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The article is devoted to an examination of the relations between the payytanic epithet (Heb. Kinnuy) and figurative language in Pre-Classical Piyyut (ca. fourth-fifth centuries CE). The poets used epithets when they did not wish to call... more
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      Medieval Hebrew LiteratureFigurative languagePiyyutMedieval Hebrew Literature, Genizah Research, Piyyut
Three Piyutim from the Cairo Genizah, of different types, in which the comon theme is the 6 Sdarim of the Mishnah. Surprisingly, there are optional orders of the six,that differ from the common ZMAN NAQAT order.
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      Medieval Hebrew Literature, Genizah Research, PiyyutPiyyutim
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      Hebrew LiteratureMedieval Hebrew LiteratureModern Hebrew LanguageMedieval Hebrew Literature, Genizah Research, Piyyut
table of contents of Chitzai Giborim - Plaitas Sofrim, 9 (Spring 2016), Journal inprint
חצי גבורים - פליטת סופרים, ט (ניסן תשע"ו) , תוכן הענינים
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      BibliographyHebrew BibleJewish MysticismBiblical Studies
, הסקירה הזו פורסמה (בשינויים מסויימים) במוסף 'שבת' של העיתון 'מקור ראשון' בכט בכסלו תש"ף
Makor Rishon, 27 december 2019, pp. 18 - 19
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      Rabbinic LiteratureMedieval Hebrew Literature, Genizah Research, PiyyutEuropean GenizahThe Italian Genizah Project
Critical edition of R. Saadya Gaon's bencher (diplomatic, based on MS Oxford, Bodl., Hunt. 448), with an introduction suggesting how to reconstruct Saadya's Urtext. Published in a bibliophilic edition of 35 numbered copies in honour of... more
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      LiturgySaadya GaonJewish PrayerMedieval Hebrew Literature, Genizah Research, Piyyut
The article focuses on El'azar berabbi Qillir, the iconic pay￿an of all ages, and explores several aspects of his work, heritage and cultural significance. The var- ious parts of the article do not present a cohesive image of the life and... more
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      PiyyutEphrem the SyrianToledot YeshuMedieval Hebrew Literature, Genizah Research, Piyyut
Jewish Love Magic: From Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages is the first monograph dedicated to the supernatural methods employed by Jews in order to generate love, grace or hate.
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      Jewish StudiesHistory of ReligionJewish MysticismMagic
The present article discusses two rare Rabbinic Hebrew words denoting types of dried fruit: דמדמון in Yosef berabbi Nisan’s Seder for Qedushta הנני ממטיר, and קיטנים in Midrash Shir ha-Shirim Zutạ (according to MS St. Petersburg, Russian... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsAramaicArabic DialectsRabbinic Literature
Jewish sources commonly refer to Muslims as “Ishmaelites” and to Islamdom as “the Kingdom of Ishmael” due to an alleged biblical genealogy that both Jews and Muslims accept. Other classic Jewish sources, however, associate pre-Islamic... more
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      Jewish StudiesPoetryPolemic (Religion)Medieval Spanish Literature
This prosopographic study lists and discusses the personal names found in Cairo Genizah manuscripts pertaining to the fields of magic, divination and astrology. The names derive primarily from amulets, but also from divinatory spells,... more
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesJewish Mysticism
Vol. 1 (A–C): “Aaron ben ʿAmram”; “Aaron Ḥakīmān”; “Aghmātī, Zechariah ben Judah”; “Alī ben Sulaymān”; “Bar Satya, Joseph ben Jacob”; “Baradānī, Joseph al-”; “Baradānī, Naḥum al-”; “Ben Berechiah Family”; “Ben Yijū, Abraham.” Vol. 2... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryMuslim MinoritiesRabbinics
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      Hebrew LanguageAl-AndalusLexicographyJudeo-Arabic
The Catalan Nusach: Main contours of the statutory prayers and of the system of liturgical poems. במאמר זה אני מציג את התשתית המחקרית שבבסיס הסידור (סידור קטלוניא) ומסכם את המאפיינים העיקריים של תפילות הקבע ושל מערכת הפיוטים במנהג... more
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      PiyyutJewish PrayerMedieval Hebrew Literature, Genizah Research, PiyyutJewish Liturgy
This article explores the elements of Masorah in Yefet's work as well as the ideology behind his masoretic preferences. It links his preferences with Karaite Zionistic doctrine of return to the Land of Israel, and the Karaite ideological... more
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      Hebrew LanguageManuscripts (Medieval Studies)KaraismGenizah
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      Figurative languageFigurative language (Literature)PiyyutBiblical Hebrew poetry
This essay examines several liturgical poems in which a correspondence exists between the texts and the space in which they were performed. A key term in my investigation is ekphrasis, a rhetorical technique common in classical... more
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      Syrian StudiesEkphrasisSyriac StudiesSyriac Christianity
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      PiyyutMedieval Hebrew Literature, Genizah Research, PiyyutPiyyutimJewish Piyyutim
גרסת המאמר של הרצאה שנתנה בקונגרס העולמי למדעי היהדות השלושה עשר שנערך בירושלים בשנת 2002
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      PiyyutMedieval Hebrew Literature, Genizah Research, PiyyutHebrew PoetryPiyyutim
The Genizah fragments of the Jerusalem Talmud are an important source for the text and the interpretation of this Talmud. This article presents ten readings found in the Genizah fragments that re-illuminate some obscure issues in the... more
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      TalmudTalmud Midrash Genizah Judaism Rabbinic-Literature Conversion Gender HaggadahCairo GenizahGenizah
This article examines two literary works of the maqama genre: The Book of Tahkemoni by Judah Alharizi (13th century) and Sefer Hamusar by Zachariah Aldahiri (16th century). Both texts share genre, language and literary tradition, and they... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureMedieval Hebrew LiteratureMaqama LiteratureMedieval Hebrew Literature, Genizah Research, Piyyut
1 7 8 -1 7 6 ' ‫מ‬ ‫ע‬ , ‫ח‬ " ‫ע‬ ‫ש‬ ‫ת‬ ‫ן‬ ‫ס‬ ‫י‬ ‫נ‬ ,1 6 7 ‫ה‬ ‫ר‬ ‫ד‬ ‫ת‬ ‫ק‬
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      PiyyutSamaritan StudiesMedieval Hebrew Literature, Genizah Research, PiyyutSamaritans
The article presents a contemporary view of the study of piyyut, demonstrating that Jewish po- etry of late antiquity (in Hebrew and Aramaic) was closely related to Christian liturgical poetry (both Syriac and Greek) and Samaritan... more
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      Syriac literaturePiyyutSamaritan StudiesRabbinic Literature, Syriac Patristic
This volume offers the first comprehensive study on the history of Middle Western Karaim dialects. The author provides a systematic description of sound changes dating from the 17th–19th-centuries and reconstructs their absolute- and... more
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      KaraimPiyyutKaraiteTurkic Linguistics
פעמי שולמית: מחקרי שירה ופיוט לכבוד שולמית אליצור, מחקרי ירושלים בספרות עברית לב (תשפ"א)
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      Jewish StudiesBiblical Hebrew poetryMedieval Hebrew Literature, Genizah Research, PiyyutHebrew Poetry
Fragment of the Month: May 2012
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesJewish HistoryHebrew Manuscripts
This article offers a reading of two Hebrew liturgical poems by Yannai, a sixth century C.E. poet, from the perspective of contemporary gender and literary studies. The poems vividly and elaborately retell the story of Sarah's (and... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychoanalysisComparative LiteratureQueer Studies
Eli ben Ezekiel (c. 1000 – c. 1075) is well known figure whose works are abundantly represented in the documents of the Cairo Geniza. He held a senior clerical position in the Jerusalem 'court' under two of the major leaders of his time:... more
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    • Medieval Hebrew Literature, Genizah Research, Piyyut
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryJewish HistoryIslamic Studies
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      Syriac StudiesAnimal Sacrifice (Anthropology)Sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)Theology of Sacrifice
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      Jewish StudiesLiturgyRabbinicsRabbinic Literature
This Festschrift in honor of Professor Lawrence H. Schiffman, a renowned authority on the Dead Sea Scrolls and Rabbinic Judaism, includes contributions by twenty of his former doctoral students, now colleagues. The volume is divided into... more
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      Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Rabbinic LiteratureApocrypha/PseudepigraphaRoman Palestine (Archaeology)
The Apocalypse of St. John and the Sefer Zerubbabel [a.k.a Apocalypse of Zerubbabel] are among the most popular apocalypses of the Common Era. While the Johannine Apocalypse was written by a first-century Jewish-Christian author and would... more
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      Gender StudiesJewish StudiesGender and SexualityEschatology and Apocalypticism
Review on: 1. S. Glick with D. Arad and Z. Stampfer et al., Seride Teshuvot, A Descriptive Catalogue of Responsa Fragments from the Jacques Mosseri Collection, Cambridge University Library, Leiden 2012 2. ש' גליק, בשיתוף ד' ארד וי'... more
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      Early modern Ottoman HistoryRabbinic LiteratureJewish history in TurkeySephardic Studies
רב יהודה ב"ר יוסף ראש כלה היה אישיות נכבדה בקירואן היהודית בסוף המאה ה-10 ותחילת המאה ה-11. הוא היה מקורב למלכות, סוחר עשיר ומפורסם וגם תלמיד חכם ידוע. במסגרת פעילותיו הלימודיות, רב יהודה ביקש, וקיבל, פירוש למסכת ברכות מאת רב האיי גאון... more
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      Jewish StudiesTalmudJewish HistoryRabbinics
Letter and a long poem in honor of Yehosef Ha-Nagid og Granada, Spain, ca. 1058.
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    • Medieval Hebrew Literature, Genizah Research, Piyyut
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      Hebrew LanguageBiblical StudiesIslamic StudiesMedieval Hebrew Literature, Genizah Research, Piyyut
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      Syriac StudiesSyriac ChristianitySyriac literaturePiyyut
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      Arabic LiteratureArabicRare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript Studies
Our knowledge of Hebrew poetry written in the East in the Middle Ages is limited. In contrast to the Andalusian school of Hebrew poetry, which has received predominant attention by modern scholarship, we still lack even a preliminary... more
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      Medieval Hebrew LiteratureHebrew ManuscriptsFirkovitch collectionMedieval Hebrew Literature, Genizah Research, Piyyut
We present a web-based system called ViS-À-ViS aiming to assist literary scholars in detecting repetitive patterns in an annotated tex-tual corpus. Pattern detection is made possible using distant reading visualizations that highlight... more
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      Digital HumanitiesPattern RecognitionHumanities VisualizationMedieval Hebrew Literature
This article investigates the linkage between two Jewish Palestinian liturgical customs, a millennium apart: a collection of psalms attested among the Dead Sea Scrolls, best preserved in the scroll 11Q5 or 11QPs a ; and the practice of... more
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      Jewish StudiesLiturgical StudiesLiturgyQumranic Studies
מנהג בני ארץ ישראל להפטיר בשבתות שבין י"ז בתמוז לראש השנה בפרקי פורענות ונחמה. עם זאת, כמה מפייטני ארץ ישראל ששלחו ידם בכתיבת יוצרות, ובראשם ר' שלמה סולימן אלסנג'ארי, לא רמזו ביוצרותיהם, כפי ניתן היה לצפות, להפטרות הפורענות והנחמה. במאמר... more
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      Jewish StudiesPiyyutMedieval Hebrew Literature, Genizah Research, PiyyutPiyyutim
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      LiturgyRabbinicsMidrashRabbinic Literature
Some Hebrew mystical texts use esoteric rhetoric, yet our ability to historically verify these claims is very scant. This article tackles this problem from a new angle. Literary analysis of Sefer Yeşira shows that it contains many... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureJewish StudiesComparative EsotericismPoetry
This article presents a critical edition of three Aramaic piyyutim for Purim. The piyyu-tim are unique in that they were not written in Hebrew, the overwhelmingly dominant language of classical piyyutim, but in a biblicizing register of... more
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      LiturgyAramaicJewish AramaicCairo Genizah
Review of Michael Rand's Introduction to the Grammar of Hebrew Poetry in Byzantine Palestine (Gorgias Dissertations 22, Language and Linguistics), Gorgias Press, Piscataway, New Jersey 2006. Appeared in: Journal of Semitic Studies 54... more
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      Medieval Hebrew LiteratureAncient Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)PiyyutHebrew linguistics
The newsletter of the Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit, Cambridge University Library. A fragment of a prayer book from the Mosseri Genizah collection, recently conserved and re-opened, reveals unique Palestinian prayer traditions,... more
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      Jewish StudiesLiturgical StudiesLiturgyCairo Genizah
Ḥatanu poems – poems containing the refrain ‘we have sinned, our Maker; forgive us, our Creator’ – have long been considered a subgenre of seliḥot. However, a study of the Cairo Genizah fragments containing ḥatanu poems – over 400 in... more
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      PiyyutCairo GenizahJewish PrayerMedieval Hebrew Literature, Genizah Research, Piyyut
The article publishes nine parchment leaves (or parts thereof), reused as a secondary binding of six books hold in the library of the former Capuchin and actual Franciscan monastery Engelberg (Bavaria). The binding has been executed in... more
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      IncunabulaJewish HistoryHebrew ManuscriptsAshkenazic Judaism