Mass Housing
Recent papers in Mass Housing
Housing is the most important tool of social security and it should be ensured by durable and strong construction practices along with affordability. In Indian reference the housing problem has been compounded by the fact that 59% area of... more
The continuous emphasis on the prevalence of communication ineffectiveness in mass housing delivery inherent from the unique particularities of mass housing projects remains a critical challenge towards the needed improvement in project... more
Through the lens of participatory mass housing the paper explores the conference theme of simplicity and complexity. A suitable home is a deep rooted desire in the heart of people, and everyone has their own vision of what is a suitable... more
The paper introduces a participatory method for re-generation of the common spaces in residential neighbourhoods, especially in case of post-war mass housing. The method combines regenerative design and co-commitment that are recognized... more
A city built in Brazilian midlands by a communist architect in a non-Marxist economy that aspired for social equality had disturbed minds in academia of architecture, sociology, urban planning and other areas for many years. Fascination... more
Abstract Industrial Revolution brought many changes to architecture and planning among many other fields. The works of Le Corbusier and C.I.A.M were towards building a modern architecture that meets the needs of the new world order. As... more
In 2009, Brazil launched the mass housing program “Minha Casa, Minha Vida” (“My House, My Life”), which aims to build 3.4 million housing units by the end of 2014. By reexamining the program at a critical time, Minha Casa—Nossa Cidade... more
In Turkey, the Housing Development Administration (HDA/Toplu Konut İdaresi-TOKİ) became a major public actor in the housing market in the 2000s by undertaking nearly ten per cent of the annual national housing production. Going forward,... more
The central zone of New Belgrade has been under tentative protection by the law of the Republic of Serbia; it is slowly gaining the long-awaited canonical status of cultural property. However, this good news has often been overshadowed by... more
Looking at to what extent the 'khrushchyovka' builds of the mid-century Soviet Union contributed to the de-Stalinisation of the Thaw.
Initially planned as the political, administrative and symbolic centre of socialist Yugoslavia, New Belgrade grew through the construction of large housing blocks for six to ten thousand tenants. A significant investor in housing was the... more
Altınok, E. (2016) Neoliberalleşme Sürecinde TOKİ ve Toplu Konut Biçiminde Kentleşmenin Ekonomi Politiği, Arredamento Mimarlık, Dosya: 1989’dan Bu Yana Ne Değişti?, Nisan 2016/300, s. 54-112. 1984 yılında kurulmuş olmasına karşın,... more
Why are some parts of the built environment protected as national heritage and others not? Listing is the most restrictive tool of Norwegian and Danish preservation in the built environment and creates a specific version of the past told... more
Concurrent Engineering (CE) is nothing new in manufacturing industry and it has been proven to expedite the delivery of product, minimize cost and reduce life cycle cost in supply chain. Nevertheless, only recently there are attempts to... more
Traditionally, dwellings have been adapted to climate in the search of shelter with comfortable spaces. The evolution of the modern movement of architecture placed emphasis on the form-function concept at the expense of comfort issues... more
Projects are unique and share distinguishing characteristics from one project to the other. Mass Housing projects (MHPs) are said to differ significantly from 'one-off' traditional projects and thus require unique managerial skills and... more
This is a paper prepared by me for the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore-CRERI Real Estate Research Initiative. The paper is intended as a overview of the affordable housing sector with special emphasis on India. Affordable Housing... more
Denmark regards affordable housing of quality as a critical duty of the its welfare state for all of its citizens. The Danish interpretation of social housing is called Almen bolig, and it can more appropriately be defined as " non-profit... more
The Czech Republic's socialist-era neighborhoods are largely intact twenty years after the end of Communist Party rule. These buildings will be rehabilitated, but not replaced, because of financial and logistical constraints. In the... more
The central zone of New Belgrade has been under tentative protection by the law of the Republic of Serbia; it is slowly gaining the long-awaited canonical status of cultural property. However, this good news has often been overshadowed by... more
Rikke Stenbro & Svava Riesto Rikke Stenbro is a Danish art historian based in Oslo. As a heritage researcher and urbanist her work is both theory and praxis focused on the way in which architectural interventions address the temporal... more
In 2009, Brazil launched the mass housing program “Minha Casa, Minha Vida” (“My House, My Life”), which aims to build 3.4 million housing units by the end of 2014. By reexamining the program at a critical time, Minha Casa—Nossa Cidade... more
No final dos anos sessenta, Luanda, capital de Angola, tem 224.540 habitantes, resultado de um extraordinário crescimento demográfico que começou duas décadas antes, com novas ondas de imigrantes europeus. Este é o resultado mais visível... more
Housing estates built during the post-World War II decades in many countries have followed diverging trajectories. These include maintenance and repair, demolition, 'doing nothing,' and demolition with mixed-usage replacements. Drawing on... more
An examination of the mass housing schemes/estates in Nigeria will reveal that many housing providers put up restrictions on what modifications house owners can carry out on their personal houses (homes). If this were a rented house one... more
This article gives an overview of some aspects of postmodern reality, directly touching upon the large-scale housing estates, and searches for the evidence to prove such an assumption that the post-Soviet society has changed; thus, the... more
You might expect that Denmark, with its strong welfare state and perceived fondness for all things modern, would be eager to list its examples of post-war publicly-funded housing. In fact, this is far from the case: very little such... more
In Western Europe, many large housing estates have experienced spirals of intertwined physical and social decline. Such estates have wound up at the bottom of the housing hierarchy, which is manifested as high turnovers and vacancies.... more
This article investigates the effects of relocation on children’s satisfaction with mass housing built in the context of squatter housing regeneration. The results are based on a survey and group interviews with 137... more
In every developing city across the world housing is an integral part of its development because housing caters for the people that make this city function. It is safe therefore to conclude that for any mega city development housing... more
In Istanbul, rural and urban migrations and unplanned urbanization have resulted in severe housing problems, especially for the lower and middle-income groups. Within the context of Architectural Design Studio VII for the IKU Department... more
In the past, housing and homeownership have been used as media for social reform. This article looks at the socio-political agenda behind the birth of company towns and the role of architecture and urban design in shaping the social life... more
Bu yazıda salt açıklayıcı/eleştirel bir yapı okuması ve analizi yapmanın ötesinde, yüklenici Türkiye Emlak Kredi Bankası'nın yapının inşa edildiği dönemde Türkiye'de toplu konut üretimindeki pozisyonuna, "toplu konut ve çarşı sitesi"... more
presented at 17th Annual International Conference of the AHRA - Architectural Humanities Research Association
University of Nottingham (UK) – zoom conference
19th-21th November 2020
University of Nottingham (UK) – zoom conference
19th-21th November 2020
RESUMO O presente estudo é parte da pesquisa de doutorado em desenvolvimento pelo autor, cujo tema são os grandes blocos de habitação coletiva vertical construídos na América Latina ao longo do século XX, que envolve suas origens,... more