Maritime Security
Recent papers in Maritime Security
The military instrument alone cannot deal with complex crises involving diverse communities. Existing strategies, organizations, and force structures are in many cases poorly suited to future contingencies. Accordingly, national and... more
This book aims to address ‘boat migration’ with a holistic approach. The different chapters consider the multiple facets of the phenomenon and the complex challenges they pose, bringing together knowledge from several disciplines and... more
This paper will discuss the political and legal aspects of the maritime disputes in the Eastern Mediterranean and the factors relevant to their conciliation. The first part of the paper introduces the Mediterranean Sea and the relevance... more
L'Istituto ha lo scopo di: a) Studiare e dibattere, collaborando anche con altri Enti ed Istituti Internazionali, la soluzione dei problemi che interessano la legislazione di tutti i popoli, in un piano mondiale, attraverso... more
Maritime disputes in Southeast Asia should be viewed less as a single big basket of problems, and more as smaller individual problems with their own corresponding solutions. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach. And three... more
Programme attached. My presentation was titled 'The Indian Ocean, UNCLOS and Competing Continental Shelf Claims'. Abstract The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf was established to facilitate the implementation of the... more
The evolving international order and changing security dynamics have pushed both regional and extra-regional powers into more of a complex security framework. The security dilemma of the existing international world order can be stated in... more
Maritime security is a fundamental vector in the security of the European Union (EU). Such importance resulted in the adoption of several strategies that contribute to the protection and attainment of maritime interests such as freedom... more
Having explored in the first two parts of this series the abstract concepts of national and maritime strategy, identifying the dangers and challenges with the formulation and application of each, and the problematic chain of historical... more
In interstate and international interaction, norm breaking is a frequent occurrence and cause of conflict. This article discusses how to deal with such behavior when it occurs in maritime space. The particularities of distinct maritime... more
איראן רוצה להחזיר את גדולתה של האימפריה הפרסית ולשחזר את עוצמתה הימית שאפיינה אותה בעבר הרחוק. כוחה הימי אמור גם להרתיע את ארה"ב ומדינות סוניות מפני התקפה נגדה וניסיונות לסכל את תכנית הגרעין הצבאית והטילים הבליסטיים שלה.
Άρθρο μου στο περιοδικό "Ναυτική Επιθεώρηση", Τεύχος 604 (Ιούνιος-Ιούλιος-Αύγουστος 2018)
Планируемое уменьшение ледового покрова в Арктике ведет к изменению геополитического статуса этого морского региона: он становится более открытым для осуществления различных видов морехозяйственной деятельности. Приход в Арктику всех... more
This paper investigates the contribution that securitization and praxiography can make to the study of maritime security. It investigates the concept of maritime security, its history and reference objects and provides a discussion of... more
Neorealists typically suggest that when it comes to matters of international politics, non-state actors (NSAs) count only in so far as they act as agents of nation-states, and that if they are not such agents, then their role is merely... more
In 2001, in response to an Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) agreement with China regarding conduct in the South China Sea, Odgaard (2001) optimistically described the cooperation as the beginning of a "new order". Odgaard... more
This paper points out the Brazilian emerging maritime approach is a remarkable change in its post-Cold War era’s defence policy. The constrains of United States regional hegemony in the American continent resulted in a reactive defence... more
The South China Sea have been discussing seriously. Historically, the conflict had started from the contested area between France and Japan, until the outcome Second World War-power vacuum. None of the international documents provides... more
The question of when and how international orders change remains a pertinent issue of International Relations theory. This article develops the model of pragmatic ordering to conceptualise change. The model of pragmatic ordering... more
There are essential security considerations in the systems used by semiconductor companies like TI. Along with other semiconductor companies, TI has recognized that IT security is highly crucial during web application developers' system... more
To achieve these objectives, this chapter examines Canada’s changing interests in an evolving region from three levels: trade and economy, security and as a middle power. This chapter is divided into several parts. The first part briefly... more
The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is considered as the universal legal regulator towards maritime spaces and resources. However, many states are directly and indirectly violating its basic Articles and... more
Natuna or better known as the Natuna Islands is one of the border areas in Indonesia that has complex problems. As a cluster of islands bordering Indonesia with Malaysia and Vietnam, the Natuna Islands are also located in the South China... more
the Atlantic, as seen from the South and the top, in On a Marché sur la Lune, Hergé, with the young reporter Tintin, the great Professeur Tryphon Tournesol, and poor treacherous Wolf ouverture, the grand Mare Nostrum, then a Mare Clausum:... more
This paper is a chapter of the collective monograph "Ukrainian Dignity Revolution, Russian Agression and Intertational Law" (Kiyv, 2014). The chapter is devoted to the problem of legal status of the property that was withdrawed illegaly... more
The Joint Statements and declarations on the establishment, promotion, and strengthening of strategic partnership by the leaders of Japan and the Philippines since 2011 indicate an ardent desire toward making security and defense... more
By the latter half of 1942, the High Command of the German U-Boats (BdU) realised that the “sinking results’’ of the North Atlantic had decreased immensely. The successes of the Allied anti-submarine operations in the North Atlantic... more
Developments in the international protection of seafarers: The ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
Αθήνα: Ακαδημία Αθηνών, 2015
Αθήνα: Ακαδημία Αθηνών, 2015
In this chapter I propose a time and place of birth for maritime security. Utilising Deleuze and Guattari's assemblage theory, I locate the original context from which maritime security arose in a foundational violent event that bore... more
Aula aberta/palestra na disciplina de «Economia e Poder em África»
(Docente: Professora Doutora Ana Lúcia Sá – ISCTE-IUL/FLUL), em 29 de Novembro de 2019
(Docente: Professora Doutora Ana Lúcia Sá – ISCTE-IUL/FLUL), em 29 de Novembro de 2019
The author analyzes the legal problem of stowaway at sea from the perspective of the maritime industry in the context of the current migration crisis. It is argued that the regulations of the Convention on Facilitation of International... more
Today's complex and evolving maritime threats place a great premium on the knowledge and the understanding of all parameters that can pose a threat to the security in the maritime domain. In fact, it is well acknowledged that the key... more
Maritime security and ocean governance remain a major challenge to both developed and developing states. Even in advanced societies like the United States, securing maritime borders is still very challenging as it is almost impossible to... more
This chapter provides firstly a discussion of how maritime security has been conceptualized by situating it in the broader discussions on the role of navies, transnational organized crime, state failure and the sustainable development... more