Recent papers in BPMN
This chapter addresses the design of community-based Web applications using the modeldriven approach and design patterns. A set of best practices, identified by reviewing a number of top-rank Web 2.0 Web applications is illustrated and... more
Naša naloga bo izvesti modeliranje in simulacijo na osnovi treh delovnih procesov. Delovne procese sestavljajo trije pravilniki, ki se izvajajo na Fakulteti za informacijske študije v Novem mestu, in sicer: Pravilnik o anketiranju... more
Der Aufsatz handelt von technischen und organisatorischen Rahmenbedingungen bei der Publikation digitaler journalistischer Produkte sowie die Marktentwicklung.
1 specifies that a functional size measurement (FSM) method must provide 19 measurement procedures to quantify the functional user requirements (FURs) of soft-20 ware. Such quantitative information, functional size, is typically used, for... more
Utilizacion de modelos BPMN, IDEF0 y otras herramientas de ingenieria.
Existing models of negotiation as a process are incomplete and do not show an overall, start to finish lifecycle. Current phase based models lack clearly defined criteria that identify phase boundaries. After reviewing existing models,... more
Business Process Management and Modeling in Public Administration. Application of Structured Methods (SSADM), Object-oriented (UML) and Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN).
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is the reaction of enterprises to rapidly changing requirements to achieve the new goals in the best cost/time and create a new reengineered Business Process (BP). Business Process Modeling Notation... more
The Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is the de-facto standard for representing in a very expressive graphical way the processes occurring in virtually every kind of organization one can think of, from cuisine recipes to the... more
At the moment the notations for the modeling of business process is based in technical aspects. Therefore most notations are not understood by the business users due to the complexity of them. In this paper we present a notation that... more
The paper proposes the results of a research industry project concerning predictive maintenance process optimization, applied to a machine cutting polyurethane. A company producing cutting machines, has been provided with an online... more
This paper presents an application of BPMN for the modeling of Tax Administration processes within the One-Stop-Shop system for the registration of business entities, using a modern software tool. The primary goal of this paper is to draw... more
Business process modeling is an increasingly popular method for improving organizational efficiency and quality. The ability to automatically validate the process model became a significant feature of modeling tools with the increasing... more
In this paper we compare two different ways of visualising business processes, the Business Process Modelling Notation 2.0 and Dynamic Condition Response graphs (DCR graph). For visualisation of the constraints and the rules of this... more
The standardization of BPMN v2 gave opportunity to the emergence of tools for modeling and execution of business processes that enable rapid prototyping of applications. This paper proposes an agile development methodology driven by... more
Documento de análisis del proceso estratégico, de gestión y tecnológico del despliegue de procesos y de BPM. Se incluyen factores críticos de éxito, casos de éxito y de fracaso, buenas y malas prácticas, y casos en Ecuador. Se destaca la... more
Business Process Modelling And Notation
İş Süreçleri Modelleme ve Gösterim
İş Süreçleri Modelleme ve Gösterim
The ever increasing number of adoptions from companies and the growing interest upon BPMN entails the need of having one more structured underlying conceptual model. In the past different proposals to equip BPMN with a conceptual model... more
Guia para Formação de Analistas de Processos Página 27 w w w. G a r t C a p o t e. c o m amos começar a falar sobre BPM citando um trecho do código de ética dos profissionais de BPM associados à ABPMP Mundial, e que em uma tradução livre... more
In this work we present our contributions to business processes modeling. Namely, we have undertaken a thorough analysis of the OMG standard BPMN, along with other related technologies like WS-BPEL and XPDL. Such analysis has pointed out... more
We present our contributions to business process design. Our starting point has been a thorough analysis of the OMG standard BPMN. While uncovering several of BPMN’s weak points, our analysis has brought in a novel three-phase design... more
La Universidad de La Serena ha atravesado por un proceso de renovación tecnológica denominado Proyecto Phoenix.ULS, el cual se plantea como escenario ideal para la incorporación de nuevos proyectos tecnológicos que permitan la... more
A abordagem não integrada do Gerenciamento de Processos de Negócio (Business Process Management - BPM) com a Gestão Arquivística de Documentos reduz os benefícios potenciais esperados dos programas de gestão da informação. Nesse sentido,... more
Os processos judiciais ainda são objeto de poucos estudos na Ciência da Informação e Arquivologia, de modo que formulamos a seguinte pergunta de pesquisa: como avaliar os modelos de descrição de processos judiciais no que se refere às... more
Gestão de facilidades, também conhecida por Facility Management (FM), envolve a gestão de pessoas, processos e espaços podendo ser auxiliada por sistemas de informação específicos. A adoção da Modelagem da Informação da Construção... more
Lantul de restaurante "Pirescu" doreste implementare unui sistem informatic pentru managementul comenzilor si extinderea metodei de plata prin card.
This discussion expands and elaborates the introduction to activation rules for IDEF0 (SADT) activities that is given by Marca & McGowan. As presented here, I have adapted the expression of activation rules to be consistent with the IEEE... more
Abstract: This contribution is based on action research conducted in partnership between the Local Fire and Rescue Services of Bouches-du-Rhone (SDIS 13) and IMPGT. This partnership, sealed by a research agreement, emanated from the need... more
This paper discusses about the implications that introduction reengineering program bring to organization. In this sense, the text broaches issues relatives with creation of interfunctional teams, the redesign process task of the... more
Timely insight into manufacturing processes events can help in improving its efficiency and agility. Events are state change in process execution that can be not only monitored but correlated and managed in order to take immediate action.... more
One of the significant reasons for the success of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is its harmonization with business process management (BPM). Architecture of Integrated Information System (ARIS) correlates SOA with BPM by its... more
Several methods for enterprise systems analysis rely on flow-oriented representations of business operations, otherwise known as business process models. The Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is a standard for capturing such... more
Resumen-Esta línea de investigación propone una alternativa para lograr la automatización de la gestión de los procesos de desarrollo de software especificados con el Software Process Engineering Metamodel(SPEM). La idea es utilizar... more
Methods for the specification and verification of business processes
Project Work: Gestione Calendario
Progettazione rete a partire da modelli più astratti (EPC, BPMN, BPEL, Petri Net)
Project Work: Gestione Calendario
Progettazione rete a partire da modelli più astratti (EPC, BPMN, BPEL, Petri Net)