Midden analysis
Recent papers in Midden analysis
Extensive shovel probing and high resolution block excavations based on the quantified results of the probes have revealed a midden with a possibly contiguous seasonal village or hamlet of probable Woodland ascription. The site labeled... more
This report presents the results of Phase III excavation and data recovery at 8LA243, also known as the Montverde site, located in the town of Montverde in Lake County, Florida. The site was a relatively permanent habitation site that... more
The data from recent excavations in the Oman peninsula, especially in the Ja’alan and the Jebel Qara (Sultanate of Oman) enable us better to refine certain cultural entities and to define new ones, to help determine the chronology of a... more
During the 80’s and 90’s a number of discoveries highlighted the occurrence of a number of large midden sites in and around the Vale of Pewsey consistently dated to the Late Bronze Age / Earliest Iron Age transition. Consisting of 1-2m... more
espanolLa costa suratlantica de la Peninsula Iberica posee un importante legado romano que incluye numerosos talleres halieuticos, con una actividad que se desarrollo durante casi un milenio (siglo I a.C.-siglo VII d.C.). Sin embargo, se... more
The site of Engaruka in northern Tanzania has been the focus of decades of archaeological research regarding the development of terraced field systems in East Africa. Engaruka is a vast agricultural landscape, occupied from the 14th... more
Michael Gibbons and Myles Gibbons examine the presence of Bog whelk shells on sites in Connemara and postulate that they may have been used to produce dye as early as the Mesolithic period.
A number of large midden sites, dating from the Late Bronze to Early Iron Age transition, have been discovered in the Vale of Pewsey, Wiltshire, over the last 30 years. These middens are characterised by deep deposits (up to 2m thick) of... more
Shell middens, sometimes in the form of mounds of great size, are a ubiquitous indicator of coastal settlement and exploitation of marine resources across the world. However, shell middens are relatively rare before the mid-Holocene... more
Sampling is a practice that affects all stages of archeological research, and is a method frequently employed to manage the potentially vast quantities of material recovered from excavations. Current sampling methods used in the analyses... more
This paper examines the age, place of manufacture and cultural significance of clay tobacco pipes found on two Aboriginal shell middens at Corroboree Beach, Fraser Island, south-east Queensland (Fig. 1). Although clay pipes are often... more
Published in Landscape Architecture Frontiers, No 12, vol 2, issue 6
The examination of eroding coastal dunes at the prehistoric site of Northton, Harris, has produced the first archaeological evidence of Mesolithic activity in the Western Isles in the form of two midden-related deposits. The first phase... more
The examination of eroding coastal dunes at the prehistoric site of Northton, Harris, has produced the first archaeological evidence of Mesolithic activity in the Western Isles in the form of two midden-related deposits. The first phase... more
"During the 2007 field excavation two dump of pottery, metal objects, animal bones and plant remains, were found in the Late-Roman/Early Medieval site of Faragola (S-E Italy). Very common in archaeological sites, this kind of formation... more
Microstratigraphy-the sequencing of detailed biological signals on site-is an important new approach being developed in the Ç atalhöyük project. Here the authors show how microscopic recording of the strata and content of widespread... more
L'ARCHÉOLOGIE DES MAISONNÉES pour une approche comparative transatlantique 2016 # 8 Cette publication numérique a reçu le soutien de Revue publiée par l'association P@lethnologie, créée et soutenue par le laboratoire TRACES, le... more
Shell middens, sometimes in the form of mounds of great size, are a ubiquitous indicator of coastal settlement and exploitation of marine resources across the world. However, shell middens are relatively rare before the mid-Holocene... more
ABSTRACT We tested whether micro CT scanning could be used to study phytoliths and bone fragments on samples from a Middle Neolithic midden deposit from Swifterbant (The Netherlands). We scanned an untreated block sample, and an... more
A prehistoric shell midden dating to c. 9 ka bp (uncalibrated) was discovered at Grotta di Pozzo, in the central Apennines of Abruzzo. It includes large amounts of well-preserved shells of the endemic land snail Helix delpretiana. A... more
"Local reservoir ages are often estimated from the difference between the radiocarbon ages of aquatic material and associated terrestrial samples for which no reservoir effect is expected. Frequently, the selected aquatic material... more
We tested whether micro CT scanning could be used to study phytoliths and bone fragments on samples from a Middle Neolithic midden deposit from Swifterbant (The Netherlands). We scanned an untreated block sample, and an impregnated sample... more
The authors present a remarkable site with a remarkable interpretation: a structured platform of dugong bones, containing skulls laid in parallel and ribs in sets, together with artefacts of the Neolithic period. They propose that the... more
Samples from seven stratigraphi c units of a midden complex in the Eneolithic (Gumelniţ a A2) levels at Hârş ova-tell (Constanţ a County, southeast Romania) were analyzed to test for seasonality signals in coprolite pollen spectra. The... more
Anthropogenic shell accumulations (shell middens), often of great size, occur in their tens of thousands around the world's coastlines. They mostly date from the Mid-Holocene onwards and are frequently taken as symptomatic of a... more
Page 1. Kris Courtney1 and Ian J. McNiven2 ... However, the bowl and stem are both abraded by weathering, possibly sandblasting, so it is most likely that all traces of any such marks, if present and only lightly impressed, have been... more
Anthropogenic midden deposits are remarkably well preserved at the Neolithic settlement of Catalhöyuk and provide significant archaeological information on the types and nature of activities occurring at the site. To decipher their... more
Anthropogenic midden deposits are remarkably well preserved at the Neolithic settlement of Çatalhöyük and provide significant archaeological information on the types and nature of activities occurring at the site. To decipher their... more
Ahslnlt"f.-A tedlllique involving microscopic cxaminalion of otolith growlh I.ones has bcen comlllonly used by ilreha..:ologislS idong the CO,ISt of California In cstil11ille season-of-caplure of prehisloric lishes and 10 inkr th..:... more
During the twenty years of excavations carried out at the one of the most important settlements in Cuntisuyu, related to the cult of the Coropuna volcano, an impressive amount of two hundred thousand pieces of ceramics was found. Most of... more
ABSTRACT An early-to mid-Holocene humid phase has been identified in various Arabian geo-archives, although significant regional heterogeneity has been reported in the onset, duration and stability of this period. A multi-proxy lake and... more
Archaeological otoliths of mulloway (Argyrosomus japonicas) (n=73) from an estuarine mound site near Barker Inlet, Adelaide were analysed to investigate age of fish and season of capture, size of fish when captured and fish growth rates.... more