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The great exhibition of Volta in 1899 and the exhibition of Ercole Ferrata and the Intelvesi masters held in Pellio in 1910 had the merit of focus the attention of scholars on a historical and artistic heritage still largely unexplored as... more
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      Art HistoryCultural HeritageFascismHeritage Conservation
The Anniversary Edition is published in the year of the 100th anniversary of one of the most famous museums of Russia - the State Museum-Reserve “Peterhof”. In May – June 1918, the suburban imperial summer residences — Peterhof, Tsarskoe... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMuseum StudiesCultural Heritage
Hallel. Carmel. Bezalel The Exhibitions: Halel. Carmel Winery 'Judaica Now!': Goblets and Kiddush Cups of the Bezalel School These two exhibitions: "Halel. Carmel Winery" and "'Judaica Now!': Goblets and Kiddush Cups of the Bezalel... more
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      BusinessArt HistoryJewish StudiesDesign
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      MuseumLate Antique ArchaeologyLate AntiquityMuseology
Cultural and architectural history of Teylers Museum in Haarlem, the oldest museum gallery in the Netherlands and the only one in the world which has retained its original 18th-century interior. Founded as a centre for research and... more
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      European EnlightenmentMuseology (Study of Collections)Architecture 18th Century
El Museo Nacional de la Cultura Peruana fue creado por Decreto Supremo del 30 de marzo de 1946, gracias a la gestión de Luis E. Valcárcel, quien fue su primer director hasta 1966.
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryArtMuseum Studies
En este artículo se analizan algunos desafíos en el trabajo curatorial con la colección etnográfica del Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia. Para explicar la situación actual del sistema de registro de la colección, se realiza... more
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      History of AnthropologyHistory of CollectionsMuseologiaMuseology (Study of Collections)
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      Museology (Study of Collections)Ceroplastics - Wax modelling - MoulagesAnatomical WaxworksMuseo di Storia Naturale Firenze
The museums are variously termed as the ‘repository of learned curiosities’, ‘chamber of rarities’, ‘house of art’, ‘scholar’s library’ etc. and said to be devoted to the collection, care and display of the objects of lasting interests... more
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      Cultural StudiesMuseum StudiesCultural HeritageSocial and Cultural Anthropology
ABSTRACT/SUMMARY Cultural and Architectural Diplomacy: Spaces of Art and Culture The clash of cultures refers primarily to encounters and competition between numerous cultural constructs and identities on the cultural identity market,... more
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      Museum StudiesIntelligenceArt MarketCultural Diplomacy
ミュージアム研究の「展示の政治学(ミュージアムの政治学)」理論についての総覧。... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesAnthropology
This article reports on collaborative work that examined collections from the National Museum of the American Indian (Smithsonian Institution) and the Royal Museum of Art and History (Brussels). The research focused on post-Classic Mixtec... more
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      Museum StudiesMesoamerican ArchaeologyHistory of CollectionsOaxaca (Archaeology)
An attempt to establish a history and provenance of a copy of the Bouguereau's painting "Breton Brother and Sister' in the collection of Wolverhampton Art Gallery.
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      History of Art19th-c British and French artMuseology (Study of Collections)Cultural History of Artefacts
This paper discusses six tombs from Sveta Lucija (Slovenia) that were bought in 1923 from Prof. Rudolf Much (Vienna) by Prof. Albert Egges van Giffen (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) for the collection of what is now the Groningen Institute... more
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      Celtic StudiesArchaeology of pre-Roman ItalyHistory of ArcheologyIron Age
Volume d'annexes

Données chiffrées :
- Historique des acquisitions
- Corpus de comparaison
Index épigraphiques

[Le reste du mémoire peut être consulté en contactant l'auteur ou à la bibliothèque de l'École du Louvre]
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      EgyptologyHistory of CollectionsMuseologyHieroglyphics
Exhibition catalogue "Treasures of the Citizens" Hannover: Museum August Kestner (12 September 2013 - 3 March 2014), object entries by C. E. Loeben in the chapter on "August Kestner" (p. 16-29).
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      EgyptologyHistory of CollectionsCollecting and CollectionsSpecial Collections
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyMuseum StudiesMuseumCollections Management
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      MuseologyMuseum and Heritage StudiesMuseology (Study of Collections)Музеология
Abans de restaurar (coberta anterior) i després de restaurar (coberta posterior). Impressió EADOP (Entitat Autònoma del Diari Oficial i de Publicacions) Dipòsit legal B 19183-2021 ISBN 978-84-18986-37-6 CRBMC Direcció Àngels Solé Gili... more
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      Museum StudiesCultural HeritageHeritage StudiesConflict
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      Art HistoryConservationPaintingHeritage Conservation
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      MuseologyMuseologíaMuseologiaSiglo XIX
Vol I da dissertação de Mestrado em Museologia e Património, pela Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Universidade Nova de Lisboa (defendida em 2006). Centrada no Museu José Malhoa, localizado nas Caldas da Rainha, refletindo sobre... more
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      Museum StudiesMuseologíaEstado NovoHistória da arte
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      Medieval StudiesCollecting (Art)Medieval ArtMedieval Crown of Aragon
Catalogue de la collection sigillographique de Victor Delattre, matrices de sceaux et de cachets, sceaux de bouteilles, empreintes... achetée par le Musée de Lille (France) en 1911
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      SigillographyHistory of CollectionsCollecting and CollectionsHistory of Collections (Archaeology)
storia delle arti, delle industrie, del regno Il mio intervento è una prima rifl essione su di una proposta di musealizzazione del Palazzo Reale di Napoli avanzata, nel 1920, da Benedetto Croce all'epoca ministro della Pubblica... more
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      History of MuseumsMuseology (Study of Collections)
Tesis Doctoral en la cual se abordan los principales postulados sobre el trabajo en museos y los nuevos paradigmas de su gestión, para luego ser comparados con las prácticas museísticas de dichas instituciones en el Estado de Yucatán,... more
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      Museum StudiesMuseologyNew MuseologyMuseography
EL 21 DE OCTUBRE DE 1911, hace ahora cien años, se inauguró el Museo de Ávila. Así se lograba un empeño por el que los miembros de la Comisión Provincial de Monumentos Históricos y Artísticos de la provincia, y el resto de fuerzas vivas... more
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      Museum CollectionsMuseology (Study of Collections)
An interview with the arts magazine Bayt Al Fann on curating Islamic manuscripts, and re-interpreting the disciplinary formation and display of 'Islamic art' in colonial museums:... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtVisual CultureIslamic Art
Por último, a mi familia, a mis padres y hermano, Maribel, y amigos, Ana, Pablo y Darío, por sus consejos, ayuda y darme siempre su apoyo.
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      Museum StudiesHistory of MuseumsHistoric House MuseumMuseology
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      PrintsArt HistoryArtArt Theory
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      Museum StudiesHigh Temperature CeramicsCeramics (Art History)History of Collections
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      HistoryCultural HistoryRussian StudiesArt History
Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Roma n. 413 del 10-7-1987 © 2016 Associazione Amici dei Musei di Roma -onlus GANGEMI EDITORE 4 , Roma Nessuna parte di questa pubblicazione può essere memorizzata, fotocopiata o... more
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesMuseum Collection historyMuseology (Study of Collections)
""Nel XVIII secolo la città di Siracusa divenne una delle mete principali del Grand Tour, il viaggio di istruzione e formazione che ogni giovane aristocratico europeo del tempo doveva compiere, per via dell’enorme patrimonio... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyArchitectureCultural Heritage
Kao što je poznato, muzealizacija nije unapred definisan univerzalan proces, već dinamičan proces prenosa predmeta iz primarnog u sekundarni kontekst. On uvek podrazumeva iste aktivnosti, međutim, sam proces zavisi od predmeta... more
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      Museum StudiesMuseums and IdentityMuseologyDissonant Heritage
This wonderful catalogue was produced by the creative team at Carpintarias de São Lázaro in Lisbon as part of the 2021 exhibition of Releasing the Archive.
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      ArchaeologyArt HistoryVisual AnthropologyPhotography
MORENO ROCHA, Saulo. Esboços de uma biografia de musealização: o caso da Jangada Libertadora. 221 p. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Museologia e Patrimônio, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UNIRIO... more
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      Museum StudiesCultural HeritageMaterial Culture StudiesHeritage Studies
L’occhio del conoscitore, Zeri, e quello del restauratore, Modestini, le loro competenze, erano strumenti preziosi per antiquari come Joseph Duveen, e Alessandro Contini Bonacossi, i più celebri nel mondo anglosassone e italiano. Si... more
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesHistory of conservation thoughtHistory of Art
Alma Mater Studiorum ‒ Università di Bologna Laurea Magistrale in Archeologia e Culture del Mondo Antico Il Museo di Palazzo Poggi. Schedatura analitica Alessio Errico Matricola: 0000759252 Elaborato scritto per la prova d’esame... more
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      Military HistoryModern HistoryBotanyZoology
"Las colecciones de etnografía, por sus especiales características, exigen medidas precisas de conservación que permitan su salvaguarda como testimonio de costumbres o formas de vida que pongan en valor la diversidad cultural. Para... more
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      Museology (Study of Collections)Archaeological Conservation, Mosaic Conservation, Preventive Conservation, Museum Environment, In Situ Conservation, Conservation of Metals, Condition Survey of Museum Collections, Exhibition of Museum Collections
Access Archaeology offers a different publishing model for specialist academic material that might traditionally prove commercially unviable, perhaps due to its sheer extent or volume of colour content, or simply due to its relatively... more
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      History of CollectionsCollecting and CollectionsMuseology (Study of Collections)Museum Collections (Research)
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      Museum StudiesMuseumHistory of MuseumsMuseums and Identity
Programme de la journée d'études du 20 AVRIL 2022 08H30 -18H, Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Paris. Galerie Colbert, salle Giorgio Vasari.
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      History of Collections (Archaeology)History of Collecting and AntiquarianismMuseology (Study of Collections)
The Portuguese nautical astrolabe is an adaptation and simplification of the planispheric astrolabe, which was used by astronomers since Classical Antiquity. This nautical instrument was used to measure, specially the height of the sun,... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyPortuguese Discoveries and ExpansionInstrumentation and Measurement ScienceMuseology
The final appendix summarizes synoptic data about these artifacts, today dispersed in various locations. 1. L'APPRENDISTATO ALL'OMBRA DEL SALINAS E DELL'AMARI "Pei cataloghi del Museo mi tirai un mio antico scolare, il quale è così povero... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMuseum StudiesMedieval Studies
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesAnthropology
The museum storage in Greece, for the visitors, is a concept for an inaccessible sacred site (avaton), a place where treasures are hidden in order to be forgotten. For the greek reality, little is being done for the vitiation of this... more
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      Museum StudiesCollections ManagementMuseologyMuseums
El Ayuntamiento de Riba-roja del Túria ha dedicado un espacio dentro del antiguo Castillo de los condes de Revillagigedo al Museo Visigodo de Pla de Nadal –MVPLA-. De este modo, se unen en un mismo espacio físico dos de los hitos del... more
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      ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesMuseum Studies
These pages report a document sent in 2012 suddenly after the discussion of the final dissertation . It were made many copies of it that were sent by email, mail, or given by hand to the museums and offices that have made possible that... more
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesCultural HeritageHeritage Conservation