... more
John's Logos-hymn reflect a response to the Johannine narrative, functioning with other Christological hymns to pose a Jewish challenge to Empire and its divine-Caesar cult. It is added to the final edition of John as an experientially... more
헤르만 바빙크(1854-1921)는 교의학자였지만 중요한 윤리학 작품도 남겼다. 최근에 발간된 『개혁파 윤리학』은 아주 탁월한 기독교 윤리학 저서이다. 바빙크의 『개혁교의학』과 『개혁파 윤리학』은 다음과 같은 밀접한 관련성이 있다. 첫째, 『개혁파 윤리학』은 『개혁교의학』에 나타난 종합적-발생론적 방법론을 사용한다. 둘째, 『개혁파 윤리학』은 교의학과 윤리학의 상호보완적 관계성을 유지한다. 셋째, 『개혁파 윤리학』은... more
Augustine is known as the great theologian of sin. For this he has been celebrated as a realist and criticized as a pessimist. What modern readers often miss is the deeply humane source and character of Augustine's views about sin. We... more
In order to illuminate our theological understanding of love this essay analyzes love in the context of the Pauline formula of faith, love, and hope. In terms of method, the essay combines exegetical observations, conceptual tools from... more
From its earliest days, Christianity is a faith that has demonstrated its ability to be articulated, believed, and practiced in a multitude of cultural contexts. Its Scriptures have been translated into a multitude of languages, and its... more
Anselm of Canterbury was the father of the first systematic effort at explaining the redemption of Christ by means of satisfaction in Cur Deus Homo. Others before him offered multiple explanations. However, his efforts have remained the... more
In this essay I offer a novel interpretation of Calvin’s eschatological imagination and the ways the latter shapes Calvin’s overall theological narrative. In addition to his explicit, infralapsarian eschatology, which circles around the... more
El ensayo en cuestión explora y evalúa las tres posturas más populares en torno al bautismo de infantes; la postura pedobautista católico-romana, la postura credobautista, y la postura pedobautista reformada.
The article discusses the spectacle of Christ's wounds after His resurrection based on the account from the Gospel of John within the context of the dogmatic meaning of the resurrection from the dead and what it entails for humans. It... more
Transformationen der Christologie. Herausforderungen, Krisen und Umformungen (Wiener Forum für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft, Bd. 17), hg. v. Christian Danz/Michael Hackl, Göttingen 2019.
Authored, edited, and co-edited, with links and abstracts
Abstract: The thorough and meticulous studies regarding the nowness and futureness of the Kingdom of God have sufficiently set forth in the tensional and macroscopic structure of “already, but not yet.” Yet even these studies have not... more
Dans les perspectives de la Théologie Pratique, la Santé, la Maladie, et la Guérison prennent une posture holistique, chacune sur un axe triangulaire : physique, psychologique, et spirituelle. L’on ne saurait limiter la santé, la maladie,... more
Free sample! Sample and the book are also available from Baker Academic ( Or preview/purchase from Amazon ( We are... more
Drawing from Irenaeus, the Gospel of John, and various other sources, this paper presents a theological interpretation of the imago Dei as a dramatic role whose mission is to mediate God's blessing to the world through embodied... more
We have two ways of knowing. Our mind knows forms, things, both subtle and gross. Faces, hands, buildings, trees, math formulas, mind knows subject and the mind knows otherness. The mind knows dualities, the mind knows me and you, us and... more
저자 서문: 저는 신학대학과 신학대학원에서 학부생들과 대학원생들에게 조직신학 과목들을 가르치고 있습니다. 동시에 저는 교회 새가족반과 교리 성장반에서 성도들을 대상으로 기독교의 기본 교리들을 가르치고 있습니다. 그러다보니 제가 가르치는 대상의 색깔도 참으로 다양합니다. 학교에서는 신학을 처음 접하는 20대 초반 대학생에서부터 학자의 길을 준비하시는 나이 지긋한 박사과정 대학원생들까지, 교회에서는 일평생 처음 교회에 나오신... more
The cross of Christ lies at the heart of the Christian faith. It is the focus and climax of the Gospel narratives. The apostle Paul told the Corinthians that he was determined to know nothing among them 'except Jesus Christ and him... more
from a set of governing bishops over a local church to a singular governing bishop over each local church
The whole Gospel is contained in Christ.' So writes John Calvin, commenting on Romans 1:3. 'To move even a step from Christ means to withdraw oneself from the Gospel. Since Christ is the living and express image of the Father, it need not... more
Abstract Adventist pioneers understood their beliefs as a harmonious system of truths. The principle that articulated that system was the truth of the sanctuary. However, as time passes, it has not been continually used for that purpose.... more
Throughout his theological career Paul Tillich was fundamentally concerned with the question of the religious meaning of culture. The answers that he gave -initially in the revolutionary ferment of 1920s-1930s Germany and then again in... more
In the summer of 2013 at the Tibetan Center in Poolesville, Maryland the great Lama YangThang Rinpoche gave instruction on the practice of the great compassion, or as he described the practice, as being the practice of Absolute... more
This chapter re-evaluates the sources and directions of twentieth-century eschatological thought, that is, of reflections on the Christian hope for 'the last things'. The chapter opens with a sketch of the sources of 20 th-century... more
This article aims to provide an intelligible explication of the doctrine of Transubstantiation. A new model of this doctrine is formulated within the formal, Neo-Aristotelian metaphysical and ontological framework of E.J. Lowe, termed... more