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A project management methodology is a set of procedures and techniques that can be modulated and applied to a specific situation. It is methodological process that provides a procedural list of tasks and procedures with aim to attain... more
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      Project ManagementConstruction ManagementConstructionRiba
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      Natural LawAquinasCatholic Social TeachingThomas Aquinas
The argument of inflation is often advocated to compensate for the “loss of value” or the “depreciation in money”, and therefore any consideration to offset this damage may well be justified. This approach may find its way fast in... more
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En los últimos tiempos la edición y el estudio de nuevas obras y documentos han supuesto una importante contribución a la historia de la jurisprudencia musulmana (fiqh) en el Occidente islámico medieval, y un ejemplo de ello es el... more
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      RibaIntellectual History of Al andalusIslamic law and jurisprudenceIslamic Law and Usury
Abstrak Insurans dan takaful merupakan instrumen kewangan yang telah dikenali secara lazim oleh masyarakat dunia khususnya penduduk Malaysia. Namun, masyarakat sering tersalah anggap bahawa takaful dan insurans merupakan sistem kewangan... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic FinanceGamblingFiqh muamalat
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      Islamic LawInterestScience and ReligionQuranic Studies
Kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji perbezaan di antara Perbankan Islam dan Perbankan Konvensional. Sesungguhnya kita sebagai umat Islam, perlulah mengelakkan diri daripada terjebak dengan unsur-unsur gharar ini (ragu-ragu/ketidakpastian)... more
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      Ekonomi IslamRibaPerbankan IslamPerbankan Syariah
Bahan Ajar ini berisi tentnag: Perkembangan dan Urgensi Ekonomi Islam, Rancang Bangun Ekonomi Islam, Perbedaan Sudut Pandang/ Pemikiran/ Madzhab Ekonomi Islam, Prinsip-prinsip Ekonomi, Metodologi ekonomi Islam, Harta Dan Kepemilikan dalam... more
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      Ribapengantar sistem ekonomi IslamDifferences between shariah based sale transactions and riba based transactionsperbandingan madzhab dalam Islam
Dalam Alquran, riba disebut delapan kali dalam empat surah yang berbeda, yakni satu kali dalam ayat 39 surah al-Rûm, satu kali dalam ayat 161 surah al-Nisâ', satu kali dalam ayat 130 surah Âli 'Imrân, tiga kali dalam ayat 275 surah... more
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      Ribatahapan pelarangan ribariba dalam al-qurankonsep riba
Kendati para manusia saat ini mengerti dan memahami akan haramnya riba, tapi mereka hanya menganggap remeh akan riba. Namun mereka senantiasa lebih senang tetap menggunakan sistem-sistem transaksi perekonomian yang mengandung unsur riba.... more
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      RibaMakna RibaReinterpretasi Makna RibaMANIFESTASI HUKUM RIBA DI ERA MODERN
Interest based financing is the bread and butter of the modern economy. It is a common practice in the modern economy to borrow money on interest to buy big ticket items, for example, house or car, or for new ventures. Even big... more
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      UsuryCredit risk management for Profit and Loss Princples with Mudharabah and Musharakah conceptInterest RatesRiba
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    • Riba
membahas tentang sistem ekonomi syariah, tentang riba, jual beli, dan lain - lain.
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      Islamic LawIslamic StudiesIslamRiba
Muslim scholars generally equate riba with interest. They fail to see a vital distinction that needs to be drawn between riba declared forbidden in the Quran and interest that has come to play a necessary and very useful role in modern... more
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      FinanceBankingIslamic BankingIslamic Finance
Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu maka globalisasi pun kini hadir di tengah masyarakat kita, globalisasi ini melahirkan berbagai sistem tatanan hidup yang semakin berkembang, teknologi yang semakin canggih, dan gaya hidup masyarakat yang... more
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      RibaMuamalahFikih MuamalahGharar
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      RibaEconomicHallal Transaction
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      RibaIslam Hukukunda Faiz
Dalam kegiatan ekonomi kaidah yang berlaku adalah "asal dari muamalah adalah boleh sampai ada dalil yang mengharamkannya". Berangkat dari kaidah tersebut maka penulis mencoba menguraikan secara singkat transaksi-transaksi yang dilarang... more
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      RibaAzas Transaksi SyariahHadits Akad Transaksitransaksi yang dilarang dalam islam
Anifa / 0192000005 / 2MP1
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Prinsip dasar mu’a>malah dalam Islam ialah memperbolehkan untuk melakukan segala sesuatu selama tidak ada dalil yang melarangnya. Islam sendiri menghalalkan jual beli dan melarang riba. Riba dianggap lebih banyak menimbulkan masalah... more
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      InterestRibaBunga Bank
KULIAH PENDALAMAN RIBA Kuliah Pendalaman ditujukan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang Riba yang telah menjerat dan menyesengsarakan kehidupan perekonomian umat manusia yang beragama Islam pada khususnya dan beragama lain... more
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      ShariahRibaMANIFESTASI HUKUM RIBA DI ERA MODERNRiba dalam kehidupan
The conventionally defined concept of Spending in God's Way or Zakat has a very narrow focus. It is deemed to be a charity to poor and needy people and for some shariah-defined purposes at a measly rate of 2.5% of wealth. If we, however,... more
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      Islamic LawSpiritualityInterestQur'anic Studies
Bagaimana pun juga, terjadi silang pendapat di kalangan ulama menyangkut illat (kausa legal) riba dengan dua varian pokoknya. Ada yang berpendapat bahwa illat keharaman riba fadhl adalah kelebihan barang atau harga dari benda sejenis yang... more
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      Ekonomi IslamRibaIllat HukumKausa Legal
In recent years, months, and days, Muslim “fundamentalists” or extremists excel in one thing – terrorism and violence. The recent spate of terrorist attacks and sectarian violence and atrocities has probably no parallel in modern history.... more
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      Islamic LawGender StudiesWomen's StudiesSpirituality
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      SymbolismSimboliRibaRano Hriscanstvo
Riba has been major driving force surrounding the conventional financial system of most economies especially the western economies and even economies that practice dual financial system are still not left out. This study seeks to examine... more
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    • Riba
In siyasah shar„iyyah perspective, the rulers have to administer shari„ah principles to get beneficence (salah) and to prevent from any form of harm or corruption (fasad). Thus, any muamalah activities are allowed providing that no... more
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      Islamic EconomicsRiba
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      RibaEkonomi SyariahHukum Ekonomi Syariahkontrak keuangan islam
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      Fiqh Al MuamalahRiba
Dalam perekonomian modern pada saat sekarang ini, lembaga perbankan pada dasarnya telah menjadi perantara antara pihak pemberi dana dan pihak yang membutuhkan dana atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah financial intermediary. Dengan kata... more
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    • Riba
Presenting a background of historical context, “Toward a Sustainable Future” offers an overview in the ascendancy of neoliberal/neoconservative viewpoints constituting the world’s dominant socioeconomic ideology today. An AQAL framework... more
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      Integral TheoryNeoliberalismEnvironmental SustainabilityIntegral economics
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Abstrak Perekonomian yang baik dan benar adalah perekonomian yang mengikuti sesuai syariat yang ada, dan selalu melakukannya dengan jujur. Konsep riba dan gharar sangat jauh dari sistem ekonomi Islam, dimana konsep ekonomi Islam selalu... more
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      Islamic LawInsuranceRibaFaiz
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      International TradeEconomic GrowthInternational MarketingGreat Depression
The Economic Analysis of Ribā al-Fadl and its Maqāṣid : Between Modeling and Interdisciplinarity This article discusses a paper written by Sami Al-Suwailem on the ‘Economics of Ribā al-Fadl’. Proceeding from the idea that Ribā is one of... more
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      InterdisciplinarityMathematical ModellingEconomic analysisMaqasid as-Shariah
Öz İslam dini içerisinde önemli bir yeri olan riba kavramı kapsamında, İslam ile iktisat arasındaki ilişki ekonomik işlem üzerinden değerlendirilmektedir. İlk önce riba kavramının ekonomik işlem içindeki yeri ortaya konulmaktadır. Daha... more
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      Islamic EconomicsRibaRehin Hukuku
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      Ribaİzmirli İsmail HakkıAli DumanHikmet Yurdu
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      EpistemologyInterestAdam SmithIslamic Banking
Abstrak: Dari beberapa aspek pembuktian, dinyatakan bahwa riba dengan segala macam bentuknya termasuk bunga dalam sistem perbankan modern adalah haram. Allah jelas telah membedakan antara jual beli dan riba, yang dianggap oleh para kaum... more
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      Islamic EconomicsRibaEKONOMIC
In this study, the gradual prohibition of interest (riba) in the Holy Qur'an, reasons, the specific language and wording, and outcomes are discussed. Prohibition of interest in Qur'an became gradually true as it happened in some other... more
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      Islamic EconomicsIslamic FinanceRiba
Debt is a wealth obligation upon another person as a result of a contract of exchange, a loan or damages made on the other`s wealth. It is also normally related to wealth that is associated with interest or riba which has its own specific... more
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      Islamic Economics and FinanceReligious StudiesFiqh al-Muamalat (Concept, Application and Issues)Riba
Islam telah melarang adanya riba. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala melaknat hamba-hambanya bagi yang melakukan perbuatan riba. Perlu adanya pemahaman yang luas, agar tidak terjerumus dalam Riba. Karena Riba menyebabkan tidak terwujudnya... more
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    • Riba
The central thrust of this paper is an examination of the development and applications of usury law within the main three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam). It aims to throw useful light on the relationship between... more
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      Islamic Banking And FinanceUsuryRibaRibbit
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Starting in the twelfth century, usury became one of the immoral activities attributed to the Jews in Christian anti-Jewish propaganda. Jews became so commonly associated with usury in the Latin-Christian world that the word “Jew” itself... more
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      RibaDhimmisAl-Andalus societyIslamic Law and Usury
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    • Riba
The review is an unintended shot triggered by remarks of an eminent scholar on Islamic Banking, and therefore a must read for those who are linked to Islamic Banking & Finance industry in a way. An attempt as well to draw the attention... more
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      Islamic EconomicsIslamic FinanceRibaImpact of Riba Base Banking to the Economy