Militant Research
Recent papers in Militant Research
Radio is an old medium that seems to struggle to renew itself. With the switchover from analogue to digital and the necessity to keep up with consumer demand and expectations, radio has been regularly deemed to be obsolete. Radio as a... more
Over the past few years, increased ‘unauthorised’ migrations into the territories of Europe have resulted in one of the most severe crises in the history of the European Union. Stierl explores migration and border struggles in... more
The Quran: A New Translation I s lam ,T e r r o r is m and Jihad (18 A ug 2014 Ne w A g e I s lam .C o m )
The emergence of female bombers is fairly recent in the history of modern day suicide bombing. This essay examines the history of suicide bombing and the use of women as human bombers in various terrorist groups currently active through... more
""Squatting in Europe aims to move beyond the conventional understandings of squatting, investigating its history in Europe over the past four decades. Historical comparisons and analysis blend together in these inquiries into squatting... more
Avtorica v magistrskem delu razpravlja o pedagoških praksah Gibanja delavcev brez zemlje (Movimentos dos Trabalhadores sem Terra, MST) in Nacionalne šole Florestan Fernandes (Escola nacional Florestan Fernandes, ENFF) iz občine Guararema... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
This paper reflects on the process, outcomes and next steps of an inquiry on the socio-economic conditions of designers in Italy that we co-produced with the “Cantiere per pratiche non-affermative” between 2012 and 2013. Co-authored... more
« L'impossible militantisme de gauche au XXIe siècle », Kairos 37 (2018)
IDtI ('lllAl ll(rAlll) N,rrrr v Altt lttt.tlttt t t trr, t tit 'tl tlltttt tt I tt l,tttttt t lt,ttrtl',ttt'tt Il lrlrrrr,r ll.tll.t1ilt.t \,t,,iltrl llt,l\tt^t t ttllt I I'lrrllrpc llottt 11rrr t !tt., t tt\,'l r,tl,l,,rt,t,t \,rt... more
Between mid-2006 and late-2010 the UK experienced a parabola of spectacular protests relating to climate change, ranging from the occupation of airport taxiways through to the blockade of coal power stations. Mobilizing thousands of... more
We are currently facing incredible challenges due to environmental and social crises on a global scale and cities are at the forefront of these challenges. Within this context, this thesis analyses the role of urban social movements in... more
This dissertation centers on the shifting cultures of labor within the European Union due to economic flexibilization, new patterns of feminine work and transformations in immigration. I analyze how civil society efforts are engaging... more
We, the Counter Cartographies Collective (3Cs), propose a specific form of counter-mapping, autonomous cartography, to understand and intervene in the processes at our university, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. As... more
Article based on paper presented as part of Panel 24: ‘Looting, Refusing, Negating, Embodying’ ‘Critical Refusals’ Fourth Biennal Conference of the International Herbert Marcuse Society, University of Pennsylvania, 27-29th October... more
Ιστορία, Θεωρία και Προοπτικές για τη συνοδοιπορία Έρευνας και Αγώνα
When members of the militant women's suffrage organisation Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) started to go on hunger strike when imprisoned, they challenged the British prison authorities that firstly struggled to find an adequate... more
The 'Gran Ghettò' is a spontaneous settlement located in the Capitanata Plain, Apulia, Italy. Since the 90s, thousands of migrant workers have travelled to this " shanti town " transforming it in the vastest recruiting centre in the area,... more
Kashmir 2016 is distinctly different, when the gun first surfaced in the valley. A new breed of militants is rising in Kashmir-young, educated, tech-savvy. The new generation has left all the comforts and chosen the path of violence. The... more
This paper is a critical reflection on, and theorisation of, the issues arising from (and explored during) Militant Training Camp . Militant Training Camp was a social, experimental, performance camp held at Arcadia Missa Gallery in... more
In this study, membership processes in political parties towards young people and specific positions of youth inside the party space are examined within the framework of concepts such as space, apparatus, habitus, capital, and illusio... more
he state of Pakistan has, unfortunately, been at the vortex of various forms of terrorism and insurgent activities for several decades. he country is internally crippled by terrorism and the vast lows of funds to violent extremist groups... more
Diese Forschungsarbeit beschäftigt sich mit Formen der „indigenen“ Selbstorganisation im Kontext sozialer und politischer Konflikte in dem mexikanischen Bundesstaat Oaxaca. Ausgehend von der These, dass die Einbeziehung hochkomplexer... more
La periferia orizzontale Un modello di etnografia collaborativa a Barcellona di Eugenio Giorgianni A metà dello scorso, torrido mese di... more
Since last decade, the world has been facing Muslim militancy as the most tough challenge and threat. Activities of global Muslim militant groups like Al Qaeda and Taliban have engulfed a large number of human lives have cost dollars in... more
The problematic of the activist/academic relationship has been a source of sustained concern for radical Geographers over the past 15 years. Drawing on my personal experience within the radical climate movement(s), this paper looks to... more
Les ZAD ou Zones À Défendre sont caractérisées comme un espace, souvent rural et occupé par des militants, qui s’opposent à un projet d’aménagement susceptible de porter atteinte à l’environnement et à l’intérêt de la population locale.... more