Right to privacy
Recent papers in Right to privacy
Veiligheid, media en privacy Vanwege recente wetswijzigingen met betrekking tot waarborgen bij het verzamelen van communicatiegegevens ten behoeve van opsporing en veiligheid is de journalistieke bronbescherming op dit moment juridisch... more
This brief commentary examines (1). Scope of the Personal Data Protection Bill 2022; (2). Right to Privacy in Sri Lanka; (3). Laws regulating personal data; (4). Comments for further review
In this paper I defend the claim that many sentient nonhuman animals have a right to privacy. I begin by outlining the view that the human right to privacy protects our interest in shaping different relationships with one another by... more
Internet Privacy and Myths Third Edition 2016
Based on the European Court of Human Right's decision in the von Hannover no 2 case, the paper evaluates the current state of law regarding the media's right to publish photos of public figures engaged in private activities without their... more
How has ECHR's Article 8 been interpreted? What kind of relation between the individual and the community is derived from Article 8's right to privacy?
Balancing the freedom of expression and right to private life in the recent practise of the ECtHR – application and interpretation of the key criteria In my paper I’m going to analyse the recent praxis of the European Court of Human... more
DNA profiling technology has brought about a paradigm shift in crime scene analysis. It has enabled criminal justice to exculpate the innocent and penalize the guilty successfully. However, to ensure the systematic use of DNA profiling... more
Recently, new digital instruments were introduced to Polish tax law based on digital technologies (such as Standard Audit File for Tax, STIR system). Those intruments, what is natural, interfere with the Constitutional right of privacy.... more
The famous saying that " Your freedom ends where my nose begins " which means that our right will be terminated where others rights are violated. Thus, everyone has lot of rights such as right to speech, right to expression, right to... more
Abstract: It has been recommended that parents monitor their children's Internet use, including what sites they visit, what messages they receive, and what they post. In this paper, I argue that parents ought not follow this advice,... more
The article published in 1890 by Warren and Brandeis in the Harvard Law Review entitled «The Right to Privacy», is considered the foundational essay of the protection of privacy in the United States and the most influential law review... more
Privacy is currently at the centre of a fierce battle. On one side, powerful data companies like Google, Facebook, and major data brokers are collecting and analysing as much personal data as they can. They are lobbying governments around... more
فرض کنید فرزند یکی از مقامات دولتی در شبکه اجتماعی خود تصویری را برای گروهی منتخب از افراد موجود در فهرست دوستان یا کانتکت فهرستش به اشتراک میگذارد. آیا بازپخش این تصویر در سایتهای خبری میتواند بهعنوان نقض حریم خصوصی در نظر گرفته شود... more
The Gender Caste System: Identity, Privacy, and Heteronormativity Julian Todd Weiss* "¡defend my right to be complex. Leslie Feiriberg* I. Transsexuality and the Caste System 123 A. The Existence of the Caste System 123 B. Caste... more
Acquisizione di tabulati, tutela della privacy e rispetto del principio di proporzionalità La riforma della disciplina acquisitiva dei tabulati, imposta dalla giurisprudenza europea, presenta ancora notevoli zone d'ombra, soprattutto per... more
The aim of the presentation is to examine the praxis of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) when it is weighing up the relative claims of the freedom of expression and the right to private life. The evaluation is made by... more
Disclosure of even true private facts has the tendency to disturb a person's tranquility. It may generate many complexes in him and may even lead to psychological problems. He may, thereafter, have a disturbed life all through. In the... more
People vs. Cecilia “Cheche” Lazaro , Criminal Case No. M – PSY – 09-09532 – CR, for violation of RA No. 4200 (The Anti-Wiretapping Act), the news of the court’s ruling was published by newspapers and tabloids on August 18, 2010. The news... more
Энэ илтгэлийн хүрээнд хүний халдашгүй, чөлөөтэй байх эрхийг хязгаарлах эсэх талаарх зөвшөөрлийг прокурор бус шүүгч өгдөг болох, прокурор хянан шалгах ажиллагаагаараа халдашгүй, чөлөөтэй байх эрхийг хязгаарлахад шүүгчийн зөвшөөрөл авдаг... more
In Campbell v MGN Ltd, the House of Lords endorsed an expansive interpretation of the breach of confidence action to protect privacy interests. The scope and content of this transformed cause of action have already been subject to... more
Talaq-e-biddat has been a source of severe oppression and injustice for Muslim women. The practice results in the unilateral breakdown of a marriage at the whim of the husband. The judicial trend has evolved against the practice since the... more
When teachers pursue an artistic career parallel to teaching, a potential for conflict arises between the subjects they explore creatively and public expectations regarding the teacher’s role as a model of morality. This paper offers a... more
As part of the government response to the Leveson Report, the Crime and Courts Act 2013 (UK) introduces new provisions on the availability of exemplary damages for media torts. This Act creates a statutory bar to the awarding of exemplary... more
Belirli veya kimliği belirlenebilir gerçek kişiye ilişkin tüm veriler olarak tanımlanabilecek kişisel verilerin korunması, insan haklarından olan özel hayat ve aile hayatına saygı hakkı bakımından önem arz eder. Kişisel verilerin... more
Ao analisar os comportamentos dos utilizadores através das mídias sociais, Hermida (2014) conclui que nestes ambientes observa-se claramente a natural predisposição humana para partilhar. Neste sentido, Rheingold (2012) discrimina cinco... more
Some of the rights enshrined in the ECHR are absolute (the prohibition of torture (Article 3), the prohibition of slavery and forced labor (Article 4)). It means that they can under no circumstances be restricted or... more
Resumo: A inteligência artificial surgiu concomitantemente com a eletrônica e a ciência da computação na década de 1950. Tem sido aplicada cada vez mais em diversas áreas e potencializou-se com a maior capacidade de armazenamento e... more
[Adjudged as 3rd Best Legal Essay in TLA 1st Pinky Anand National Legal Essay Competition, 2016, https://www.lawctopus.com/tla-1st-pinky-anand-national-legal-essay-competition-2016/] To combat excessive corruption in the administration of... more
This article explores how Internet surveillance in the name of counter-terrorism challenges privacy. In the Part II, the article analyses the international dimension of counter-terrorism measures and the conceptualisation of data... more
Abstract The right to privacy is at the heart of many contemporary public controversies. However, despite the vast philosophical and legal literature on the subject, we do not have a proper account of the meaning and value of privacy.... more
In the international law, despite the existence of several environmental treaties, none of them give the possibility for individual complains arguing a violation of the right to environment. Paradoxically, some regional human rights... more
In Campbell v ] UKHL 22, [2004 2 AC 457 the House of Lords approved of protecting privacy interests through incrementally developing the existing action for breach of confidence. Lord Hoffmann suggested that this modified cause of action,... more
To provide a valid consent to – or refusal of – medical intervention, a patient must be legally capable to decide. This dissertation evaluates and compares when the assessment of mental abilities to refuse – or consent to – somatic... more
Opracowanie dotyczące historycznego rozwoju prawnej ochrony prywatności w USA, Francji, Anglii, Niemczech i Polsce od XIX wieku do początku XXI wieku (nie obejmuje RODO).
The “right to forget” refers to the already intensively reflected situation that a historical event should no longer be revitalized due to the length of time elapsed since its occurrence; the “right to be forgotten” reflects the claim of... more
Australian appellate courts continue to show little inclination to recognise a common law right to privacy. An invasion of privacy remains actionable only where a defendant can establish some other cause of action that applies... more