Special Collections
Recent papers in Special Collections
Utrecht University has a glorious history. Since its founding in 1636 it has educated many thousands of students. However, at its 300th anniversary in 1936, the focus was on the ‘physical’ heritage of Utrecht University. A special ,... more
DIRETRIZES DA ALA PARA A SELEÇÃO E TRANSFERÊNCIA DE MATERIAIS DE COLEÇÕES GERAIS PARA COLEÇÕES ESPECIAIS (Guidelines on the Selection and Transfer of Materials from General Collections to Special Collections), 4ª edição, aprovada pelo... more
Overview of Special Collections at the Menil Collection Library presented at the Library and Archives Study Day at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) on January 17, 2017. Presentation provided an overview of collections, how... more
Ex-libris; Marcas de propriedade; Acervo Raro; Biblioteca Rio-Grandense (Rio Grande, RS); Property marks; Rare collections; Rio-Grandense Library (Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
The Brabant map maker and geographer Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598) would have gained only a small position within the cartographic discipline, if he didn’t conceive the pioneer’s idea to compose the best actual maps in a uniform format in... more
"Kestner-Museum - Museum August Kestner: Over 125 Years of a Museum's Timeline" (with participation of: Andrea Basse, Eva Gläser, Thorsten Henke, Anne Viola Siebert and Simone Vogt) - A version of this article also appeared in the book:... more
The main goal of this undergraduate thesis was to outline recommendations regarding the physical security of the special collections inside Guilherme Figueiredo Room in the Central Library of the Federal University of the State of Rio de... more
As with much of the textile industry in the United Kingdom, carpet manufacturing in the West of Scotland was once thriving. Powder was ground, paint mixed, design papers painted, yarn dyed, spools set and carpets woven. The history of the... more
This is a short guide to the holdings and accessibility of the Manuscript Collection at the National Library of Thailand based on my research there (off and on) from 2014 to 2016 and an interview with the collection's public services... more
Exhibition catalogue "Treasures of the Citizens" Hannover: Museum August Kestner (12 September 2013 - 3 March 2014), object entries by C. E. Loeben in the chapter on "August Kestner" (p. 16-29).
For a long time usually considered as simple scribbles, children's drawings have become, over the 20th century, an object of study for an ever growing number of experts and scholars. Psychologist and psychoterapists, semiologists,... more
Session: Electronic Text/OCR Scanning: New Initiatives. With Faye Phillips (Louisiana State University), and Elaine B. Smyth, convenor (Louisiana State University).
This essay was written after the computer listing of the school materials collection in the archive of the Istituto Nazionale di Documentazione, Innovazione e Ricerca Educativa (INDIRE) in Florence. It aims to analyse the school exercise... more
Since the earliest known works of literature three-thousand years ago, the vision for a better society, an ideal society, has driven and inspired cultures to improve their social conditions. These visions were written around themes of... more
Anyone who has had the pleasure to browse magic manuscripts in the British Library knows how rewarding the experience can be, particularly if the books belong to collections that have not been made accessible through adequate descriptive... more
Within the world of library collection and preservation, the focus has historically been on the dual preservation of physical form and intellectual knowledge as represented through symbols (text), images, metadata, and organization of... more
RESUMO O presente estudo estabelece uma evolução detalhada dos suportes de informação, assim como a historiografia do objeto livro, seus materiais e métodos de confecção através das diferentes culturas até a atualidade. Descreve... more
Introdução e Referências do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado à Escola de Biblioteconomia da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) como requisito parcial à obtenção de grau de Bacharel em Biblioteconomia.... more
In the year 1969, the oldest part of the school library of Herlufsholm in Næstved was sold to the newly founded University Library of Odense, including the special Groothoff book collection, Bibliotheca Groothoffiana. Today, the joint... more
The bishops of Terra di Lavoro and the conservation of the parish archives in pre-unification Southern Italy
This is a catalogue of the labouring-class poetry collection held in the Clifton Library at Nottingham Trent University.
Boise State University's (BSU) digital collections were selected for this assignment because they are representative of a comprehensive history of Boise, ID, as well as the culture and background of the community the academic institution... more
An Encyclopedia of Everything - the last document as I say goodbye to the collection of 655 made mecums.
Over the past decade, special collections and archives have become an increasingly important focus of academic and research libraries thanks to the pioneering ―Exploring Hidden Collections‖ survey conducted by Judith Panitch in 1998 and... more
Per la valutazione ex ante delle pubblicazioni monografiche l'Associazione italiana biblioteche ricorre a due esperti del settore, di cui almeno uno individuato all'esterno del Comitato scientifico. Il testo viene riesaminato da almeno... more
Robert Darnton famously described book history as " one of the few sectors in the human sciences where there is a mood of expansion and a flurry of new ideas. " Indeed, for literary scholars, a renewed attention to the materiality of... more
In 2006, Rare Book School director Terry Belanger invited Christian Dupont to give a talk about his experiences and “advices” as the newly appointed director of special collections at the University of Virginia. He naturally turned to... more
Comunicação apresentada no "III Encuentro Nacional de Instituciones con Fondos Antiguos y Raros: Una aproximación a la arqueología del libro". Biblioteca Nacional da Argentina.
"Onde houver raro, que haja patrimônio: algumas alusões ao tema".
Apresentação feita no XVI Encontro Nacional de Acervos Raros.
Por favor, se usar NÃO ESQUEÇA DE CITAR.
Apresentação feita no XVI Encontro Nacional de Acervos Raros.
Por favor, se usar NÃO ESQUEÇA DE CITAR.
Die Ausstellung ist Ergebnis eines Kooperationsprojektes des Kunstgeschichtlichen Seminars der Universität Hamburg, der Forschungsstelle Naturbilder/Images of Nature, der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg (SUB) sowie der... more
Introductory essay, as guess editor, to selected proceedings from the 47th annual preconference of the Rare Books and Manuscripts section of the Association of College and Research Libraries held in Austin, Texas, June 20–23, 2006.