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U okvirima standardizovane etnografske muzejske delatnosti I prećutno prihvaćenih muzeoloških stavova u Etnografskom muzeju, izložbena kontekstualizacija kulturnih svedočanstava iz domena narodne culture privređivanja, tačnije, muzejskih... more
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    • New Museology
En los tiempos que corren, extraños, impetuosos y precipitados, no es habitual toparse con publicaciones cocinadas a fuego lento, realizadas con absoluto mimo y cuidado, en las que se elige con detenimiento cada uno de sus... more
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      Museum StudiesDigital MuseumMuseum EducationHistory of Museums
This paper provides insights into the early history of the Osijek Art Gallery, known today as the Museum of Fine Arts in Osijek, which was founded as the first specialized art institution in Osijek. Based on archival and other sources,... more
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesHistory of MuseumsMuseology (Study of Collections)
Secondo appuntamento del seminario Stili e percorsi collezionistici. Per uno studio dei disegni del Guercino e dei suoi collaboratori, che si svolge alle Scuderie del Quirinale nell’ambito della mostra Guercino. L’era Ludovisi a Roma.... more
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      Old Master drawingsLandscape paintingsPittura Del SeicentoGuercino
Este trabajo colaborativo de la Asociación de Maestros de Puerto Rico contiene los escritos de 12 autores en torno al tema de Museología y Educación. La edición estuvo a cargo de la museóloga Madeliz Gutiérrez_Ortiz. This collaborative... more
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      Museum StudiesHistory of MuseumsMuseologyEducación
El trabajo colectivo gira en torno al tema de Museología y Educación. Es un labor de la Asociacion de Maestros de Puerto Rico donde participaron 12 autores y su editora. The collective work revolves around the theme of Museology and... more
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      EducaciónMuseologíaMuseosMuseology (Study of Collections)
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      Popular ArtsMuseology (Study of Collections)CollectionnismeHistory of Alsace
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O "povo" nas ruas e as festas abolicionistas: cultura política e a abolição do Ceará nas ruas da Corte. Lusirene Celestino França Ferreira * RESUMO: Este artigo pretende analisar o impacto das festas abolicionistas que ocorreram nas ruas... more
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La constitution initiale de ce qui va devenir le Musée des Antiquités Égyptiennes de Turin est dû au roi Vittorio Amedeo qui, en 1723, décida d'instituer un premier noyau du musée ayant comme siège le palais de l'Université de Turin 1.... more
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      ArchaeologyEgyptologyAncient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyMuseology (Study of Collections)
radiocarbon a unor probe de lemn și derivaţi din lemn, ca urmare a unor tratamente termice. Un punct de vedere arheometric asupra unor eşantioane de la Mǎguricea Branului .... 725 Csaba SZABÓ, Miruna LIBIȚĂ-PARTICĂ, Ioan MUNTEAN, Mithras... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyAesthetics
Taxes, Tariffs, and the Creation of Isabella Stewart Gardner's Fenway Court A case could be made for the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum as the definitive American "personal art collection museum," to borrow art historian Anne Higonnet's... more
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesGilded Age and Progressive EraHistory of Museums
This article focuses, for the first time, on an in depth and systematic study of the face casts production of the Florentine anthropologist Nello Puccioni. The face casts are housed at the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology of the... more
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    • History of Anthropology
Il pensiero apparentemente colto, del modello ready-made, generato dai motori di ricerca online, non può sostituire la conoscenza vera con una più apparente conoscenza di superficie, lo dimostrano i risultati raggiunti in molte scuole a... more
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      Art HistoryModern and Contemporary ArtSTORIA DELL'ARTE
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      Cerámica ArqueologicaAntropología De La MuerteAntiguo Régimen
Il contributo prende in esame una recente realtà museale palermitana, il trecentesco monastero domenicano di S. Caterina d’Alessandria di Palermo, che ha terminato la sua funzione naturale nel 2014 ed è stato aperto al pubblico dopo... more
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      Museum StudiesHistory of MuseumsMuseologyMuseología
Desde hace tiempo se reflexiona acerca de los lenguajes de la arquitectura y del diseño en la formación académica -el dibujo y las técnicas gráficas- y del estatuto actual de la mirada -entre las pantallas y la experiencia corporal-. Las... more
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Projeto individual de investigação de Pós-Doutoramento (Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa), analisa a capacidade de internacionalização dos museus portugueses em democracia e faz o levantamento de todas as exposições... more
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      Museum StudiesCollections ManagementInternationalizationMuseologia
Questo nuovo fotogiornale istantaneo racconta una visita in Sicilia effettuata dall'autore alla fine di settembre 2024 per partecipare a una conferenza scientifica internazionale sulla neutrosofia - MeCoNet 2024, Mediterranean Conference... more
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      Travel WritingTravel Literature
Dicionário Quem é Quem na Museologia Portuguesa ALARCÃO, Adília nho cívico e a crença na educação como veículo fundamental das transformações sociais. Deve ter sido por isso que, entre 2006 e 2007, extravasando o domínio dos Museus e da... more
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      Museum StudiesMuseologíaMuseologiaCaldas da Rainha
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      Classical ArchaeologyArchival StudiesAncient Greek and Roman ArtHistory of Archaeology
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The establishment of the Rishon LeZion Museum in 1979 marked the beginning of the collection it holds. Initially the collection was intended to document the history of the first forty years of the Moshava (agriculture settlement) of... more
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      Museum StudiesCollection DevelopmentCollections ManagementHistory of Collections
The exhibition and catalog were realized with the funds of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia С ОБРАМИЦОМ НИЗ ПУТ Препознатљива по напорима да природно окружење прилагоди сопственим потребама и уједно остане... more
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    • Museology (Study of Collections)
Resumo: Neste artigo, discute-se os conceitos de atitude historiadora propostos na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC); letramento em História, baseado nas proposições de consciência histórica de Jorn-Rüsen e trabalhadas por Isabel... more
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HISTORICAL ATTITUDE IN THE READING OF NON-PLACES Resumo: Neste artigo, discute-se os conceitos de atitude historiadora propostos na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC); letramento em Historia, baseado nas proposicoes de consciencia... more
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      SociologyHumanitiesReading Process
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      Art HistoryArtMuseum StudiesContemporary Art
Current ways of thinking and living in the western world, and the value judgements and actions that are borne out of modern humanism, capital growth, and extraction - in which museums are complicit - are contributing to the devastating... more
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      HumanitiesClimate ChangeMuseum StudiesHistory of Museums
Nadia Barrella inaugura ciclo di conferenze al Museo Correale
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      Museum StudiesMuseum EducationHistory of MuseumsMuseologia
Ciclo di seminari supportati dalla Association of Print Scholars, alla riscoperta della ricca e inesplorata raccolta di stampe della Società Napoletana di Storia Patria.
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      Art HistoryPrints (Art History)Prints and DrawingsStoria del Regno di Napoli
Os processos que culminaram na independência de antigas colônias europeias afetaram disciplinas que, direta ou indiretamente, legitimaram o poder colonial. O movimento da Nova Museologia provocou ações que aproximaram o museu da... more
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      Museum StudiesMuseumPovos IndígenasCuradoria Compartilhada
Em 2018 foi realizada a exposição Maraka’nà Ra Pé, na Aldeia Maraka’nà, uma retomada indígena pluriétnica na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O artigo apresenta o processo de elaboração da exposição, do qual participei, e discute a trama... more
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      CuradoriaAldeia MaracanãArte Indígena Contemporânea
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    • Francesco de Mura
Počátky sbírky památek z války roku 1866 v královéhradeckém muzeu (1880-1913) *) Počátky moderního muzejnictví představují jeden ze společenských, kulturních i ekonomických fenoménů 19. století, které se nejen v prostředí českých zemí... more
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      Czech History19th Century (History)MuseologyLocal and regional history
Verder lezen Ulrike Müller, Hélène Verreyke en Tine D'haeyere, 'Between art historical representation and didactic functionality: The cast collection of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Antwerp', in Artium Quaestiones 34 (2023), 221-252.... more
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      History of CollectionsMuseology (Study of Collections)University CollectionsPlaster Casts
Siamo lieti di annunciare le prossime Giornate Gregoriane, che si terranno presso il Museo Archeologico di Agrigento il 13 Dicembre e presso ilMuseoArcheologicodiPalermoil14dicembre2024.... more
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      ArchaeologyAntiquaria e collezionismoStoria Dell'Archeologia, CollezionismoStoria Del Collezionismo
The museum, like the university, is a form of knowledge technology empowered by the European enlightenment and Western epistemology. This technology prioritises and enables a knowledge system based on observation, objectification,... more
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      Indigenous KnowledgeEpistemology of the Social SciencesMuseology (Study of Collections)Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
7. Canadian Ecomuseums and Climate Change: Assessing the Potential Glenn c. sutter 8. Climate actions of the Ecomuseu Ilha Grande (Brazil) for the Sustainable Development Goals GelsoM rozentino de AlMeidA 9. Climate action and Ecomuseum... more
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      Climate ChangeEcomuseums
Indice "Questo pittore […] ha il cervello stravolto". Introduzione alla mostra 9 Il Seppellimento di santa Lucia di Caravaggio: la fortuna delle copie e i particolari perduti 13 Vicende giovanili di Mario Minniti e qualche ipotesi sulla... more
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o Museu Nogueira da Silva, na sua breve existência de trinta e quatro anos, tem marcado de uma forma constante, rotineira ou dinâmica, intensa ou subtil, o quotidiano cultural da cidade
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Juan de Figueroa, architetto d'argento e d'oro, nelle corti di Felipe V e di Fernando VI M T C Y, UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID I gioielli della Duchessa di Cesarò. Nuovi inediti frammenti dall'inventario del 1740... more
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      arte in SiciliaFrancesco SusinnoStoriografia artistica
Since its creation, in 2008, Europeana has decisively fostered the digitisation and dissemination of cultural heritage from European archives, libraries, galleries and museums. Although visual arts and architecture have a central presence... more
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      Digital HumanitiesMuseum StudiesDigital CultureCultural Memory
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      AlicanteHistoriografía de la ArqueologíaHistoria de la Arqueología
The article was created as part of research on wartime losses of the Leon Wyczółkowski District Museum in Bydgoszcz. It describes the history of the African collection belonging to the Historical Society of the Noteć Oblast, which from... more
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      MuseologyMuseology (Study of Collections)Cultural Losses in World War II
Ning Liu, arquitecta, cofundadora de la empresa Building for Climate. Laurent Ricard, jefe del departamento de edificios y seguridad, centro de conservación del Museo del Louvre en Liévin-Francia. Sesión moderada por Ann Bourgès,... more
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      Museum StudiesSustainable DevelopmentMuseologyNew Museology
Hélène Vassal: We decided to open this series with a session about sustainable architecture and built heritage. What could be more natural than talking about buildings, the natural envelope which, yet limited, protects our precious... more
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      Museum StudiesSustainable DevelopmentCollecting and CollectionsDeGrowth
La definizione del monologo di Cassandra attraverso il lessico profetico nel prologo (vv. 1-30) e nell’ epilogo (vv. 1451-1474).
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      Greek Oracles and DivinationPrologueLexical AnalysisEpilogue
La presente propuesta analiza el rol de las mujeres como sujetos activos en las redes de articulación social, política y económica de la Antigüedad tardía hispana a partir del análisis de las notitia cibariae. La presencia de mujeres en... more
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      Visigothic SpainRural Women
Italia euro 50 estero euro 100 I saggi pubblicati su questa rivista sono stati sottoposti al processo di peer-review rigorosamente anonimo. The essays published in this journal have been rigorously double-blind peer reviewed.
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      Giovanni PrevitaliGirolamo Alibrandipittura in Sicilia