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The concept that team members perform different team roles is fundamental to studies of team diversity and its relationship to team processes and team performance. In this paper we review research that uses Belbin's ( , 1993a) ) model in... more
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      Team BuildingConstruct ValidityMemorandum
The dynamisms of the present realities have propelled multinationals worldwide to engage in Cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR). This explains to a large extent why there are different models of community interface and development which... more
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      Global LeadershipShell petroleum development companyMemorandum
This paper studies the extent to which new trademarks refer to innovation. A sample of 660 Benelux trademarks shows that the motives of trademark registration are not primarily related to appropriating rents from innovation. This confirms... more
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The coping literature has demonstrated that differences in personality affect how individuals adapt to various stressful events, such as physical pain and traumatic experiences. This paper extends these findings into a stressful event in... more
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Water is the sector most comprehensively covered in European Union's environmental policy. An initial wave of directives accounting for public health protection and for harmonisation of environmental rules in the common market was... more
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      Public HealthMemorandum
Curso de introdução à historiografia da psicologia: apontamentos para um curso breve -parte terceira. Memorandum, 3, 112-131. Retirado em / / , do World Wide Esta terceira parte do "Curso Breve" compreende depoimentos que o professor... more
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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a multi-disciplinary subject and definitions vary with regard to the perceived scope or boundaries of the corporation's responsibility. In this paper, corporate motives for CSR are explored, along... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityBusiness and ManagementAnnual ReportExploratory Analysis
VANNI SUHASTI. Pembangunan Sistem Informasi E-Office Modul Nota Dinas pada PUSDATINKOMTEL – KEMENDAGRI. Dibimbing oleh RINA TRISMININGSIH. Saat ini, prosedur yang diterapkan dalam pembuatan, penyimpanan, dokumentasi, dan verifikasi nota... more
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      Information SystemsMemorandum
Obiettivo del presente memorandum, è quello di condividere la rimodulazione della strategia di marketing e comunicazione del progetto sportivo denominato EM314, a seguito del rinvio di 12 mesi del debutto, da parte dell’atleta titolare... more
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      ManagementMarketingCommunicationBrand Management
A lungo considerata una componente minoritaria degli studi demo-etno-antropologici italiani, nell’ultimo decennio l’antropologia applicata sta vivendo una fase di rilancio che per essere compresa e valorizzata in modo organico richiede... more
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      Ernesto de MartinoAntropologia ApplicataMemorandumTullio Seppilli
Koçi Bey Risalesi, Osmanlı toplum ve devlet düzeninde meydana gelen değişikliklerin, gelenekçi bir bakış açısıyla analizini yapan risalelerin en çok tanınanı ve en kapsamlısıdır. Koçi Bey bu eserde, bir yandan Osmanlı geçmişinin parlak... more
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      Historical SociologyTarih SosyolojisiMemorandumsosyal bütünleşme
Memorandum Iria Blanco Brey
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ABSTRACT Focusing on a subset of European cities belonging to the SmartCities (inter) Regional Academic Network (SCRAN), ie Bremerhaven, Edinburgh, Groningen, Karlstad, Kortijk, Kristiansand, Lillesand, Osterholz, Norfolk, this chapter... more
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      Regional EconomicsTriple HelixNetwork ModelMemorandum
Pentru municipiul Turda, statuia dr. Ioan Raţiu din piaţa primăriei poate fi considerată o siglă a localităţii, o siglă a întregii Transilvanii, un simbol al luptei românilor pentru drepturi naţionale şi pentru unire. Una dintre vechile... more
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      HistoryRomanian HistoryRecent HistorySocial History
Morocco has a rich and diverse cultural heritage including 35 ancient medina’s. Despite these important assets, Morocco is facing some serious stagnation in reaching their tourism ambitions as have been defined in their Vision 2020. To... more
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This paper studies risk attitudes using a large representative survey and a complementary experiment conducted with a representative subject pool in subjects' homes. Using a question asking people about their willingness to take risks "in... more
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      EconomicsRisk TakingLabour MarketThe
A Psicologia Humanista norte-americana surgiu há cerca de cinqüenta anos, apresentando-se como uma terceira força capaz de fazer frente ao que julgava ser uma desumanização determinista da imagem de ser humano promovida pelo Behaviorismo... more
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      Philosophy of PsychologyHumanistic psychologyHistory Of PsychologyHistória da Psicologia
В годините на преход бяха допуснати много грешки в развитието на туризма, довели до стихийно и непланомерно презастрояване, загуба на традиционни пазари и партньори, понижаване на конкурентноспособността на българския туристически... more
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      Natural ResourcesSustainable DevelopmentCultures and heritage tourismSustainable Tourism
What is the Purpose of this Document? This guide note reminds stakeholders in the building and construction industry, from design professionals and suppliers to contractors, about their ability to influence the selection of... more
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      ArchitectureEnvironmental SustainabilityTemplateMemorandum
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Στήλη Προφητε...troll. Δρόμος της Αριστεράς, φύλλο 265 (29-30 Μαϊου 2015)
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      Early Modern HistoryPoliticsGreeceSYRIZA
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People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication... more
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      EconomicsPublic EconomicsPrice StabilityOptimal Design
Disciplined, reliable, conservative and efficient, turns ideas into practical actions. Somewhat inflexible. Slow to respond to new possibilities.
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      Team BuildingConstruct ValidityMemorandum
Case No. 1 Fortress of Europe
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      Comparative LawMemorandum
Existing studies offer myopic insights how intermediaries can reduce consumers' perceived risk in order to make electronic marketplaces more successful. In contrast, the study here acknowledges the role of sellers in enabling these... more
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      Information ServiceRisk ReductionMemorandum
Turkey is facing a slight but remarkable reversal in population flows between settlements, a movement known as 'counterurbanisation'. The aim of this paper is to investigate the new patterns of population flows linked to changes in... more
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      Multivariate StatisticsSustainable DevelopmentRegional EconomicsEnvironmental Sciences
Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis (MAMCA) has proven to be a suitable tool for the evaluation of transport projects. It allows to incorporate explicitly the aims and views of the actors involved, which is essential in the context of... more
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      Regional EconomicsMemorandum
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      United KingdomIntergenerational mobilityUnited StatesStatistical Significance
We examine a model of social learning in networks following the lines of Bala and Goyal (1998, 2001). As a model of agents’ behaviour we have chosen the model of informational cascades of Bikhchandani et al (1992). Similarly to Bala and... more
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      EconomicsGlobalizationSocial learningInformation Flow
In January 2015 the radical left SYRIZA has won the Greek national elections and formed a coalition government with Independent Greeks (ANEL), a right-wing populist party. After a seven-month negotiation with Greece’s creditors and the... more
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      EconomicsPublic FinancePolitical SciencePopulism
... Palavras-chave: psicologia histórica; história da psicologia; história das ciências humanas; história das idéias; Ignace Meyerson. ... (1960). A pessoa e sua história. (1960). Pintura e realidade. ... (1961). Notas sobre o objeto.... more
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      BusinessScientificResearch and DevelopmentMerger and Acquisition
Este trabalho apresenta uma modalidade de abordagem do fenomeno da violencia pela via do horizonte propiciado na dimensao da etica. O proposito deste artigo consiste em examinar as relacoes entre etica e violencia no que diz respeito a... more
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Estimates on Italian and Norwegian data indicate that the preference structure among middle-aged Italian males and Norwegian males and females who are approaching retirement has strong similarities. The policy simulation indicates... more
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      Survey dataCross SectionConsumption SmoothingCredit Market
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      William JamesAttentionMemorandum
This study estimates the effect of seasonal patterns of pull/push weather elements (rainfall, temperature, wind, and cloud coverage) on recurrent fluctuations in tourism demand for Aruba, originating from the USA and Venezuela. The... more
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      MarketingGeographyTourism ManagementClimate
O texto homenageia Arno Engelmann, Professor Titular do Departamento de Psicologia Experimental do IPUSP. São apresentados dados biográficos e a evolução de sua carreira na Universidade de São Paulo desde os primórdios do curso de... more
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Entrepreneurs as the dominant employment source in rural areas play a crucial role, not only in the continuity of the rural economy but also in the continuity of rural life. The aim of this study is first to explore the profile of rural... more
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      Sustainable Rural DevelopmentRegional EconomicsMemorandum
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      BusinessTourism StudiesConsumer Behaviour in HospitalityConsumer Behavior
El presente artículo tiene como finalidad analizar a las mujeres como objeto de estudio en la Revista Archivos de criminología  aplicadas a las ciencias afines en la Argentina en el periodo comprendido entre 1902 y 1913. Nos detendremos... more
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      EconomicsOrganization TheoryScientificManagement Studies
This paper presents a new approach to the functional approximation of the M/G/1/N built on a Taylor series approach. Specifically, we establish an approximative expression for the remainder term of the Taylor series that can be computed... more
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      MathematicsFunction approximationMemorandum
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Individuals with a preference for keeping moral obligations may dislike learning that voluntary contributions are socially valuable: Such information can trigger unpleasant feelings of cognitive dissonance. I show that if initial beliefs... more
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      Cognitive DissonanceApplied EconomicsPublic GoodSocial Values
We construct an endogenous growth model based on Lucas (1988) and van Zon and Muysken (2001). The model shows how the provision of health services influences an economy's rate of growth. Since growth is produced using labour services,... more
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      EconomicsEconomic GrowthMemorandum