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      AestheticsOntology of MusicArt CriticismOntology of Art
I shall present three fundamental distinctions among kinds of values discussed by contem- porary axiologists and the way they relate to kinds of affective attitudes. (i) Thin vs. thick values. Some things are good; some things are... more
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      EmotionAxiologyValue TheoryDesire
Nihilism poses grave problems for those who seek directives to lead their lives. In this article, the three most important ways to deal with nihilism are inquired, with an emphasis on their credibility. Both nihilism from a metaphysical... more
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Dans ce texte, je défends le principe déontique selon lequelle devoir implique pouvoir. Mon argumentation consiste principalement à réfuter les objections et les contre-exemples qu'on lui a apportés. Toutefois, à la fin, je propose un... more
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      Analytic PhilosophyEthicsNormative EthicsMeta-Ethics
A más de cien años de su nacimiento y casi 30 de su muerte Paul Grice sigue siendo uno de los filósofos más citados, discutidos e incomprendidos del siglo XX. Innovador, desafiante e inconforme intelectualmente, parece haber llevado a... more
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      MeaningH.P. GriceMetaphysics of valueIntention
In The Ages of the World Schelling elaborates an alternative to Spinoza's philosophical theology that is free of the ambiguity that marked his earlier efforts in this direction. His advance rests on the superior rigor of his revised... more
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      Philosophical TheologyGerman IdealismFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingMetaphysics of value
In hell, the vale of human suffering, there is an exact place where he, the Moon exists. Haven and hell, God and devil are united in it as the flame and shadow.
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      Russian StudiesMetaphysicsHellenistic LiteratureMetaphysics of properties
This is the English version of an entry ‘Valores’ in António Marques & André Santos Campos (eds.): DICIONÁRIO DE FILOSOFIA MORAL E POLÍTICA, URL political-philosophy; translated into... more
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      EthicsAxiologyValuesPhilosophy of Value
I introduce the the axiological theory of pleasure, according to which pleasure's essential property is a value, hedonic value. I then sketch an analysis of hedonic value in terms of personal value of mental episodes.
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      AxiologyValue TheoryPleasurePhilosophy of Value
In The Ages of the World Schelling elaborates an alternative to Spinoza's philosophical theology that is free of the ambiguity that marked his earlier efforts in this direction. His advance rests on the superior rigor of his revised... more
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      German IdealismFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingMetaphysics of valueCosmogony
Erich Rast: "Passing the Buck the Right Way", talk given at the Value Seminar of the project "Values in Argumentative Discourse" at IFILNOVA Institute of Philosophy, New University of Lisbon, Lisbon, December 2017.
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      AxiologyHuman ValuesValuesValue Theory