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3rd revised edition, 2019
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      Comparative LiteratureGay And Lesbian StudiesQueer Theory (Literature)Modern Italian Poetry
Grazie all’opera di artisti e intellettuali, nel Rinascimento emerge una consapevolezza inedita del divenire storico che favorisce il culto del nuovo nelle arti, in letteratura, in filologia e nelle scienze. Il nuovo prendeva il posto del... more
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      Jewish StudiesRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismItalian Literature
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      Gender StudiesItalian StudiesGender and SexualityModern Italian Poetry
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      Jewish StudiesTranslation StudiesItalian StudiesLiterature
Rivista internazionale plurilingue di creatività e critica (classe A, Area 10, ASN 2018-2020)
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      PoetryModern Italian PoetryContemporary Italian PoetryPoesia italiana contemporanea
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      Italian StudiesItalian LiteratureModern Italian PoetryLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporanea
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      WaterItalian LiteratureEcocriticism20th Century Italian Literature
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      Modern Italian PoetryContemporary Italian PoetryTraduzioni italianeMario Luzi
The essay focuses on the critical consequences of the homophobia inflecting the critical writings of Giacomo Debenedetti e Mario Lavagetto, two major scholars of Umberto Saba's poetry who have ventured into the homoerotic facets of his... more
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      Literary CriticismLiterary TheoryHomosexuality and LiteratureHomophobia
for contributorS / per i collaboratori Italian Poetry Review is an international double-blind peer-reviewed journal and is a 'Class A' Journal according to the ANVUR classification (Agenzia Nazionale di Valu tazione del Sistema... more
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      PoetryModern Italian PoetryContemporary Italian PoetryItalian Poetry
Poetry has always maintained a particular relationship with mourning and its rituals, but what is it that lyric discourse has to offer in coping with death, grief, and bereavement? On the other hand, how does mourning become a central... more
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      MourningModern Italian PoetryElegyItalian Poetry
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      StylisticsMetricsContemporary Italian LiteratureModern Italian Poetry
Programma del corso di laurea 2015-2, dedicato alla poesia italiana del '900.
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      Italian LiteratureModern Italian PoetryContemporary Italian PoetryPoesia italiana contemporanea
This paper reviews Beckett's traces in some contemporary Italian poets.
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      Comparative LiteratureItalian LiteratureSamuel BeckettIntertextuality
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      Modern Italian PoetryTranslationAmelia RosselliItalian Poetry
Libretto artigianale che riunisce due saggi sulle raccolte "Uccelli" e "Quasi un racconto" di Umberto Saba.
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      PsychologyLiteratureSigmund FreudFreud and Lacan
From Moderna XV 2 (2013) (but published in 2015) From the early My Clothes to the Wind through La libellula, Variazioni Belliche, Documento and, finally, Impromptu, the entire corpus of Rosselli’ s poetry probes and expresses the complex... more
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      Feminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesModern Italian PoetryAmelia RosselliLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporanea
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      Italian StudiesItalian LiteratureModern Italian PoetryLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporanea
Lettura del testo di apertura di "Il porto sepolto" di Giuseppe Ungaretti, pubblicata in «L'incipit e la tradizione letteraria italiana. Novecento», a cura di P. Guaragnella e S. De Toma, Pensa multimedia, Lecce 2011 [ma 2013], pp. 213-8
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      Modern Italian PoetryContemporary Italian PoetryGiuseppe UngarettiSuicidio
Alla stazione, seduti su un treno fermo, si può provare la sensazione d'essere in movimento, quando a partire è il treno sul binario accanto. Si verifica qualcosa di simile ad un "falso restare", un'immobilità tesa nella percezione fino... more
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      Italian StudiesPoetryItalian Literature20th Century Italian Literature
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      Translation StudiesItalian StudiesItalian LiteratureModern Italian Poetry
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      Italian StudiesModern Italian PoetryContemporary Italian PoetryGiovanni Pascoli
semestrale di letteratura e altre scritture anno XXI, numero 41 gennaio-giugno duemilaventi Mario Adda Editore incroci 41 incroci semestrale di letteratura e altre scritture anvur: rivista scientifica di Area 10 (Scienze dell'antichità,... more
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      Modern Italian PoetryPoesíaGiorgio CaproniPoesia italiana contemporanea
Michelangelo wrote over 300 poems during his lifetime, mostly addressed to himself or to his friends. He was a great admirer of Dante, however, and so deep imbued with the poetic spirit. What is little known is the fact that he wrote 43... more
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      Renaissance HistoryLiteratureRenaissance HumanismItalian Literature
L'articolo affronta i problemi strutturali de "Il mondo salvato dai ragazzini", opera che suscita intensi problemi critici.
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      NarratologyModern Italian PoetryElsa Morante
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      Italian Literature20th Century Italian LiteratureModern Italian PoetryLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporanea
E chiaro, ripetiamolo, che per vera e pura tradizione italiana, su cui la poesia moderna doveva innestarsi, Campana intendeva Leopardi e Dante, quest'ultimo soprattutto. Infatti i riferimenti espliciti a Dante sono numerosi... more
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      DanteModern Italian PoetryItalian PoetryDino Campana
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      Modern Italian PoetryLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporaneaContemporary Italian PoetryPoesia italiana contemporanea
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      Poetry20th Century Italian LiteratureModern Italian PoetryEugenio Montale
Italian Translation is an international journal devoted to the translation of literary works from and into Italian-English-Italian dialects. All translations are published with the original text. It also publishes essays and reviews... more
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      Translation StudiesModern Italian PoetryLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporaneaTraduzioni italiane
Commento del canto leopardiano con cappello, note al piede, lettura critica e sguardo alla ricezione. Pubblicato nel 1998 sulla rivista "Allegoria"
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      Italian LiteratureGiacomo LeopardiModern Italian Poetry
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      Italian Studies20th Century Italian LiteratureModern Italian PoetryAlda Merini
In 1948, the poet Eugenio Montale published his Quaderno di traduzioni and created an entirely new Italian literary genre, the “translation notebook.” The quaderni were the work of some of Italy’s foremost poets, and their translation... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation and IdeologyPoetryTranslation theory
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      Modern Italian PoetryCritica letterariaLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporaneaContemporary Italian Poetry
Il capitolo, all'interno di un companion su Eugenio Montale, contiene una sintesi degli studi e insieme elementi di ricerca originale a proposito della lingua, delle scelte stilistiche - e più brevemente della metrica - relativi... more
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      LiteraturePoetryLiterary StylisticsItalian Literature
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      Italian StudiesPoetryLiterary CriticismItalian Literature
Traducción de "Un solo rudere", declamado en "La ricotta" (1963) e incluído en "Poesia in forma di rosa" (1964); y "Marilyn", recitado en "La rabbia" (1963), ambos, de Pier Paolo Pasolini. Mis traducciones se pueden consultar en la pág.... more
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      Translation StudiesItalian StudiesLiterature and cinemaItalian Literature
Until recently the third volume of the "Canzoniere" was the subject of critical evaluation that emphasized its lesser narrative and psychological content compared to the two preceding volumes. The article aims to go beyond these positions... more
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      Queer StudiesLiterary CriticismGender and SexualityGay And Lesbian Studies
I am indebted to literary linguist and artist Margherita Muller who corrected some obvious and many not-so-obvious errors, helped me with the Italian, made many erudite and helpful suggestions, unravelled a great many obscure and... more
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      PoetryDanteModern Italian PoetryMedieval Lyric Poetry
Chi seppe tesser pria dell'uom la tela, ritesserla saprà ...
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      Italian LiteratureModern Italian PoetryUgo FoscoloLetteratura italiana
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      Translation StudiesTranslation of PoetryModern Italian PoetryLiterary translation
volumi: "Antonio Barolini. Cronistoria di un’anima", Atti dei Convegni di Vicenza e di New York nel centenario della nascita, a cura di Teodolinda Barolini. Firenze, Sef Editrice, 2015. Mario Moroni, Recitare le ceneri, prefazione di... more
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      Comparative LiteratureItalian StudiesPoetryTranslation of Poetry
This book explores the work of a writer, Annie Chartres Vivanti (1866–1942), who brought a transnational dimension to the marked provincialism of the Italian novel by addressing issues of gender, ethnicity, and sexuality on personal and... more
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      RomanticismLiterary CriticismColonialismItalian Literature
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      Italian StudiesItalian LiteratureModern Italian PoetryLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporanea
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      Italian LiteratureModern Italian PoetryLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporaneaContemporary Italian Poetry
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      Translation StudiesItalian Cultural StudiesItalian LiteratureTranslation of Poetry
Il volume ripercorre il dibattito giovanile tra Croce e Gentile sul rapporto arte /storia, snidando l’elemento della discordia, più potente rispetto a quello della concordia, e collegando questo dibattito all’altro su storia e romanzo... more
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      PhilologyPolitical SociologyGerman StudiesComparative Literature
L'IDENTIFICAZIONE SCONFESSATA: LETTURA DI PAOLO E VIRGINIA. I FIGLI DELL'INFORTUNIO DI GUIDO GOZZANO* E R Mi è la più cara, tutto me là dentro. La credo il culmine della mia arte. G G
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      Italian StudiesModern Italian PoetryGuido Gozzano
An analysis of one of Sandro Penna's best known poems centered on the image of diving, a recurrent "topos" in twentieth-century Italian poetry also present in Saba and Montale.
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      Gay And Lesbian StudiesItalian LiteratureModern Italian Poetry20th Century Italian Poetry
Cette angoisse de la mort est commune à tous les hommes. Etre envahi par la crainte de ce que l'on ne connait pas et dont la puissance nous anéanti est quelque chose de commun. Cependant, peut-être avons-nous perdu conscience de ce que... more
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      Comparative LiteratureModern Italian PoetryWar PoetryAntonio Machado