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Sintetica biografia della vita e dell'attività politica di M. Bruto. Capitolo I, tratto da "La fortuna letteraria di Bruto cesaricida fino all'età augustea".
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      CiceroJulius CaesarMarcus AntoniusMarcus Iunius Brutus
In the context of the propaganda war waged by the triumviri Octavian and Mark Antony to attract Roman public opinion to their cause, Octavian publicly read Mark Antony's will in the Senate and Assembly in Rome. Octavian's revelations... more
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      Roman LawAuthorship AttributionAncient History, Late Roman Republican PoliticsMarcus Antonius
The inseparable relationship between the cult of Dionysus and politics in antiquity emerged as early as in archaic poleis and continued to evolve until late-antique times. Surprisingly enough, most monographs dealing with Greek and Roman... more
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      Religion and PoliticsRoman ReligionFriedrich NietzscheAncient Greek Religion
Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary History
course outline (in Romanian) on the history of the Roman Republic.
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsRoman HistoryRoman Republic
Das Dokument ist ein echtes Pdf, in dem man nach bestimmten Worten suchen kann.
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      Alexander the GreatPtolemaic Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian ArchitecturePtolemy
Cleopatra. L'autorità e l'audacia della donna egiziana si trovano nell'ultima e più famosa delle eroiche regine d'Egitto. E più precisamente quello spirito di iniziativa e quella sfrontatezza che la donna egiziana aveva acquistato alla... more
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      Roman HistoryCleopatraStoria RomanaJulius Caesar
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      Civil Wars (Roman Republic)Ancient Roman NumismaticsLate Roman RepublicJulius Caesar
Избранные статьи к 50-летию Д. Е. Новокшонова
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      ClassicsMedia StudiesBuddhist StudiesRoman Religion
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      Marcus AntoniusDemetrios Poliorketes
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      Latin LiteratureCiceroLate Roman RepublicAncient Roman Rhetoric
A book about Greeks and Italians at Ephesus. Read the abstract on PDF. From 18th August 2016 on.
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      Greek HistoryRoman HistoryOnomasticsIdentity (Culture)
"This paper treats all available coins found in the ancient town of Kabyle in Thrace – dating from the Late Hellenistic period to the time of Trajan. They originated from the site itself – both as stray finds before the start of regular... more
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      Roman coinsThracian ArchaeologyRoman Republican NumismaticsHistory of ancient Thrace
Souvent qualifiée de « célèbre » ou de « fameuse », cette unité est sans doute la moins bien connue des légions césariennes. Au détour d'une phrase de sa biographie de César, Suétone nous apprend qu'il a formé à ses frais une légion... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman military historyCaesar (Classics)Roman Army
Bu bitirme tezinde Roma Cumhuriyeti’nin son yarım asırlık dönemine damga vuran olan devlet adamı Marcus Antonius’un hayatı anlatıldı. Cumhuriyetten imparatorluğa geçiş sürecinde oldukça önemli bir konumda bulunan Marcus Antonius, İ.Ö. 44... more
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      Ancient HistoryBiographyRepublican RomeAncient Rome
3 documents prove the existence of a cult of Rome and Caesar from 40/39 oe 39/8 B.C. in Ephesus. The new cult was probably held in the Artemision sanctuary. Marcus Antonius, flamen of divus Iulius was perhaps responsible for the creation... more
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      Roman HistoryHellenistic HistoryHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorAugustus
Six figures in Plutarch’s Lives strayed from the customs of their native lands: Alcibiades, Alexander, Antony, Coriolanus, Sertorius and Themistocles. What do these six Lives reveal about Greek attitudes toward assimilation and... more
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      PlutarchAlexander the GreatAncient Greek HistoriographyCross-dressing
This paper traces the appearance, distribution and circulation of the silver ‘cistophori’ in Late Hellenistic and Early Roman Thrace. Altogether it was possible to assemble evidence of only 9 stray coins after meticulous research in the... more
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      Monetary historyAncient Greek NumismaticsRoman Republican NumismaticsRoman Provincial Coinage
En el año 43 a.C., dos sicarios detuvieron una litera cerca del puerto de Gaeta. Dentro iba un anciano de 64 años, el mayor orador de Roma y el último defensor de la antigua República. Su enemigo Marco Antonio había ordenado asesinarlo.
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      Ancient HistoryLatin LiteratureRoman HistoryRoman Republic
Il conflitto delle propagande in età augustea e la nascita della controversa fortuna di Marco Bruto. Capitolo IV, tratto da "La fortuna letteraria di Bruto cesaricida fino all'età augustea".
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      SenecaCiceroPlutarchMarcus Aurelius
This article provides a viewpoint on historical, epigraphic and literary proofs that testify of a complex form of damnatio memoriae against Mark Antony, Octavian’s enemy, the Augustus to be. The very notion of damnatio memoriae, which... more
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      Damnatio MemoriaeVirgilMarcus AntoniusMemory and Oblivion
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      ChristianityGeologyRoman HistoryVolcanology
"After the battle off the Actium promontory on the South Epirote coast on 2 September 31 BC, the course of history in the Mediterranean was dramatically changed. For the conflict between the armies of Mark Antony and Octavian, there was... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryMonetary theoryRoman numismatics and archaeology
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      Ancient PortraitureGreek and Roman PortraiturePortrait, Römische RepublikMarcus Antonius
El conflicto entre Occidente y Oriente - tan de moda en la actualidad - no es nuevo, sino que hunde sus raíces en la Antigüedad. A la muerte de Alejandro Magno (323 a.C.) esa lucha se enquistó entre sus herederos y los partos, que... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
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      DionysusCult of Demeter and KoreCeresBacchus
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      Sextus PompeiusTreaty of MissenumMarcus AntoniusOctavianus Augustus
Examination of the evolution of Ruler Cults, from Iulius Caesar to the Roman Emperors, with imperial cult in Ephesus during the High Empire
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      AugustusRoman imperial cultGladiatorsEphesus
Aquest és un article sobre el segon dels personatges que l’historiador romà Suetoni biografia a Vides dels Dotze Cèsars; Cèsar August. I més concretament sobre els disset anys compresos entre la mort de Juli Cèsar –al 44 aC– i el seu... more
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      Roman RepublicLate Roman RepublicMarcus AntoniusOctavianus Augustus
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      Roman HistoryRoman ArmyCivil Wars (Roman Republic)Augustus
Towards the end of the Republic, some powerful promagistrates found themselves at the height of their political and military power and yet also formally excluded from the sphere of domestic politics in Rome. As a result, they were... more
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      LeadershipPolitical CultureRoman RepublicLucan
Il presente contributo si ripropone non solo di istituire un raffronto tra la vicenda narrata da Livio nel trentanovesimo libro dell’Ab Urbe Condita e la politica di delegittimazione di Augusto verso Antonio, ma vorrebbe altresì... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyHellenistic MonarchyAugustus
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      Roman military archaeologyRoman ArmySlingRoman military equipment
Marco Antonio, dopo la morte di Cesare, costruisce la sua fortuna politica attraverso l'uso spregiudicato di falsi nei documenti pubblici; Ottaviano, abile propagandista, gli risponde con la stessa strategia, leggendo in senato il suo... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman Law
Much has been written about this coin issue, the main points of debate being it's precise dating and the locality of minting. Dates between 44 and 38 BC and mints between Gallia and Cilicia have been proposed. The paper reexamines the... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryNumismatics
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      CiceroMarcus AntoniusPhilippic OratoryMarco Antonio
In the thirteenth Philippic, Cicero, in an merciless indictement, paints the senators and magistrates together with Antoine, and he takes, into a coherent whole, features scattered in previous speeches. The themes are not new: painting... more
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      History of Political PartiesCiceroClassics: Ancient History and ArchaeologyMarcus Antonius
To donate portrait statues in honour of Roman aristocrats was an important part of political life in the city of Rome during the last decades before the end of the 1st century BC. Statues were bestowed upon aristocratic individuals to... more
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      IconographyRoman SculptureMarcus AntoniusRoman Portraiture
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      Political HistoryRoman RepublicAugustusMarcus Antonius
This thesis examines what Mark Antony’s(Marcus Antonius) power consisted of and breaks down how his power was distributed in select areas ranging from Julius Caesar’s assassination in March 44 BC to the emergence of the Triumvirate in... more
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      CiceroPlutarchLate Roman RepublicJulius Caesar
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      CiceroLate Roman RepublicMarcus AntoniusMark Antony
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      Ancient HistoryLatin LiteratureRoman HistoryRoman Republic
This contribution originates from some intaglios and glass gems, kept in the Museo Archeologico al Teatro Romano of Verona, belonging to the so called “propaganda” gems. This class of objects, created as seals and political distinction... more
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      History Of PropagandaGlypticsLate Roman RepublicActium
Rome, which had not dealt sufficiently with Asia Minor due to her internal problems and external threats at the end of the 2nd century, has turned her face again to the East considering the piracy as most urgent problem to be intervened,... more
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      Roman HistoryHellenistic HistoryRoman RepublicCilicia
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      NumismaticsAugustusRoman Republican NumismaticsCoin Hoards
Titel of a speech from June 13th, 2014, about feminine priests of Artemis in Ephesus between Augustus and the third century : it will become a paper in S. Lalanne (éd.), Femmes grecques de l'Orient romain (Suppléments aux Dialogues... more
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      AugustusArtemisPriesthoodMarcus Antonius
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      Cassius DioCivil Wars (Roman Republic)AugustusLate Roman Republic
[EN] At 42 BC, Octavius and Marcus Antonius's troops defeated Brutus and Cassius. Octavius returned to Rome, Marcus Antony was headed east. In the winter connecting 42 BC to 41, Marcus Antonius passed through Ephesos to Anatolia.... more
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      Ancient numismatics (Archaeology)Hellenistic and Roman Asia MinorRoman Provincial CoinagePhrygia
Among numerous speeches attributed to leading figures of Roman history by Cassius Dio, there is the harangue addressed by Octavian to the army in 31 BC before the battle of Actium. Beyond the hypothesis that there existed portions of an... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryAncient HistoriographyPlutarch
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      Damnatio MemoriaeVirgilMarcus AntoniusMemory and Oblivion