Media Law
Recent papers in Media Law
This book focuses on how media and communications policy is made and what influences its design. It explores the structures and processes in which policymaking takes place worldwide, the factors that determine its forms, influence its... more
This article will discuss the restrictions related to alcohol advertising which exist in the public space. The main aim of the study is to provide a comprehensive description of de lege lata. First of all, the article will elaborate on... more
The U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) criminalizes decryption of "copy protected" digital content, even if the decryption itself serves lawful purposes that do not infringe on copyright. However, temporary exemptions to this... more
After her termination as a Friends writers’ assistant, Amaani Lyle filed suit for harassment and discrimination. In response, writers defended their professional authority over the writing process, facing two related tensions. First, Lyle... more
Much attention has been devoted towards improving the quality of education that a student receives, particularly with respect to those competencies and skills that are widely accepted as essential to a successful career. Regardless of the... more
This is the first comprehensive monograph on Media Law in Cyprus in English
This study of the state of media law in Nigeria contains analyses of the interplay of law, politics, the economy and other social factors on the state of freedom of expression. Juxtaposed are the regime of media law and regulations,... more
The principle of Access to Knowledge (A2K) has become a common reference point for a diverse set of agendas that all hope to realize technological and human potential by making knowledge more accessible. This book is a history of... more
Based on the European Court of Human Right's decision in the von Hannover no 2 case, the paper evaluates the current state of law regarding the media's right to publish photos of public figures engaged in private activities without their... more
Results of the Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act
The article reviews international standards on the specific right of correction or reply in inter- national law in the context of freedom of expression and freedom of the media. It also provides examples from national law and professional... more
LLM (Master's) dissertation submitted at Harvard Law School in May 2014
המאמר מצביע על תופעה שלטונית המכונה במסגרתו "ביוש רגולטורי", עומד על מאפייניה, ומבקש להעריכה מן הבחינה הנורמטיבית. ביוש רגולטורי מתייחס לכל פרסום מכוּון של מידע על ידי רשויות מנהליות המיועד להעביר מסר ערכי שלילי על אודות גופים פרטיים... more
For over a century the US has conducted an experiment in commercialized journalism by treating news as both a commodity and a public service.
Bloggers and online journalists’ experiences of defamation and privacy law suggest that new approaches to legal policy are needed in a digital media environment.
The text covers both the core principles and practices for novice journalists and the fundamental issues facing journalists today – convergence, online, growth of magazine formats, challenges presented by technology, new demands in... more
Balancing the freedom of expression and right to private life in the recent practise of the ECtHR – application and interpretation of the key criteria In my paper I’m going to analyse the recent praxis of the European Court of Human... more
The history of evolution of media law in India can be traced back to reign of the East India Company in the year 1799 when Lord Wellesley promulgated the Press Regulations 1 , which was the beginning of pre-censorship on the newly evolved... more
This article traces the coevolution of musical culture, law, and technology over the arc of modern Western legal and cultural history, from the Renaissance to the present day. This historical analysis is intended to lend context and... more
In the digital age, the spread of the mobile world and the nature of the cyberspace, offers many new opportunities for the prevalence of the fundamental right to free expression, and therefore, for free speech and freedom of the press;... more
Fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% di ciascun volume/fascicolo di periodico dietro pagamento alla SIAE del compenso previsto dall'art. 68, comma 4 della legge 22 aprile 1941, n. 633 ovvero... more
Th e 1940s was a contentious decade for US media policy. Activists, policy- makers, and media industries grappled over defining the normative foundations that governed major communication and regulatory institutions. At this time, a... more
"A médiapolitika határterület. Nyilvánvaló és szoros kapcsolódásokkal rendelkezik a médiaelmélet, a médiaszociológia, a médiajog, a médiagazdaságtan, sôt a médiatörténet irányába. Olyan alkalmazott médiatudományi diszciplínaként írható... more
Arrest of students in Jawaharlal Nehru University and resultant police intervention has kindled a debate on the legal and constitutional dimensions of the right to protest and freedom of expression. It is clear that freedom of speech and... more
In the lead-up of March 4, 2018 Italian elections and resting upon the experience of the last elections in the UK, France, Germany and the U.S., this report proposes an overview of the existing Italian legal framework regulating political... more
La Direzione, d'intesa con l'Editore celebra, con questo "Speciale Venticinquennale", i 25 anni di vita della rivista Notariato, affrontando un tema di grande rilevanza per il presente e soprattutto per il futuro del Notariato, come... more
Πρόκειται για την δίκη της υπόθεσης υπ’ αριθμόν 610/2018 ενώπιον του Συμβουλίου της Επικρατείας. Αντικείμενό της είναι οι περιορισμοί στην άσκηση του δικαιώματος του πληροφορεῖν και του δικαιώματος στην πληροφόρηση στο μέτρο που μπορούν... more
"Jelen könyv egyik legfontosabb hozadéka éppen abban rejlik, hogy képes összefüggésükben, egymáshoz fűződő kapcsolatukban láttatni a média szabályozásának különböző – technológiai és gazdasági, társadalmi-kulturális és jogi – aspektusait.... more
Regulation of the Media In Kenya
The term image rights generally refers to a loose bundle of enforceable rights that a human being has over aspects of his personality. As a preliminary point, kindly note that jurisprudence towards protection of image rights has been... more
Since the enactment of the Human Rights Act 1998, breach of confidence has been rapidly reconfigured to become a key vehicle for the preservation of individual privacy in accordance with Article 8. This development has formed a... more
A legal essay: argument in whether we need a right to be forgotten.
Product placement, the cooperative effort of advertisers and creators of entertainment products in which trademarked goods are embedded into popular entertainment products in order to encourage their consumption, overriding entertainment... more
Governments around the world are strictly regulating information on social media in the interests of addressing fake news. There is, however, a risk that the uncontrolled spread of information could increase the adverse effects of the... more
The compensatory damages remedy afforded in Mosley v News Group Newspapers Limited [2008] was inadequate, but also that no remedy could ever, in principle, be adequate, in misuse of private information/breach of confidence cases where the... more
Secondo seminario annuale del "Gruppo di Pisa" con i dottorandi delle discipline giuspubblicistiche Lo studio delle fonti del diritto e dei diritti fondamentali in alcune ricerche dottorali Università di Roma Tre 20 settembre 2013