Papacy (Early Modern and Modern Church History)
Recent papers in Papacy (Early Modern and Modern Church History)
In the second half of the 16th century, Girolamo Righettino, a brilliant draughtsman and theologian (a member of the Order of the Canons Lateran), produced city views with ornamental frames characterised by their rich allegorical... more
Pontificia Università Gregoriana 18 maggio 2015 ore 18.00 – Aula C008 Intervengono Massimo Carlo Giannini (Università degli Studi di Teramo) Rafael Valladares (Escuela Española de Historia y Arquelogía en Roma) Coordina Martín Morales... more
This essay explores some of the papal symbols which assumed particular prominence during the pontificate of Pope Innocent III (1198–1216). These symbols belong to different modes of expression: metaphoric speech and writing (vicarius... more
SPECIALE UMANESIMO – VI Centenario Bartolomeo Platina (1421-1481) - - - - Pope Joan and the Persistence of Myths: Pietro Ratto’s book "Le pagine... more
Plan général gare -université (2,2 Km) : Logos Ecole doctorale transfrontalière en Sciences humaines et sociales Grenzüberschreitende Doktorandenschule in den Geistes-und Sozialwissenschaften 9:30-10:30 Uhr: Workshops (2 DoktorandInnen):... more
A még 2002-ben írt és 2005 folyamán napvilágot látott tanulmány röviden bemutatja a Reinhard–Schilling-féle konfesszionalizációs elméletet. Majd ennek alkalmazásával a felső-magyarországi felekezeti viszonyokat elemzi, Lippay György... more
Bevezető 2016-ban ünnepeltük a 25. évfordulóját annak, hogy Szent II. János Pál pápa a Magyar Katolikus Püspöki Kar és a Magyar Köztársaság kormánya meghí vására 1991. augusztus 16-20. között lelkipásztori látogatást tett hazánkban. A... more
Conventional understandings of Catholicism, especially the claim that the pope held temporal power over all civil rulers, presented a signal challenge to early American Catholics’ civil and religious liberty. Yet reform-minded Catholics... more
This article analyses the debates about mixed marriages held within the Roman Curia (and especially the Roman Inquisition) between the sixteenth and the eighteenth centuries, integrating these debates with the normative and prescriptive... more
I am very excited to announce the publication of a Special issue on “The Uses of History in Religious Controversies from Erasmus to Baronio” (Renaissance Studies, 35, 2021, no. 1). The journal can be accessed by clicking here (FREE... more
Between reform and reformism. Clothing of papal manor-house in time of crisis After return of popes from Avignon back to Rome and after overcomming conciliar crisis at council of Konstanz (1414-1418) and Basilej (1431-1449) had to... more
Wybór Stefana Batorego na tron Rzeczypospolitej utorował drogę do kariery także członkom jego rodziny. Po niespodziewanej śmierci króla jego ambitne plany usiłowało zrealizować czterech bratanków, przede wszystkim zaś Andrzej, uważany za... more
After a short presentation of the history of consistory during the XVI century in the relationship with its medieval tradition, some trend of longue duré are draft: from Leo X the increasing of the number of cardinals and the college's... more
This study deals with the establishment of the onetime Apostolic Administration of Burgenland by Pope Pius XI in 1922 - to be more precise, with the politics of the Bishop of Szombathely in the preceding years. Since the Diocese of... more
C. Dounot, N. Warembourg, B. Bernabé (dir.), Paris, Mare & Martin, 2019
This essay examines the diplomatic relations between Rome and the British Isles in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, focusing especially on the missions of Gregorio Panzani, George Conn and Carlo Rossetti. The author emphasizes the... more
The Popes in Caserta in the Modern and Contemporary Age
V každé kultuře se v postavení garantů společenského řádu objevují zcela specifické dílčí skupiny obyvatel, jejichž úkol je v mnohém odlišný od většinové společnosti. To se nutně musí projevit v odlišném oděvu, který je nositelem snadno... more
книге освещаются вопросы истории дипломатии и международных отношений, становления национальных государств и развития политической культуры позднего Средневековья и раннего Нового времени. Внимание автора сфокусировано на том, как... more
Late Medieval Papal Legation is a result of long term study of papal legates in the late medieval period. Even though this crucial institution of the reform papacy of the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth centuries kept its standards as... more
Validity, Fulfilment, Dispensation. The Sunday Obligation in the Historical Context The study maps the development within the Catholic Church of the obligation to participate in the Eucharistic celebration on Sunday. It emphasises... more
In Living under the Evil Pope, Martina Mampieri presents the Hebrew Chronicle of Pope Paul IV, written in the second half of the sixteenth century by the Italian Jewish moneylender Benjamin Neḥemiah ben Elnathan (alias Guglielmo di... more
This essay looks at the decrees Haec Sancta and Frequens of the Council of Constance (1414-1418) and Lumen Gentium of Vatican II (1962-1965). Both councils taught that full and supreme power was not exercised by the Pope alone, thus... more
rom the Contents: Acknowledgements; I. Introduction: Objective, Concepts, Method and Literature; II. The General Italian Historical Background; III. The Manifestation of Power, Magnificenza, Reinassance and Humanism; IV. The History of... more
Introduzione e commento alla satira IV di Ariosto
. The cancellation of the San Lorenzo façade commission was the lowpoint in Michelangelo’s entire career, yet he demonstrated his skill and recovered his dignity and prestige by carving difficultà – the four allegories in the Medici... more
Breaking the limits. The current changes of papacy in historical context This study deals with several phenomena of the pontificate of Pope Francis in its historical context. It reflects some major recent works on the topic and discusses... more
ABSTRACT: This paper explains in a few words the origin and historical background of the last Martin Luther's antipapal writing published in 1545. Against the Roman Papacy, an Institution of the Devil is an acid attack against the Pope of... more
Profesor Tomáš Petráček v rozhovore hovorí o mýtoch, ktoré v cirkvi pretrvávajú i o tom, či sa cirkev zľakla slobody. Nestráni sa ani kritiky do vlastných radov, vyvracia tézy o tom, že sú kresťania západnou spoločnosťou utláčaní alebo... more
(Please see disclaimer on first page) I argue that Christ established a successional and infallible apostolic teaching authority. In other words, an infallible magisterium. I present 10 arguments total, dividing each into three... more
A compilation of timelines pertaining to Papal Rome and corresponding to Dan 7:25; 12:5–7, 11–12 (cf. Rev 11:2; 13:5). The chart employs the historicist interpretation method, i.e. the day-year principle. Note: "2026" cannot be relied... more
"Marialis Cultus" is the most important Marian document of St Paul VI. The theme of writings on the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Pope shows the importance he attached to the Mother of God in the government of the Church during the conciliar... more