Recent papers in Calvin
At the heart of James B. Torrance’s theological project was a concern to demonstrate the importance of an evangelical account of repentance, over against a legal account. This was a concern that he inherited from John Calvin, who stood as... more
The lecture presents an overview and examples of a range of works drawn from two concurrent and related projects, collectively titled The Pictorial Bible series, which had been undertaken by John Harvey since 2000. The projects’ works... more
* Two American Calvin scholars, John Fesko and Cornelis Venema, had a debate over Calvin’s understanding of the Mosaic covenant. Fesko argues that for Calvin the Mosaic administration of the law embodies a covenant governed by a “works... more
Anne RUOLT (2017). « 500 ans d’éducation protestante ». Sébastien Fath (éd.) 500 ans du protestantisme, 500 ans du Havre 1517-2017, Lillebonne, Foi et victoire, p. 108-129. exposition coordonnée par Sébastien Fath Panneaux "Histoire... more
Ein Überblick über die schweizerische Reformation
In this essay I offer a novel interpretation of Calvin’s eschatological imagination and the ways the latter shapes Calvin’s overall theological narrative. In addition to his explicit, infralapsarian eschatology, which circles around the... more
John's Calvin's commentary on Zechariah is one of the most fruitful places to explore his teaching on angels and his christological exegesis. In this article we will examine the opening visions in order to discover how he connects... more
Calvin, le théologien sec et juridique ? Le dictateur de la ville de Genève ? Celui qui ne s’est pas opposé à l’exécution de Servet ? Il est facile de le caricaturer et d’oublier tout l’apport de sa pensée et de sa spiritualité. Cet... more
More than 500 years ago, 16th-century Reformer John Calvin was born—a theologian whose teachings set the stage for reformation of the church around the world. The modern world is in continual need of his Christ-exalting doctrine and... more
This book examines John Calvin’s sense of vocation. 1) It begins with an analysis of thinking on prophecy in early, medieval, and Reformation theology. 2) It finds Calvin within a non-mystical, non-apocalyptic prophetic tradition... more
My reading of Knox's life disagrees with that of most of his other biographers since M'Crie. It is on the whole supported, however, by the eighteenth century estimate represented by David Hume and Burns. If I show bias it is not, at any... more
Argues that Luther's concept of the salvific power of the Gospel promise is based on a medieval Catholic concept of sacramental efficacy, because the Gospel is an outward word that gives what it signifies. This must be received by faith... more
The beatific vision is widely perceived as a Roman Catholic doctrine. Many continue to view deification as a distinctively Eastern Orthodox doctrine incompatible with the Western theological tradition, especially its Protestant... more
Even while Calvin affirms the reality of the resurrection of the flesh, Christ's resurrection does only very limited work in Calvin's theological imagination. It is only revelatory and applicatory of a transformative event previously... more
I wrote this back in 2008 for the benefit of MDiv students at Princeton Theological Seminary, and I still use it in a teaching context (perhaps unadvisedly; you be the judge). It comprises a very brief overview of Calvin's life, and a... more
Penal substitutionary atonement is understood to be a central tenant of conservative evangelicalism’s understanding of the cross. However, what is understood to be ‘penal substitution’ is not as straightforward. Theologian, Oliver Crisp,... more
Abraham Kuypert úgy méltatták 70. születésnapján 1907-ben, hogy a megelőző negyven év holland történelmét nem lehetne úgy megírni, hogy legyen szó akár az állam, a társadalom, a sajtó, az egyház és az oktatásügy kérdéseiről, ne... more
This paper will mainly focus on the material culture surrounding the administration of the Lord’s Supper in the Reformed churches of the Dutch Republic. After a brief survey of the ecclesiastical setting for the service and the practical... more
This Article analyzes the development of rights talk in the pre-Enlightenment Protestant tradition, especially as formulated by the sixteenth-century Calvinist theologian and jurist, Theodore Beza. Responding to the horrific persecution... more
Introduction to the Theological Studies Global Church History Historical Theology I Rationale: This course is an investigation of the main theological issues, theologians, and religious movements from late Middle Ages to the 17 th... more
This essay argues that the early Calvinist tradition's views on religious tolerance change with the contemporary political context. It does so by drawing a direct connection between specific formulations of tolerance and the historical... more
Last year we celebrated 500 years of Reformation movement. This paper is prepared with one among second-generation reformers namely John Calvin and his thoughts. He placed cornerstone for the reformed protestant theology with his lifelong... more
I wrote these theses as a seminar paper for George Hunsinger's doctoral seminar on John Calvin at Princeton Theological Seminary, which I audited in the Fall semester of 2009.
종교개혁이 과학의 발전을 저해했다는 오해가 만연해 있지만, 루터와 칼빈의 예는 그 반대를 지시한다. 루터와 칼빈이 과학자는 아니었다. 하지만 자연과 자연과학에 대한 그들의 태도는 근대과학의 발전을 촉진시키는 신학적 관점을 제공했다. 루터는 의학적 지식과 천문학적 지식의 유용성을 알고 있었다. 그는 하나님께서 주신 피조물을 감사하게 여기며 감상하고 적절하게 사용할 줄 알았다. 칼빈도 유사한 생각을 갖고 있었다. 그는 우주... more
An analysis of the role and meaning of the epithet “theologaster,” coined by Erasmus of Rotterdam in his letter from Paris in 1497, can reward us with insights into the interplay of Reformation, scholastic, and humanist forces in the... more
A paper exploring the theme of hospitality and worship given at the Society of Vineyard Scholars in Raleigh, N.C, Jan 2016. This paper was part of wider Doctoral research into reading Pentecostal-Charismatic worship through the lens of... more
This paper will present evidence that at the arrival of the Medieval Period, Augustine and other important Christian leaders believed strongly in the inerrancy of Scripture. Then, an examination of Calvin’s ideas based upon some of his... more
The goal of this paper is to discuss Zwingli's role in the Reformation of Bern. Firstly, the earliest period of Berne's reformation is discussed, including the priority of Luther's influence on the city. Then those channels are discussed... more
Nagy Barna (1909-1969) református teológus, Kálvin-kutató rövid életrajza
The foundational biblical doctrine for the Christian life that prevents individualism and secularization arising in these two areas for Calvin is union with Christ. Calvin unfolds the various aspects of the Christian life – including... more
This book is about Roger Williams (ca. 1603-83), who was banished from the colony of Massachusetts Bay for advocating freedom of conscience, separation of church and state, Native American rights, and related matters. He founded the town... more
Dr Otto is pastor of West Grove Presbyterian Church, PA, and reaches philosophy and religion at Southwestern Colkge, Wichita, KS; he has previously written for this journal on the theology of Jonathan Edwards.
Die Herausgeber Brian C. Brewer und David M. Whitford legen mit »Calvin and the Early Reformation« ein inhaltsreiches, 220 Seiten umfassendes Buch vor, das sich der Frage widmet, in welchem Verhältnis zur frühen Reformation in Europa der... more