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"This chapter reconstructs, for the fist time, the history of crucial intellectual controversies about the value and meaning of Greek tragedy in general and Sophocles' Oedipus Rex in particular in 16th- and 17th- century Europe, from... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyHistory of Ideas
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From: The Blackwell Companion to Sophocles, ed. K. Ormand (Oxford 2012) 440–461
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      Intellectual HistoryGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyRenaissance Humanism
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      History of MedicineRenaissance StudiesFicinoLuther
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      Reformation HistoryMelanchthonResistance (Social)Martin Luther
This contribution presents the conclusions arisen from a study on the presence of Saint Augustine’s "De doctrina christiana" in four sacred rhetorics of the sixteenth century: Lorenzo de Villavicencio, "De formandis sacris concionibus seu... more
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      RhetoricErasmusMelanchthonCatholic Reform
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      Historical TheologyMelanchthonZwingliReformation Theology
An examination of Martin Luther's heroic prayer for Melanchthon when he was ill and near death. It examines the textual evidence for the authenticity of the account.
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesMelanchthonLutheranism
A trope is the transfer of a word from its usual meaning to a different one, justified by a relation of similitude, or of another kind, between the two meanings. Early modern students of grammar and rhetoric memorized the tropes and... more
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      Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)HistoryCultural HistoryAesthetics
FOR THE FORMATTED VERSION WITH KENTRIDGE'S DRAWINGS GO TO: This is a guide to the iconography of William Kentridge’s Triumphs & Laments, the 500-meter-long frieze of colossal... more
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      ReligionRoman HistoryIconographyArt History
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      RhetoricMelanchthonDialecticLorenzo Valla
Charles Leander Hill, 1906-1956, was the second African-American to earn a Ph.D. from Ohio State University and the first scholar to translate Philip Melanchthon's Loci Communes into English. At the end of his life he was president and... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesMelanchthon
Philip William Otterbein stands at the head of a German awakening in America, which occurred shortly after the Great Awakening begun by Jonathan Edwards, and slightly prior to the introduction of Methodism to the American Colonies. He and... more
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      MelanchthonChurch HistoryMoravian (Church History)German Pietism
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      MelanchthonHoraceRenaissance musicRenaissance Music Theory
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      German StudiesMusicologyClassicsRenaissance Studies
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      Renaissance HumanismReformation StudiesMelanchthonHungarian Literature
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      MelanchthonMuslim-Christian RelationPhilipp Melanchthon
This lecture (in German language) is discussing the genesis and longtime impact of the humanistic school reform, which took place alongside the reformation in the 16. Century. The enthusiasm for the Roman and Greek culture and language... more
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      History of EducationReformation HistoryMelanchthonHistory of the Reformation
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      Reformation StudiesMelanchthonHistory of Biblical InterpretationJohn Calvin
In the past years ideological elements that guaranteed cohesion and loyalties in early modern societies have become a key interest of scholarship. Revolving around the notion of amor patriae (love of country), this study shows how this... more
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      Early Modern HistoryRenaissance HumanismReformation StudiesMelanchthon
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      Reformation StudiesCalvinMelanchthonReformation Theology
Preview of my paper due to be published in 2017 together with the other papers of the 2016 autum meeting of the Luther-Akademie Sondershausen-Ratzeburg ( On the example of his interpretation of the eucharistic... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistorical TheologyReformation History
[Ideo sperandum est eum abbreviaturum tempus. Some remarks on (pseudo)science and apocalyptical claims in Luther’s ambiguous position concerning the computation od the End of the Time] A form of erudition in the 16th Century concerns the... more
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      MelanchthonLutheranismHistory of AstrologyMartin Luther
An overview of the Philippist position on the Christian uses of reason and philosophy, particularly as seen in the exposition of Colossians 2.8 ("See to it that no on takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human... more
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      Renaissance HumanismErasmusReformation HistoryReformation Studies
This talk surveys various uses of the Church Fathers (e.g., polemical, constructive, exegetical, creedal) in the works of Philip Melanchthon, John Calvin, and Lambert Daneau.
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      PatristicsReformation HistoryReformation StudiesMelanchthon
The Croatian-born Matthias Flacius Illyricus (1520–1575) was a Lutheran theologian and reformer who spent most of his adult life in the German-speaking territories of the Holy Roman Empire, playing an important role within the Evangelical... more
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      ReligionHistoryIntellectual HistoryTheology
Philipp Melanchthon: A European Reformer. On the occasion of the 450th anniversary of the death of Philipp Melanchthon (1497–1560) the 9th Wittenberg Spring Conference on the history of the Reformation with speakers from all over... more
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      German StudiesEarly Modern HistoryRenaissance HumanismReformation Studies
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      Baltic StudiesMelanchthonBaltic Sea Region StudiesDemonology
Besides the application of traditional patterns, one of the most relevant aspects in the Lutheran Heilsgeschichte was the Humanistic claim to get back to sources and therefore to retrieve Ancient philosophical sources. Nonetheless,... more
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      Early Modern HistoryMelanchthonLutheranismStoicism
The paper is an attempt to find a consistent theoretical background for Melanchthon's few editions of some works of the Greek Fathers in his first Wittenberg years. The background assumption -- as always, in my attempt to reconstruct... more
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      RhetoricPatristicsRenaissance HumanismScholarly Editions
In the multifaceted debate leading to the establishment of the Formula concordiae, a huge topic within the theologians was that of the ‘conformity’ in the reception of the doctrine of the two fathers of the Reformation. My aim here is to... more
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      MelanchthonLutheranismMartin LutherLutheran Theology
The Turks Supporting the Protestants? News on the Reformation in Ottoman Hungary from Melanchthon to Bullinger Although scholars have long studied the letters of Protestant preachers dating from the first decades of the Ottoman... more
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      Reformation HistoryMelanchthonBullingerHistory of the Reformation
Although — as far as we know — Luther did not receive any reply from the counterpart in the early stage of his theological production, Erasmus seems nonetheless to have played a significant role in the clarification of Luther’s own... more
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      Early Modern HistoryErasmusMelanchthonLutheranism
The paper is a preprint of a book chapter regarding several interpretation of some Erasmian influences on different authors. In this case, the Erasmian influence is displayed in Melanchthon's own christological development, in the attempt... more
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The collection is divided into six parts. The first offers two brief personal notes on Jim Estes the teacher and scholar; Andrew Colin Gown draws upon his memories to provide us with a student’s perspective on Estes as a teacher while... more
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      HistoryTheologyHistorical TheologyErasmus
The subject of “Luther and Music” never fails to make an appearance in any account of sixteenth-century music history. Invariably it is addressed from a blandly hagiographical perspective, reflecting dated notions of the liberation of the... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureMusicMusicology
The world’s finitude is at the core of Johannes Kepler’s natural philosophy. In this article, I demonstrate that finitude follows from how he conceives of geometry as a reason-giving enterprise: the geometrical orderliness of nature... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceCosmology (Physics)History of MathematicsPhilosophy Of Mathematics
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation StudiesMelanchthonReformation Theology
Observations on John Reuchlin and his influence on Philip Melanchthon's years in the University of Tübingen.
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      Renaissance HumanismReformation StudiesMelanchthonTübingen
A study into Melanchthon's decidedly non-eucharistic exegesis of Joh 6 in its theological context in Wittenberg 1521/22.
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      Reformation HistoryMelanchthonReformation TheologyMartin Luther
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEarly Modern HistoryNew TestamentHobbes
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      Renaissance StudiesReformation StudiesMelanchthonPietro Pomponazzi
On the 20th July 1544 a theological dispute was organized in Nagyvárad (Oradea). Only the preliminary thesis survived from this event. The characteristic logic and vocabulary reveal that the author was probably Matthias Dévai, and this... more
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      Reformation HistoryMelanchthonHistory of the ReformationEarly Modern Church History
This article brings the doctrine of sin as expressed in Melanchthon’s theological writings into foreground. It argues that the doctrine of sin is foundational for his theology. By pointing at the dynamic relationship between the doctrines... more
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      MelanchthonTheodicyFree WillDoctrine of Sin
A collection of prayers from the history of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church from Luther to Loehe. The collection includes prayers by Johannes Bugenhagen, Georg C. Dieffenbach, Veit Dietrich, Matthias Flacius, Wilhelm Loehe, Martin Luther,... more
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A new Hungarian translation of László Márton.
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesMelanchthonHistory of the Reformation
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      JurisprudenceEarly Modern HistoryNatural LawReformation History
Villa Vigoni, Centro Italo-Tedesco per l'Eccellenza Europea / Deutsch-Italienisches Zentrum für Europäische Exzellenz. Deutsch-Italienische Zusammenarbeit in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften 2019: "Im Labor der Moderne. Die Schweiz... more
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Congress in Bari 11-13 December 2014
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEarly Modern HistoryMelanchthonIntellectual History of the Baroque Period
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      Early Modern HistoryAristotleHistory of ScienceMelanchthon