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Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu maka globalisasi pun kini hadir di tengah masyarakat kita, globalisasi ini melahirkan berbagai sistem tatanan hidup yang semakin berkembang, teknologi yang semakin canggih, dan gaya hidup masyarakat yang... more
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      RibaMuamalahFikih MuamalahGharar
Anifa / 0192000005 / 2MP1
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The aim of this study is to show how Arab-Muslim societies, from Indonesia to Andalusia, did not wait for the modern era in order to learn how to live with risk. Rather, they developed codes of conduct, modes of thinking and moral values.... more
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      HistoryRiskVulnerabilityMuslim World
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      FinanceIslamic StudiesIslamic BankingCentral Asia
With the fall of Soviet Union in 1991 the whole Central Asian region perceived a considerable rise in Muslim identity, a call back to Islamic legacy. Nowadays, lots of Central Asian Muslims need to be aware of what Islam has termed legal... more
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      FinanceIslamic BankingRibaGharar