Medieval Archaelogy
Recent papers in Medieval Archaelogy
Revista cuyo objeto es la difusión científica de la actividad arqueológica de la ciudad de Algeciras y de su entorno regional.
Appel à communications VIIe Congrès d'archéologie médiévale (Espagne-Portugal). Mars 2023.
Call for papers VII Medieval Archaeology Congress (Spain-Portugal). March, 2023
Call for papers VII Medieval Archaeology Congress (Spain-Portugal). March, 2023
Se dan a conocer varias piezas islámicas (ss. IX-XI) encontradas en diversas excavaciones arqueológicas desarrolladas en Madrid, de distinto material (esteatita o talco, bronce, cerámica y hueso) y uso (piezas de ajedrez, instrumentos... more
The research reported in this volume is a significant addition to the archaeology, history and economic geography of the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean from the late 11th to the mid-14th centuries. The focus is on the Byzantine Empire and... more
Il testo presenta i risultati delle ricerche condotte tra il 2007 e il 2014 nell'area del teatro di Amiternum a cura della Soprintendenza Archeologica dell'Abruzzo.
– The presence, in the past, of Slavic communities in the Friulian plain (Northeastern Italy), far from the present-day slavic-Romance linguistic border, is testified by archeology as by toponymy. Some place names in the Friulian plain... more
Archaeological research on Lombard cemeteries in southern Italy has brought to light some substantial differences with respect to the burial grounds excavated in the central-northern area of the peninsula, first of all the scarcity of... more
Identity is formed and reproduced through our relationships with human and non-human others. This paper applies this perspective to conduct an archaeological investigation of how identities emerged in urban environments during the... more
Ce volume réunit 130 contributions inédites d'historiens et historiens de l'art autour des thèmes les plus actuels de la réflexion historique et artistique sur le Moyen Âge. La référence à l'Antiquité, l'importance des échanges... more
Jordi Bolòs, "La necròpolis medieval d'Albesa (Viver i Serrateix, Berguedà)", Cardener. Revista d'investigació editada per l'Institut d'Estudis Locals de Cardona i el Centre d'Estudis del Solsonès, 4, 1987, p. 11-24.
Another brick in the wall. Edilizia residenziale e uso dei laterizi nell'area di Palazzo Franchetti e in Chinzica (XII-XV secolo) Le prime indagini archeologiche nel giardino di Palazzo Franchetti-oggi sede del "Consorzio 4 Basso... more
Il testo che segue è la rielaborazione grafica ed editoriale di:
УДК 903.22(477.85) C. В. Терський – кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри історії, теорії та практики культури Інституту гуманітарних і соціальних наук Національного університету " Львівська політехніка " Східний кордон Волинського... more
Il contributo presenta il lavoro svolto sull'urbanistica di Padova e Monselice per analizzare la morfologia degli insediamenti e ricostruirne l'organizzazione della fase medievale. Sono state utilizzati in particolare fonti cartografiche,... more
Institut za arheologiju poziva Vas na 6. Međunarodni skup srednjovjekovne arheologije koji će se održati 06. lipnja u prostoru Knjižnice Instituta za arheologiju// Institute of archaeology invites you to the 6th International conference... more