Model-Driven Development
Recent papers in Model-Driven Development
Model-driven development of user interfaces has become increasingly powerful in recent years. Unfortunately, model-driven approaches have the inherent limitation that they cannot handle the informal nature of some of the artifacts used in... more
This chapter addresses the design of community-based Web applications using the modeldriven approach and design patterns. A set of best practices, identified by reviewing a number of top-rank Web 2.0 Web applications is illustrated and... more
Drives por slurry thickeners used on the mining industries.
In this paper incorporating manual and automatic code generation is discussed. A solution for automatic metadata-driven code generation is presented illustrated with multi tier Enterprise Resource Planning System. We intend to make our... more
Im Laufe der letzten zehn Jahre sind in Zusammenarbeit zwischen Schwab Verkehrstechnik AG in Schaffhausen und der Züricher Hochschule Winterthur hydraulische Stoss-und Zugvorrichtungen für Güter-und Personenzüge entwickelt worden. Dank... more
Organisations who want to migrate their applications to Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) environments have a lot of PaaS vendors to chose from and many PaaS offerings within them. At the PaaS abstraction level within the cloud service model,... more
One common goal followed by software engineers is to deliver a product which satisfies the requirements of different stakeholders. Software requirements are generally categorized into functional and Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs).... more
The handicraft sector is booming in India with a demand for it witnessed in the whole world. However, the artisans who engage in the profession fail to witness proper design education and market orientation that equips them to better... more
El objetivo primordial de este estudio fue evaluar la usabilidad de las aplicaciones de comercio electrónico B2C (Business-to-Consumer) en términos de eficiencia, efectividad y satisfacción con el fin de presentar los principales... more
El Desarrollo de Software Dirigido por Modelos (DSDM) es una propuesta para la construcción de software en la que se les atribuye a los modelos el papel principal de todo el proceso, frente a las propuestas tradicionales basadas en... more
JsonLogic structures, based on JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), are used in software applications in order to create business process rules. However, JsonLogic's textual syntax is different from the general purpose programming languages... more
Resumen El presente trabajo se produce por la necesidad de conocer y comprender los límites del desempeño en los sistemas informáticos transaccionales, bajo un enfoque de identificar los factores críticos dentro de las pruebas de estrés... more
A Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Health, in fulfilment of the requirements for a Master's Degree in Technology: Environmental Health at Technikon Natal, Durban I, Tobius Thobile Poswa, do declare that this dissertation is... more
Testing software in air traffic control systems costs much more than building them. Software engineers strive to find methodological and process-level solutions to balance costs and to better distribute verification efforts among all... more
in this article we deal with DSL (domain specific language) ,internal or external DSL. We present terminology and expression about DSL and after that we present differences between Internal and External DSL and make example with them show... more
The study focuses on the impact of training and development on employee performance at United Bottling Company in Mogadishu-Somalia. Accordingly, data was collected using a questionnaire. The study was limited to employees of UBC. The... more
En este artículo presentamos la investigación y desarrollo en curso de la herramienta SBWmx-Tool, una aplicación Web para el cálculo de los factores empleados en la construcción de estructuras marítimas (rompeolas, escolleras y... more
Nowadays, software development is evolving exponentially, with the hand of hardware and technological innovations. New languages or paradigms are required to provide solutions to those new technologies. This contributes to frequent... more
The model-driven architecture approach (MDA) promotes software development as driven by a thorough modeling phase where application code is automatically generated from a platform specific UML model (PSM). The idea is that the PSM is... more
The rise and potential of the World Wide Web as a way to ease life have made the development of web applications one of the most widely known topics on software engineering, which is the reason why we find a large number of tools and... more
Las aproximaciones sistemáticas para el modelado, análisis y especificación de requisitos en ingeniería Web basadas en una arquitectura dirigida por modelos (Model-Driven Architecture, MDA) carecen de soporte para trazabilidad entre los... more
User interface (UI) development, in the scope of data intensive interactive applications, is a time consuming but repetitive task. Nevertheless, few research projects address its automatic generation. Existing model-driven approaches to... more
There is no specialized survey about model-driven software reverse engineering in the last view years. This research goal is to identify the challenges, problems and solutions related to model-driven reverse engineering using the latest... more
A model is a well-formed, adequate, and dependable instrument that represents origins. Its criteria of well-formedness, adequacy, and dependability must be commonly accepted by its community of practice within some context and correspond... more
India has a great plethora of craft which are embedded in our day to day lives from the functional utilitarian objects like pots to elaborate carved ceilings. And these set of crafts are produced by multi-faceted craftspeople who have... more
Engineers face significant challenges in developing cyber-physical systems (CPS) due to their heterogeneous nature, i.e. the need for knowledge and skills from a wide range of academic and industrial disciplines, the integration of the... more
The software analysis process consists of two main activities: data modeling and functional modeling. While traditional development methodologies usually emphasize functional modeling via dataflow diagrams (DFDs), object-oriented (OO)... more
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
Cubie™ is a creative thinking tool that helps individuals and groups think and act more innovatively. It’s designed to illustrate many different ways for expanding one's imagination, for challenging conventional wisdom, and for awakening... more
This paper explores the scientific viability of the concept of causality—by questioning a central element of the distinction between " fundamental " and non-fundamental physics. It will be argued that the prevalent emphasis on fundamental... more
The present study forms part of a large-scale study entitled The Economic Analysis of Tariff Reform in Egypt undertaken by the Development Policy Reform Analysis Project (DEPRA) for the Ministry of Economy and Trade and the Ministry of... more
Travelling models are standardized, planned interventions of a social engineering nature (such as public policies or development programmes) that are implemented in many LMICs. Like other travelling models, cash transfer programmes are... more
Model-based approaches can improve quality and reduce cycle time by simulating the models to perform early validation of requirements. These approaches can provide the automated validation techniques by generating test cases from the... more
This article takes up the idea of model-driven development in a new way and analyses existing points of criticism of this approach, which is well established in practice. The advantages of model-driven development seem obvious on the one... more
Saldaña, M. R. R., Del Prette, A., & Del Prette, Z. A. P. (2002). A importância da teoria da aprendizagem social na constituição da área do treinamento de habilidades sociais. In: Guilhardi, H. J., Madi, M. B. B., Queiroz, P. P., & Scoz,... more