Recent papers in Missionary
For the past few years, on Sundays during the Easter period, groups of Catholics fill city squares (parks, shopping centres and the like) and celebrate the liturgy giving a testimony to Christian life. Very often these places are... more
This essay reappraises the origins of French Quakerism based on new archival research conducted on both sides of the Channel. It identifies 34 Quaker missionaries in 17th- and early 18C France, sheds new light on the French reception of... more
Dr. E Stanley Jones through his Kingdom of God perspective had a lasting impact on racism both in India and North America. Through his formation in India of the Christian Ashram movement in 1930 and transplanting it worldwide, Jones... more
Missionaries seek to be credible to the people whom they try to influence with the message of the gospel. Although Christ first and foremost calls missionaries to be humble servants who love and serve him, empirical evidence from the... more
Firstly, the Roman Catholic «prehistory» of contact between the Panoan groups of Bolivian Amazonia and Jesuit, Franciscan and lay clergy missionaries is described. The paper then analyses the continuity of the evangelization process by... more
Introduction to Messianic Judaism provides a description of what the Messianic Jewish community looks like today at its center and on its margins. The first section of the book traces the ecclesial contours of the community, providing a... more
Kolonialismen kommer i många olika skepnader och underordning. Militären och missionären möttes i en gemensam självpåtagen roll att sprida civilisation av kristendom och många gånger var de också ömsesidigt beroende av varandra. Denna... more
This is mainly an archival contribution whose purpose is to reassess the concrete phases of Nobili's education. Here I demonstrate that, contrary to what previous historians repeated, Nobili's involvement with the College Romano was very... more
Jim Rayburn, the founder of Young Life, was an influential Christian leader during the twentieth century. His passion for teenagers to be introduced to Jesus has started a worldwide organization that exists in over 100 countries today.... more
If someone claims to do empirical studies in the field of theology, I am always cautious. Too many times the approach is only empirical at the surface and the results are frequently self-serving. Pascal D. Bazzell’s work is a laudable... more
« Conclusion générale : reprise systématique » (Actes du Colloque sur la théologie de la Mission ad gentes, Missions Étrangères de Paris, février 2019), Supplément de la Revue MEP, 2019 (130 p.), p. 116-130.
Paolo Aranha. ‘Roberto Nobili e Il Dialogo Interreligioso?’ In Roberto De Nobili (1577-1656): Missionario Gesuita Poliziano: Atti Del Convegno Montepuciano 20 Ottobre 2007, edited by Matteo Sanfilippo and Carlo Prezzolini, 137–50.... more
When it came to going to China, Robert Jaffray and his publisher father did not agree. His biographer AW Tozer commented, "Age, paternal authority and the strong leverage of economic pressure-all were on his (dad's) side, while Rob had... more
This paper examines discipleship in the light of the Great Commission. By studying the final words of Jesus within the context of Matthew's Gospel we can better understand Christ’s claim, command, and words of comfort as he sends his... more
Thawhlehnani lo thleng tur chu nghakhlel takin
Dawhthei takin ka thlir reng e van In nuam chu
Ka lei taksa hrehawmnate chu kalsanin
Ka nghahhlelh Lal Isua ngei chu ka kuah tawh ang
Dawhthei takin ka thlir reng e van In nuam chu
Ka lei taksa hrehawmnate chu kalsanin
Ka nghahhlelh Lal Isua ngei chu ka kuah tawh ang
1949年起,台灣門諾會在台灣花蓮開始從事醫療傳道,於1955年正式成立花蓮門諾醫院,同年在台中開始傳福音,設立在台的第一間教會—台中林森路教會。六十年來,陸續在台北、花蓮、台中及桃園開設21間教會,且為扶助殘障、老弱和受摧殘的少女,先後於花蓮設立黎明啟智中心、老人護佐中心及善牧中心等社福機構,其中最廣為人知悉的是花蓮門諾醫院。然而相較於社會福利工作的發展,台灣門諾會在教勢的成長卻未隨之有明顯的成長。門諾會初期設立教會,推動宣教事工所需之傳道人皆借重於長老教會... more
here is one of the masterpiece articles of my Friend Dr. Joel Parker, who shared with me this link in 2011 and it was very informative and very useful for me in order to write a PhD Doctoral Thesis about this topic and to publish books... more
西拉雅文是 17 世紀荷蘭佔據台灣島期間由荷蘭宗教人員為平埔族群西拉雅人創制的一種拉丁文字,這種文字一直沿用到19世紀30年代。本文利用荷蘭的台灣文獻檔案和存世的西拉雅文獻討論這種文字的創制背景及其在不同時期的演變。 The Siraya script is a Latin-based writing system invented by the Dutch missionaries for the Siraya Pingpu aboriginals during... more
I have been writing a commentary on Acts, a biblical book that provides more than enough insights by itself for this series on New Testament missiology. The line between writing a missiological commentary on Acts and developing Luke‟s... more
A brief look at missions and Jesus
This is an in-depth analysis of the first part of the book of C. Theobald, Pastoral Urgencies in order to reflect on the missionary conversion of the pastoral life of the Church. In this first section Theobald presents some contextual... more
The Jesuit father Nicolas Pimenta's report mentions one of the first Christian missions to Bengal (1598–1604). Based on fresh translations of the chapters in the report describing the Bengal mission, this article examines interreligious... more
This working paper provides a comprehensive bibliography of historical and ethnographic literature on Christianity in Nigeria, and a brief discussion of some of the gaps that need to be filled in that literature.
The important term Missio Dei (Mission of God) needs a biblical foundation. The sending of God by God is a foundational motive in the New Testament. Even at the very beginning of salvation history, shortly after creation, God became the... more
Hudson Taylor interacted with Chinese culture in a way that most westerners saw as unimaginable. What motivated Taylor to live in such a sacrificial way among the Chinese people? What can we learn from his life story that can impact our... more
For many decades Evangelicals in the West have drawn upon a "counter-cult" approach to certain religious groups. The late Walter Martin is an exemplar of this model. This "heresy-rationalist" approach involves a contrast of Christendom's... more
One of the most facile assumptions about religions, especially in the West, is that concepts of "God" would be more or less the same in the various famous scriptures. What would actual study and analysis of the scriptures, however, reveal... more
Elias Riggs was a missionary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) in Greece between 1832-1838. This article reviews the early life of Elias Riggs, investigates how he became an American missionary in the... more
ABSTRACT The Black Legend, the unfavorable interpretation of Spain’s colonizing role in the Americas, it is not only a negative misinterpretation of Spanish and Spanish American History that have spread in Europe in the Modern Ages. It... more
Introduction and detailed analysis of the YMCA's/YWCA's global history and social work. https://uhpress.hawaii.edu/title/spreading-protestant-modernity-global-perspectives-on-the-social-work-of-the-ymca-and-ywca-1889-1970/ A half... more
The Protestant missionary movement of the 19th and early 20th centuries has for some time now come under severe criticism both by many Western scholars and an increasing number of their African peers. Missionaries are charged with... more
Effective gospel mission requires both faithful exegesis of Scripture coupled with unbiased exegesis of the culture and its products. Dr. Gailyn Van Rheenen's missional helix provides a framework to help Christians do both so their... more
This paper about the believers’ response to the Biblical theology of missions will be discussed. First, the mission as the central theme of scripture will be reviewed and then the social and humanitarian aspects of the mission will be... more
The earliest contact between Christianity and Confucianism can be traced back to the seventh century during the rule of the Tang Dynasty. However, Christianity kept disappearing and reappearing from time to time until it finally settled... more
MARISA RESTIFFO JUNIO DE 2001-MAYO DE 2005 Los trabajos más recientes de los especialistas dedicados a este repertorio profundizan sobre aspectos tales como la función autor, la interpretación, la autencidad, los compositores, la... more
Regnum Studies in Mission are born from the lived experience o f Christians and Christian communities in mission, especially but not solely in the fast growing churches among the poor o f the world. These churches have more to tell than... more
At the end of the ‘Calvin-Year’, in which Christians all over the world celebrate Calvin’s 500th birthday, this books emphasizes Calvin’s role for establishing a Protestant mission theology which later led to a worldwide expansion of... more
En analysant, par l'entremise du regard missionnaire, le processus politique qui aboutit à la reconstitution de la Haute-Volta, nous pouvons donner une nouvelle lecture des faits au cours de laquelle le rôle des Pères Blancs -souvent... more