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      EconomicsRisk TakingLabour MarketThe
This report provides new series of ICT investment and ICT capital, estimates of the contribution of ICT capital to output and labour productivity growth, and the TFP contribution stemming from ICT production for the European Union from... more
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      European UnionMemorandum
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a multi-disciplinary subject and definitions vary with regard to the perceived scope or boundaries of the corporation's responsibility. In this paper, corporate motives for CSR are explored, along... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityBusiness and ManagementAnnual ReportExploratory Analysis
In this paper we consider open-loop Nash equilibria of the linear-quadratic dierential game. As well the nite-planning-horizon, the innite-planning horizon as convergence properties of the nite-planning-horizon equilibrium if the planning... more
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      Game TheoryEconomic TheoryApplied EconomicsNash Equilibrium
Approximately 27 years ago, at a conference of the Heads of State and Government of the European Community, it was decided to extend the common policy action to the field of environment. This resulted in the First Action Program for the ...
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      Public HealthMemorandum
The paper studies the effects of international remittances on poverty and inequality in Ethiopia using an urban household survey from 2004. In order to identify the effects of remittances on poverty and inequality, counterfactual... more
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      EconomicsPovertyInequalityHousehold Survey
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We focus on axiomatizations of the Pareto equilibrium concept in noncooperative multicriteria games based on consistency. Some axiomatizations of the Nash equilibrium concept have immediate generalizations. For strategic games it was... more
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      Economic TheoryApplied EconomicsGeneral Equilibrium TheoryNash Equilibrium
We present a framework for interpretation of the empirical results of New Keynesian models of in ‡ation dynamics. Both the rational expectations solution of the structural New Keynesian Phillips curve, NKPC, and the reduced form VAR... more
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      MacroeconomicsEconomic TheoryApplied EconomicsRational Expectations
Individuals with a preference for keeping moral obligations may dislike learning that voluntary contributions are socially valuable: Such information can trigger unpleasant feelings of cognitive dissonance. I show that if initial beliefs... more
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      Cognitive DissonanceApplied EconomicsPublic GoodSocial Values
The paper analyses incentives for, and the benefits of a possible international cooperation to reduce CO 2 emissions. The negotiations are modelled as a (static) reciprocal-externalitygame in CO 2 emissions between five world regions. CO... more
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      Climate ChangeInternational CooperationApplied EconomicsGlobal Warming
With the aging of society, issues concerning the reform of the Dutch health care system are ranked high on the political agenda. Sensible reforms of the health care system for the elderly require a thorough understanding of the health... more
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      EconomicsHealth EconomicsAgingPopulation Dynamics
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      BusinessScientificResearch and DevelopmentMerger and Acquisition
The European Union has introduced directives that aim to liberalize and integrate electricity and gas markets in Western Europe. While progress has been made, particularly in electricity markets, there have been setbacks: for example,... more
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      EconometricsWestern EuropeInternational TradeEuropean Union
This paper examines collusion among firms whose discount factors are private information. Mutual uncertainty regarding intentions to restrict competition might undermine the possibility of tacit collusion. Firms that want to collude may,... more
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      Market StructureMemorandum
The dynamisms of the present realities have propelled multinationals worldwide to engage in Cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR). This explains to a large extent why there are different models of community interface and development which... more
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      Global LeadershipShell petroleum development companyMemorandum
Primary care physicians have two roles: healer and gatekeeper. We show that, due to information asymmetries, better gatekeepers are poorer healers. This inherent conflict is amplified by competition: patients, whether truly sick or... more
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    • Memorandum
KNAW Narcis. Back to search results. Publication Efficient progressive taxes and education subsidies (2000). Pagina-navigatie: Main. Title, Efficient progressive taxes and education subsidies. Published in, Research Memorandum, Vol. 170.... more
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      Income TaxOECD countriesUnion MembershipEmpirical Analysis
Informal groups cannot rely on external enforcement to insure that members abide by their obligations. It is generally assumed that these problems are solved by 'social sanctions' and reputational effects. The present paper focuses on... more
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      Organizational structureFinancial InstitutionsDeveloping WorldOrganizational Design
We advocate the use of absolute moment ratio statistics in con-junction with standard variance ratio statistics in order to disentan-gle linear dependence, non-linear dependence, and leptokurtosis in financial time series. Both statistics... more
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This paper aims to map out the consequences of migration flows for modern cities, and in particular it analyses various aspects of urban cultural diversity. It argues that the sustainable and innovative development of cities under... more
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      Political ScienceCultural DiversityRegional EconomicsEconomic Impact
Organic production techniques are an increasing, though minor so far, part of agriculture, and organic wines are increasingly produced and appreciated. Nevertheless, since the organic technique is more costly, a crucial question is... more
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Two heuristics for operational production planning in a chemical processing environment are compared, characterized by a single bottleneck
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      Computer ScienceMultidisciplinaryLot SizingMemorandum
Current literature on business process re-engineering (BPR) lacks detailed guidance and support for the actual execution of re-engineering. Many publications illustrate the situation before and after BPR; but do not discuss the path that... more
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, as well as participants at presentations at Harvard University and Virginia Polytechnic and State University, for useful comments on earlier drafts, to Larry Katz and Greg Mankiw for helpful discussions, and to NBER for the hospitality... more
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      EconomicsMonetary PolicyInflationMemorandum
We thank Stefano Breschi for helpful comments and suggestions on an earlier draft of this paper. We also acknowledge comments from Marco Darin, Alessandro Sembenelli, and the other participants in the MURST Project "Information Spillovers... more
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      ScientificInstrumental VariableLabour ProductivityPublication
Entrepreneurs as the dominant employment source in rural areas play a crucial role, not only in the continuity of the rural economy but also in the continuity of rural life. The aim of this study is first to explore the profile of rural... more
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      Sustainable Rural DevelopmentRegional EconomicsMemorandum
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Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis (MAMCA) has proven to be a suitable tool for the evaluation of transport projects. It allows to incorporate explicitly the aims and views of the actors involved, which is essential in the context of... more
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      Regional EconomicsMemorandum
This paper provides an extensive Monte-Carlo comparison of sev-eral contemporary cointegration tests. Apart from the familiar Gaus-sian based tests of Johansen, we also consider tests based on non-Gaussian quasi-likelihoods. Moreover, we... more
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      Monte CarloMemorandumKernel Estimate
In %sjgaper the economie effects of a regulating energy levy are ïllustrated usmg a small macro-economie empirical simulation model for TTie Netherlands, called theEnTech-model. The model is especially designed to reckon with the effects... more
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      Simulation ModelMemorandum
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Existing studies offer myopic insights how intermediaries can reduce consumers' perceived risk in order to make electronic marketplaces more successful. In contrast, the study here acknowledges the role of sellers in enabling these... more
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      Information ServiceRisk ReductionMemorandum
People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication... more
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      Economic SociologyCultural EconomicsMemorandum
Recent location patterns of modern firms appear to exhibit high mobility patterns with a tendency towards footlooseness. The spatial-economic dynamics -sometimes across the border -of firms is encapsulated in the term 'nomadic firms'.... more
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III this paper. \ve analyse interregional freight transport movements in Europe with a view on new spatial patterns based on transport economic scenarios for environmental sustainability. T\vo different approaches are compared. viz. the... more
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      Computer ScienceEnvironmental SustainabilityNeural NetworkSpatial Pattern
People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication... more
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      EconomicsPublic EconomicsPrice StabilityOptimal Design
The coping literature has demonstrated that differences in personality affect how individuals adapt to various stressful events, such as physical pain and traumatic experiences. This paper extends these findings into a stressful event in... more
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Curso de introdução à historiografia da psicologia: apontamentos para um curso breve -parte terceira. Memorandum, 3, 112-131. Retirado em / / , do World Wide Esta terceira parte do "Curso Breve" compreende depoimentos que o professor... more
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O texto apresenta questionamentos e considerações produzidos a partir de um trabalho de extensão desenvolvido ao longo de oito anos, com o Grupo de Inculturação Afrodescendente Raízes da Terra, na cidade de São João del-Rei, MG. As... more
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    • Memorandum
People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication... more
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This paper focuses on two specific waterfront revitalization projects: The Docklands (London. Great Britain) and Minato Mirai 21 (Yokohama. Japan). The paper examines the projects from two vantage points: (1) the contributions and... more
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Brasil Resumo O tema felicidade é visto sob o prisma de um texto autobiográfico medieval da teologia cristã, utilizandose do livro A vida Feliz de Santo Agostinho, no qual o autor se empenha na discussão sobre a felicidade com base no... more
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This paper proposes a unified approach to Monte Carlo estimation of sensitivity of European option premiums with respect to some arbitrary parameter. The classical framework assumes that the underlying parameter is some intrinsic... more
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      Computer ScienceMemorandum
Disciplined, reliable, conservative and efficient, turns ideas into practical actions. Somewhat inflexible. Slow to respond to new possibilities.
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      Team BuildingConstruct ValidityMemorandum
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      Industrial OrganizationProduct DesignProduct innovationScientific
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O presente estudo objetiva compreender a ideia de formação que perpassa as primeiras propostas curriculares para o ensino da Psicologia no Brasil. Para o alcance deste objetivo foi utilizada abordagem descritiva e analítica da história da... more
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    • Memorandum
We consider marriage problems where myopic and farsighted players interact. To study such problems, we use the pairwise myopic-farsighted stable set. Blocking occurs by coalitions of size one or two. We require that all blocking players... more
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      Computer ScienceMemorandum