Recent papers in Manufacture
For high-temperature usage (200 C and above) such as in certain supersonic aircraft structures, the adhesives used are either bismaleimides or polyimides, generally supplied as films, with or without a carrier. Other adhesives, such as... more
The development of parenteral emulsions continues to play an important role in the formulation and delivery of many drugs. In addition to solubilization and stabilization applications, appropriately designed parenteral emulsions are... more
In this article, I will focus on the Moravians’ economic practices in three different locations; namely, in relation to their early mission to Greenland in 1733, to their beginnings in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (1741), and in the foundation... more
Zirconia is widely used for load-bearing functional structures in medicine and dentistry. The quality of engineered zirconia surfaces determines not only the fracture and fatigue behaviour but also the low temperature degradation (ageing... more
The increasing component packing density and consequent reduction in feature size in printed circuit assemblies (PCA's) continues to place manufacturers under extreme pressures. The most significant demand is for improved first-off... more
The power consumed in metal cutting is largely converted into heat. Several attempts have been made to predict the temperatures involved in the process as a function of many parameters, as well as many experimental methods to measure... more
Kampus 1: Jln. Kapasa Raya, No. 23, Kima, Makassar-Sulawesi Selatan 90123 Telp. +62 411 472 001 2, Faks. +62 411 472 001 3, Website: TEKNIK CNC TEORI CNC 1 / 34 KATA PENGANTAR... more
Background: Waste is defined as unwanted remains, residues discarded, and material or by products which are no longer required by the initial user. These materials are by-products of human activities such as process of preparation,... more
Although small heings such as the qupirruit (insects and worms) appear in many different contexts in Inuit culture, they have not received much attention from scholars. In this paper we examine the symbolism associated with these small... more
A group of Islamic objects, found in a pottery workshop in Saragossa (Spain), was studied in order to characterize the cuerda seca decoration in these glazed ceramics. Glaze technology in Islamic pottery was developed during the 11th... more
Consideramos que está pendiente un análisis de la evolución del sector de maquinaria agrícola en Argentina en el contexto del mercado mundial. Reconstruimos la historia de la rama en la Argentina y en los Estados Unidos, donde se... more
Why did Palaeolithic people wear shells, and why was the practice so widespread in the world? The authors' own researches in Western Australia show that specific marine shells were targeted, subject to special processes of manufacture... more
Recent papers reporting CMOS RF building blocks have aroused great expectations for RF receivers using deep-submicron technologies. This paper examines the trend in CMOS scaling, in order to establish the required current levels and... more
The origins of raw glass used to fashion Mycenaean beads were explored using trace elements analyzed by laser ablation ICP-TOFMS. The use of this minimally destructive technique for the in-situ analysis of these beads was ideal given that... more
The paper addresses the gap between two conventional Marxist readings of the relation between capitalism and the enslavement of Africans. The first reading sees slavery as part of the process of primitive accumulation of capital, the... more
The flow of multiple concurrent jobs in an automated manufacturing system (AMS), all competing for a finite set of resources, often leads to a deadlock situation. In this paper, we develop Petri net and Markov chain models for... more
Les ivoires d'Arslan Tash (Syrie) d'après une étude de la collection du Musée du Louvre : mise en oeuvre du matériau, traces de polychromie et de dorure, état de conservation
This paper explicitly examines the relationship that exists between total quality management (TQM) and environmentally responsible manufacturing (ERM) systems. It has been presumed in numerous past studies that such a relationship does... more
Multiple approaches to the study of bifacial technologies /
Tipe manufaktur dapat di klasifikasikan menjadi diskrit, repetitive atau proses. Meskipun kombinasi dari tipe ini sering berdampingan di banyak perusahaan, masing-masing tipe mempunyai karateristik operasi dan masalah sendiri. Karena... more
No seguinte artigo estudaremos as transformações nas relações de produção, em relação com o ciclo de acumulação capitalista. O objeto de pesquisa está delimitado no estudo sobre a utilização de modelos explicativos para compreender os... more
The origins of knitting are lost in the mists of time. Probably developed to create elastic fabrics, knitting enjoyed good fortune throughout Europe since its first appearance. In the late Middle Ages, from north to south, from east to... more
Once again about the transition from feudalism to capitalism. Some notes Until the decade of 1980, the explanations of the so-called transition from feudalism to capitalism process were dominated by the Marxist historiography. Since... more
Mechanical strength properties and dimensional stability of composite wood prod ucts are determined to some extent by the environment within the mat during press ing. The objectives of this study were to define time-related temperature... more
As long ago as the sixteenth century, Paracelsus recognized that 'the dose makes the poison'. Indeed, environmental concentrations of pharmaceuticals excreted by humans are limited, most importantly because a defined dose is given... more
This paper analyses efficiency and productivity changes in 12 broad segments of food manufacturing industries during pre and post liberalisation periods, covering a period of two decades, from 1980-1981 to 2001-2002. The nonparametric... more
donde se concentraron los capitales rectores de la actividad durante el siglo XX. El estudio de este sector desde esta perspectiva nos permitirá analizar la escala y productividad media, la competencia que debió enfrentar la producción... more
When detailed product information is not available to consumers inferences are made using product cues to reduce uncertainty and to form perceptions of products. Advertisers can make use of sport sponsorship and sport celebrity... more
Furnaces are equipment used to process metal or non-metallic minerals in the process of reduction or fusion. One of the mineral processing stoves is a single phase electric arc furnace. In this study Si Al-20% alloy will be made using an... more
Court article présentant, de manière succincte, une partie de la production d'une faïencerie inconnue jusqu'à lors, et que les objets placent comme la première manufacture de Franche-Comté.
It is generally recognized that some measure of state support for innovation is necessary in order to preserve a position of international competitiveness. During the 1980's, governments of most advanced industrial economies introduced a... more
cómo los registros del Justicia ofrecen abundante información sobre la organización manufacturera: aquí aparecen las compraventas de lanas, tintes y paños; también los encargos de trabajos textiles (tejido, tundido, tintado) que unos... more