Prefabricated wood
Recent papers in Prefabricated wood
Climate change and demographical increase in developing countries are inducing us to reconsider the way we build the buildings. Concrete and steel have already reshaped our cities for 2 centuries but problems related to the... more
Proposition d'un système conceptuelle numérique, architecturaleconstructive, appelé « SP3M » pour la production de logements personnalisés en bois et en masse, adapté à un contexte culturel, sócio-economique et climatique précis. Ce... more
Versatile, wood has been used by mankind in furniture, instruments, utensils and construction. About timber buildings, this critical review discusses their valuable and sustainable features that label their multiple options. Numerous... more
El edificio de la Hostería es, en realidad, una casa dentro de
otra casa que puede desmontarse sin dejar apenas huella,
garantizando una casi completa REVERSIBILIDAD de la
otra casa que puede desmontarse sin dejar apenas huella,
garantizando una casi completa REVERSIBILIDAD de la
Timber is an ambiguous material, saturated with implicit values of sustainability, and locality, and at the same time globally ubiquitous. This essay examines the curious moment in Norwegian architectural history when timber, long... more
The only natural material for building boats is wood. There are various designs in the art of wooden boat building. The techniques for building wooden boats depends on the type of boat, the technique and procedure for making day sailors... more
“Wood Processing, Pulp & Paper Industry” is the third handbook of a “trilogy” about heavy industry. This Handbook has been prepared to identify and flag issues a prudent underwriter ought to consider and evaluate relating to the wood... more
Mechanical characteristics were evaluated of wood-bamboo-based particleboard having the proportions of 100% wood and 0% bamboo, 75% wood and 25% bamboo, and 50% wood and 50% bamboo. This particleboard used Eucalyptus urophylla × grandis... more
In Eastern Canada, black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) is used for producing engineered wood products. However, little information is available on the influence of finger-joint configuration on the structural performance of this... more
Existe un conjunto de características que parece remitir a los alcances de lo que significó ser británico en Buenos Aires a mediados-fines del siglo XIX y principios del XX, como la puntualidad o la "palabra de inglés". Este trabajo... more
The primary focus of this study is understanding the behaviour and structural performance of prefabricated composite timber floor cassette systems with Oriented strand board (OSB) stressed-skins. These do not have a dedicated top flange,... more
Carlo Mollino (1906-73) ha sempre mostrato un atteggiamento ambiguo nei confronti delle tecniche e dei processi di industrializzazione e standardizzazione dell'edilizia. Ciononostante, negli anni a cavallo della Seconda Guerra Mondiale,... more
Despite the promising future to industry in Brazil, most production sectors still suffer with the access to newer industrial technologies. Some very specific and limited incentives have been offered by the local Government to stimulate... more
Mechanical characteristics were evaluated of wood-bamboo-based particleboard having the proportions of 100% wood and 0% bamboo, 75% wood and 25% bamboo, and 50% wood and 50% bamboo. This particleboard used Eucalyptus urophylla × grandis... more
Turkey has undergone numerous deva stating earthquakes due to be ing located on the Mediterranean Seismic Belt throughout its history. The date of transition to a settled order in Anatolian peninsula bases on approximately 13.000 years... more
The ability to adapt is certainly one of the best qualities possessed by life forms on earth, an essential component for the survival of species. Talking about adaptation in architecture means conceiving the building no longer as a closed... more
Prefabrik ev nedir ? Prefabrik evler , uzmanlar tarafından tasarlanan montajı kolay,malzemelerinin bir yerden bir yere kolay taşındığı ve aynı zamanda sağlam olan portatif evlerdir. Bileşenlerinin bir yerden bir yere taşınması... more
In this work a multi-story residential building located in Cinisello Balsamo, near Milan, was considered as case study for the application of two new prefabricated building systems for the energy retrofit. The first one, developed within... more
Los británicos de Buenos Aires en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y principios del XX se relacionaron con las élites locales y forjaron lazos de identidad dentro del grupo de coterráneos provenientes de diferentes regiones del Reino Unido.... more
Os produtos manufaturados em madeira são fundamentais para a sociedade moderna, visto que os mesmos são fabricados a partir de matéria-prima renovável e reciclável, caracterizando um insumo sustentável. O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu... more
Technology, environment and sustainability Tecnología, medioambiente y sostenibilidad Tecnologia, meio ambiente e sustentabilidade Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) Recibido: marzo 15 / 2018 Disponibilidad de las técnicas constructivas de... more
ABSTRACT This thesis investigates the aptitudes of prefabricated timber hollow-box boards that are used as slabs by comparing those that are already present in the market. Moreover, I propose and test through a software and in the... more
El edificio de la Hostería es, en realidad, una casa dentro de otra casa que puede desmontarse sin dejar apenas huella, garantizando una casi completa REVERSIBILIDAD de la intervención.
This paper analyzes the representativeness of timber housing in Brazil, identifying the percentage of construction techniques offered by each evaluated company. Percentages that evidence the frequency of use of wooden building techniques... more
The timber production chain in Brazil still suffers with several difficulties related to the waste management. Most sectors within this timber chain never account or classify their waste. It is a chronic problem present in all of... more
ABSTRACT: The work fits in the framework of the increasing interest on the structural use of wood-based materials by Italian companies and research groups; it describes the preliminary steps of a project about the production and testing... more
Technology, environment and sustainability Tecnología, medioambiente y sostenibilidad Tecnologia, meio ambiente e sustentabilidade Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) Recibido: marzo 15 / 2018 Disponibilidad de las técnicas constructivas de... more
"Heritage" is something that needs to be preserved and passed down to future generations, made up of traditions and materiality. Connecting history and culture, a variety of heritage sites emerge. They consist of tangible and intangible... more
The manufactured wood products are essential to modern society, since they are made from renewable and recyclable raw material, characterizing a sustainable input. The objective of this study was to elucidate the importance of wood from... more
Os produtos manufaturados em madeira são fundamentais para a sociedade moderna, visto que os mesmos são fabricados a partir de matéria-prima renovável e reciclável, caracterizando um insumo sustentável. O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu... more
In this work a multi-story residential building located in Cinisello Balsamo, near Milan, was considered as case study for the application of two new prefabricated building systems for the energy retrofit. The first one, developed within... more
La humedad relativa del aire dentro de una habitación es un factor relevante para determinar el confort humano en una edificación. Este estudio evalúa la importancia de la verificación de la humedad relativa interior de construcciones de... more
In Eastern Canada, black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) is used for producing engineered wood products. However, little information is available on the influence of finger-joint configuration on the structural performance of this... more
The present article is aimed at showing the result of applying a model developed for assessing potential products with recognised indication of origin (Indicação d e Procedência-IP, in Portuguese) registrations in Brazil. This model was... more
Corporate representativeness is an important issue for engineering and its industrial sectors, considering that producer associations can defend represent the rights and ambitions of their members. This study aims to investigate timber... more
In the current competitive market, production efficiency and product quality are prioritized by the whole industry. Machinery characterization is an understudied topic, particularly in those sectors focused on basic raw material... more
W 1928 roku powstał w Raciborzu wyjątkowy budynek. Jego wyjątkowość nie wynikała tylko z funkcji - obserwatorium geosejsmiczne - ale także z technologii użytej do budowy - drewniane prefabrykaty. Zostal zaprojektowany przez Konrada... more