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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyArchaeometallurgyArchaeometallurgy, Mineralogy, ArchaeometryArchaeometallurgy of Copper
The Old Kingdom of Egypt (Dynasties 4–6, c. 2600–2180 BC) is famous as a period of the builders of the largest Egyptian pyramids. It is generally accepted that the evidence on the use of copper alloy tools from this era is meagre. Martin... more
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      Geometric MorphometricsFunerary ArchaeologyFunerary Belief (Egyptology)Archaeometallurgy
The creative ways in which native North American peoples of the Eastern Woodlands utilized copper throughout prehistory present provocative contrasts to models of Old World metallurgical development. Archaeological approaches that... more
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    • Archaeometallurgy of Copper
The study of early metallurgy has many aspects and has, accordingly, taken many forms and foci (Rehren and Pernicka 2008 and literature therein). Some scholars have documented the morpho-typological evolution of artefact types and some... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyBalkan Prehistory (Archaeology)Neolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyChalcolithic Archaeology
The Rise of Metallurgy in Eurasia is a landmark study in the origins of metallurgy. The project aimed to trace the invention and innovation of metallurgy in the Balkans. It combined targeted excavations and surveys with extensive... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyBalkan Prehistory (Archaeology)ArchaeobotanyLandscape Archaeology
This chapter reviews the pre-existing evidence and interpretations for early mineral use and metallurgy in the Balkans from the earliest use of copper minerals at c. 6200 BC (Late Mesolithic-Early Neolithic) to c. 3700 BC (end of the... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyBalkan Prehistory (Archaeology)Neolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyChalcolithic Archaeology
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      History of MiningBronze Age (Archaeology)Bronze Age EuropeArchaeometallurgy of Copper
Metal production evidence yielded during the excavation campaigns 2012 and 2013 in Belovode shows similar characteristic to the samples from the site studied and published previously (Radivojević 2012, 2013, 2015; Radivojević and... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyBalkan Prehistory (Archaeology)Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology
Am Ende des Äneolithikum bzw. am Anfang der Frühen Bronzezeit treten Nachweise der Verhüttung kupferhaltiger Erze in verschiedenen Orten innerhalb des alpinen Raums auf (z.B. Höppner et al., 2005;. Im Laufe der Frühen Bronzezeit (FB I-IIa... more
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      Copper extraction and productionArchaeometallurgy of CopperEuropean Copper and Bronze Age – Archaeometallurgy – Prehistoric Metalworking in Social Context – Settlement Archaeology – Application of Geophysical Methods in Archaeology – Neolithic – Theory / Cultural Anthropology – Material Culture Studies
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      ArchaeometallurgyArchaeometallurgy of CopperWestern Great Lakes Archaeologyearly contact period of North America
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      SinaiPredynastic EgyptArchaeometallurgy of CopperMaadi
A partir del estudio de cuatro objetos metálicos (una daga y tres puntas de flecha) procedentes de otras tantas cuevas del entorno geográfico de Castro Urdiales, culturalmente encuadrables entre el Calcolítico final y el Bronce medio, y... more
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      ArchaeometallurgyMiddle Bronze AgeSpainCopper
Article by: Christos N. Kleitsas - M. Mehofer - R. Jung The hoard of Stephani in Preveza is a closed assemblage of artefacts that contains two stone and fifteen bronze, mainly broken, tools or-and weapons (ten bronze double-edged axes,... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyMetalwork (Archaeology)Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeometallurgyArcheologia medievaleArchaeometallurgy of CopperMedieval Archaelogy
The conference at Miskolc was the fifth of a series that begun in Milan in 2003, followed in 2007 by the conference in Aquileia, both in Italy. The third was held at Bochum, in Germany, in 2011 and the fourth at Madrid, Spain, in 2015.... more
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      Archaeometallurgy in EuropeArchaeometallurgy, Mineralogy, ArchaeometryArchaeology, archaeometallurgyArchaeometallurgy of Copper
In the years between 2008 and 2012, as a result of a building conversion, it has been carried out a set of archaeological excavations in the western district of Chinzica, in Pisa. Th e archaeological investigations allowed us to bring to... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyArchaeometallurgyArcheologia medievaleArchaeometallurgy in Europe
This paper deals with the study of the layers with remains of metallurgical activities from via Moneta (IV-III century BC - I century AD). The district was located in the centre of the oppidum near the area where the Roman forum was to be... more
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      ArchaeometryArchaeometallurgyArchaeometallurgical ResearchsArchaeometallurgy of Copper
The smelting copper slags from the archaeological sites of Transacqua and Segonzano in Trentino (Italy) were fully analysed to study the extraction of copper from copper and iron sulphide minerals that were carried out in the southeastern... more
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      ArchaeometallurgyArchaeometrical investigationArchaeometallurgy of CopperEuropean Copper and Bronze Age – Archaeometallurgy – Prehistoric Metalworking in Social Context – Settlement Archaeology – Application of Geophysical Methods in Archaeology – Neolithic – Theory / Cultural Anthropology – Material Culture Studies
JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL AND ARCHAEОLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2018, 1, 7-16. ABSTRACT: During the Copper age present day Bulgarian lands are part of two wide metallogenic zones – Eastern and Western. The Eastern zone includes present day Eastern... more
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      Neolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyBalkan prehistoryMetal CastingChalcolithic Metallurgy
The paper examines the early evidence of metallurgy in Oman. It presents the results of some analyzes performed on prehistoric metal objects, reconstructing the operational chain.
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      Archaeology of OmanPrehistoryArchaeometallurgy of Copper
Cyprus is considered to be one of the main sources for copper for the Old World since the second millennium BC. Yet we are still far from fully understanding the dynamics, which govern the organization of copper production and... more
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      Late Bronze Age archaeologyArchaeometallurgyCopperArchaeometallurgy, Mineralogy, Archaeometry
Previous archaeometallurgical studies on Bronze Age China mainly focused on finished artefacts, whereas our understanding of copper smelting technology of this period is still limited. This paper, for the first time, presents analytical... more
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      ArchaeometallurgyArchaeometallurgy of Copper
The medieval fountain of Huy, Li Bassinia, is dated to 1406 by an inscription on one of his parts, and is one of the rare copper alloy fountains that remain from this period in Europe. It is composed of a small basin supported by a... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Archaeology
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      EgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyArchaeometallurgyAncient Egyptian language
XXth International Congress on Ancient Bronzes, Institute for Classical Archaeology Tübingen, University of Tübingen, 17-21 April 2018.
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      History of Science and TechnologyArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime Archaeology
During the years 2013 and 2014, several small scale surface prospections took place on a Late Hallstatt period hillfort Minice in Central Bohemia. Collected set of items is welcomed for its value as chronological or paleoeconomical... more
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      Iron AgePrehistoric hillfortLate Hallstatt - Early LT period transitionXRF
Recent analyses carried out on objects with polychrome decoration found in various regions of the Roman Empire and dated to the 1st century CE, identified an array of patinated alloys similar to the classical Japanese irogane alloys. The... more
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      ArchaeometallurgyAncient MetallurgyArchaeometallurgy, Mineralogy, ArchaeometryArchaeometallurgy of Copper
During the years 2013 and 2014, several small scale surface prospections took place on a Late Hallstatt period hillfort Minice in Central Bohemia. Collected set of items is welcomed for its value as chronological or paleoeconomical... more
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      Iron AgePrehistoric hillfortLate Hallstatt - Early LT period transitionXRF
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      ArchaeometryGreek ArchaeologyArchaeometallurgyAncient Metal Technology
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      Metalwork (Archaeology)Metal FormingMetal Finds (Archaeology)Ancient Technology (Archaeology)
University of Oxford, School of Archaeology, Greek Archaeology Group
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      History of Science and TechnologyArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime Archaeology
El objetivo de este trabajo es someter a prueba un modelo de proceso técnico que considera la vasija de reducción como elemento principal de la tecnología metalúrgica calcolítica. Aquí presentamos los resultados preliminares obtenidos... more
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      Neolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyChalcolithic PotteryChalcolithic ArchaeologyArchaeometallurgy
Analysis of metal objects with portable and handheld X-ray fluorescence spectrometry has become increasingly popular in recent years. Here, methodological concerns that apply to non-destructive, surface examination with XRF instruments of... more
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      ArchaeometryX-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) SpectroscopyArchaeometallurgyApplications of EPMA and SEM-EDS
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      ArchaeologyMetal Finds (Archaeology)MasksArcheometallurgy
Studies concerning European Proto-historic metallic artefacts can provide important clues about technological transfers during a period of time characterised by diverse cultural interactions. A collection of Proto-historic metallic... more
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      ArchaeologyChemistryAnalytical ChemistryBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
We present here a compositional study of a large number of copper-alloy brooches using Handheld X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (HHpXRF). The brooches, which come from the area of Nijmegen, date from the Late Iron Age until the 2nd c.... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryArchaeometryRoman Army
Castillejo del Bonete is a cave adapted as a funerary monument during Late Prehistory. Various well-preserved metal objects were recovered from the site, both within and outside the graves. This paper presents a catalogue and analysis... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Megalithic MonumentsArchaeometallurgyBurial mounds (Archaeology)
Abstract Cyprus is considered to be one of the main sources for copper for the Old World since the second millennium BC. Yet we are still far from fully understanding the dynamics, which govern the organization of copper production and... more
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      GeologyCypriot ArchaeologyLate Bronze Age archaeologyArchaeometallurgy
This paper discusses the results of an analytical study of the metallurgical ceramic assemblage recovered from the Late Bronze Age (LBA) urban settlement of Enkomi, Cyprus. The ceramic fabric and the slagged surfaces of a total of 106... more
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      CyprusArchaeometallurgyCopper extraction and productionCopper
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyArchaeometallurgyNeolithic Europe
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      ArchaeologyGeologyGeochemistryArchaeological Science
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      HistoryArchaeologyMetal Finds (Archaeology)Ancient Metal Technology
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsArt History
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsArt History