Mithraic iconography
Recent papers in Mithraic iconography
Vestiges of scorpion symbolism in medieval and early modern European culture, largely mediated through astrological, astro-medical, and occult doctrines, and promoted in religious iconography, were further influenced by the revival of... more
Sažetak: Mitraizam je jedan od misterijskih kultova čija je popularnost u kasnoantičkom Rimu bila velika, posebno među legionarima. Mitra je bio ratničko, solarno božanstvo, a sakralna vizuelna predstava kulta bila je tauroktonija na... more
The sacrifice of the sacred bull/calf deep in the underground cave, underlines the dualistic nature of the Mitraic Cult. The sacred bull was in its true nature a fetishist manifestation - phallus, of a multitude-form creator solar deity,... more
Roman cult of Mithra has its origin from Indo-Iranian religions. This article examines in detail how it arrived in the west and finally flowed into Christianity. Every major religion has its own passionate controversies and opinions... more
The Baptism of Jesus of Nazareth happened on Sunday, April 1st, 31 AD. John's 'Pleroma' (Jh.1:16) corresponds to the Pleiades in constellation Taurus. With comments on Pisanello's 'Vision of Saint Eustace' and on Mithraic tauroctony.
In memoriam Xavier Tremblay , a most erudite and generous philologist who shall be missed.
This very article is dedicated to Pagan Armenian temple of Garni, one of the most unique and exceptional surviving masterpieces of ancient Hellenistic architecture that was dedicated to Armenian Sun god Mihr and Hellenistic Sun god... more
هژبری، علی 1397، «بررسی بخشی از معماری دستکند غار کرفتو؛ مهرکدۀ غاریِ ایرانی»، در: صراف خزان؛ جشن¬نامه دکتر محمدرحیم صراف، به کوشش شاهین آریامنش، تهران: پژوهشگاه میراث فرهنگی و گردشگری، چاپ اول، صص 354-331.
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Matthew Canepa's recent study of the cultural and political interactions between Rome and Sasanian Iran, has provided an opportunity to reassess Sasanian rock reliefs in light of the claims and counter claims between these two empires.... more
Tepe Nush-i Jan is amongst the rare major sites attributed to the Median period. The most important result of the recent excavation at the site by the present author in 2009 was the fact that the Median brick structures unearthed at Tepe... more
Le immagini di proprietà dello Stato italiano sono state pubblicate su concessione del miBact -dipartimento per i Beni culturali e Paesaggistici -direzione Regionale per i Beni culturali e Paesaggistici del Friuli Venezia Giulia... more
Il Mitreo campano: analisi, esegesi religiosa e religione comparata.
Monuments of the Mithraic cult in the territory of Arupium (Dalmatia), Romanising Oriental gods? Religious transformations in the Balkan provinces in the Roman period. New finds and novel perspectives.; Pоманизирање на ориентални богови?... more
The archaeological site of Grabak, not far from Trstenik, in the Western Morava River valley, is the most significant late La Tène and Roman locality in the Kruševac Basin. The late La Tène fibulae and coins of Dyrrhachium and Apollonia... more
CULTI ORIENTALI NELLA REGIO IV ITALIAE. TESTIMONIANZE EPIGRAFICHE E INDIZI ARCHEOLOGICI oriental cults in the REGIO IV ITALIAE. epigraphic evidence and archaeological signs Riassunto: In questo lavoro si prendono in considerazione i... more
LA PAROLA DEL PASSATO Rivista di studi antichi 2016/1-2 ~ a. 71 n. 400-401 Segni di coabitazione negli spazi urbani dell'Oriente romano (I-VI sec. d.C.) Signs of Cohabitations in the Urban Spaces of the Roman Near East (1st-6th cent. CE)... more
Espacio y práctica cultural de los misterios mitraicos Resumen: Dentro del contexto religioso en transformación que caracteriza el cambio de Era y los primeros siglos del Imperio Romano, los cultos mistéricos de procedencia oriental... more
What T. S. Eliot called the "mythic method," even in its modern form, was not an invention of Modernism. A significant precursor is Thomas Hardy, whose Mayor of Casterbridge has long been appreciated for its mythological structure and... more
The presence of singular elements in a modified coin found in the British city of Verulamium confront us with a particular case. The analysis of its content offers an approximation to a little-known aspect of the Mithraic cult: the... more
This paper deals with the preliminary results of the archaeological surveys and geophysical prospections carried out in city of Zeugma between 2008-2014, in order to assess the urban expansion and the physical borders of the city, as well... more
The key themes in this paper are the exploration of the Roman cult of Mithras in Britain, including the origins and a history of the spread of the cult from the earliest sanctuary to the those of the latter Roman period. The paper aims to... more
Silvanus után Mithras kultusza gyakorolta a legnagyobb hatást Pannonia lakosságára, Pannoniából ismert legtöbb felirata, ahogyan innen ismert legtöbb szentélye is. Nemcsak az emlékek száma, hanem vallástörténeti értéke miatt is... more
Part of a collaborative study by members of the Empires of Faith project on 'Images of Mithras' in the ancient world, from Western Europe through to Central Asia. Thursday March 5th, 2.30-5.00pm, Sackler Rooms, The British Museum. See... more
William Blake's illustration to *Inferno* Canto 31 places an idol beside Nimrod. I argue that the idol is an iconographic confusion similar to the confusion of tongues Nimrod is tortured with. I also argue that the idol contains features... more
Este artículo se centra en el altar mitraico recuperado en Tróia, cuyo vaciado se conserva en el Museo Nacional de Arqueología en Lisboa (nº inv. 997.50.1). Dado que el original se halla en manos privadas, hecho que ha dificultado su... more
"Nushijan Tappeh (Nushijan hill) in Malayer is one of the most important archeological sites belonging to Meadian era. The most significant scientific finding of the recent excavation of the hill led by the author in year 2009 was the... more
The existence of the ruling cult is questioned on the basis of coins which are the most important evidence of the founding periods of Amastris, which was rebuilt by a queen in the Hellenistic Period in Paphlagonia Region and named after... more
The iconographic representation of the god mithra is linked to his image wearing a type of clothing that has traditionally been called "oriental dress" or "Persian dress". Within this way of dressing, the presence of the trousers... more
M Mi it tr ra a, , D Di io o i in n T Tu us sc ci ia a Il mitraismo è stato, probabilmente, il primo grande culto di tipo universale: sono stati censiti mitrei (ovvero luoghi destinati al culto del dio) in tutta Europa, nell' Asia... more
Publicado en Florentia Iliberritana 15(2004), pp. 9-28. Universidad de Granada RESUMEN. La ausencia de textos que desarrollen la liturgia y la teología de los Misterios Mitraicos ha provocado que la iconografía del interior de los mitreos... more
Yemen museums recently displayed two stone reliefs with animal couplings, one from Wâdî'Abadân (south of Shabwa) with two bulls, and a second one from Aden area with lions. In the center, the driver is their master, an astral divinity,... more