Recent papers in Narratology
Ensayo escolar sobre la memoria y el resplandor a partir de Ariana Grande, Michel Gondry, Freud y Derrida.
Dans ce chapitre d'ouvrage, je donne un aperçu de la manière dont la narratologie et la théorie de la littérature ont intégré les concepts de la raison néolibérale (1980 - aujourd'hui). En particulier, j'analyse deux mouvances principales... more
The Slovak realist writer Ján Čajak (1863–1944), who lived in Vojvodina in Serbia from 1893, emphasised the educational function of literature in much of his work. The prose The Storm (1931), from his later period, updates simple genre... more
ISBN 978-3-86205-770-2
ISSN 2363-6939
ISBN 978-3-86205-897-6 (Open Access / PDF)
ISSN 2363-6939
ISBN 978-3-86205-897-6 (Open Access / PDF)
This translation is edited by Malaysian student Ooi Goay Hwa (Vīrā) as her Dhammadāna and Paññādāna under the Aggācāra Dhamma Project. The comemntaries are 1-2. Avijjāsuttādivaṇṇanā 3. Sāriputtasuttavaṇṇanā 4.... more
Certes, la Bible fait de Dieu l'acteur uniformément présent ; Certes elle parle de la relation de Dieu avec le Peuple d'Israël et avec chacun en Israël ; certes, elle déploie un feu d'artifice de pensées saisissantes, de conseils, de... more
Sorti sur les écrans japonais en 1977, La Proie et l’ombre de Katô Tai adapte le fameux roman éponyme d’Edogawa Ranpo. S’il s’inscrit dans la mode alors populaire du « film de détective », il s’appuie sur l’opposition énoncée par Ranpo... more
recensione di Daniele Monarca su ArtsLife, gennaio 2025 ... Un approccio “concettuale, ma al contempo non allineato” muove anche le pagine del nuovo libro di Mieke Bal dedicato alla scultrice franco-americana Louise Bourgeois edito sempre... more
TAMGA-Turkish Journal of Semiotic Studies: Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024)
W książce "Autentyczność i jej losy w polskiej prozie współczesnej. Autorefleksja w twórczości Marka Bieńczyka, Doroty Masłowskiej, Andrzeja Stasiuka i Magdaleny Tulli" Piotr Jakub Wąsowski bada twórczość prozatorską współczesnych... more
In his The Kite Runner (2003), Khaled Hosseini uses storytelling for at least two purposes: to show how the first-person narrator yearns to alleviate or at least control the profoundly destructive impact of a single past experience on his... more
Scheherazade’s art of storytelling is the main vehicle for the fictional worldmaking in The Thousand and One Nights. The overall structure of the folktale narrative depends on the tales she recounts to King Shahriyar, and it is through... more
The article examines the evolution of the concept of “storytelling” in the context of the social history of media, showing how storytelling has changed from oral forms to contemporary digital forms and so called storyselling. The author... more
Il presente saggio si propone di analizzare un’opera centrale nella produzione di Vincenzo Consolo, la ‘favola teatrale’ Lunaria (1985), attraverso i suoi punti di somiglianza e difformità con L’esequie della luna (1967) di Lucio Piccolo,... more
In the United States, alcohol use and dependence is a major health issue affecting 4-5% of the population (Hasin et al., 2007). Research indicates adolescents ages 12-20 drink 11% of all alcohol consumed nationally, with more than 90%... more
This edited volume offers the first comprehensive study of prolepsis in narratives written in ancient Greek, ranging from Homer to the late antique author Colluthus, with the inclusion of Second Temple Jewish Literature. Structuralist... more
Che cos’è la coralità narrativa? Come può il genere narrativo integrare in sé qualcosa che per statuto non sembra appartenergli, e cioè un coro, ‘un insieme di voci che cantano contemporaneamente’? Il saggio cerca di rispondere a queste... more
In this paper the authors propose Roland Barthes's analytical method, which appears in his classic work S/Z (1974), as a new way of analyzing personal stories. The five codes that are described in the book are linked to the domains of... more
The present article explores a specific and broad folklore genre, the legend, and its narrative structure given that it is more or less considered as fact. The verisimilitude of the legend is commented through the narratological analysis... more
This chapter examines how narrative schemata underpin the processes of memory-making, exploring their role in transforming past events into meaningful and transmittable stories. Building on Ann Rigney’s concept of “scarcity” in memory and... more
Myths are regarded as tales or traditions that seek to explain the place of man in the universe, the nature of human society, the relationship between the individual and the world that he perceives, and the meaning of several occurrences... more
Narrative analysis in Fiction and Film has attracted narratologists' research interest since the last part of the twentieth century. It has focused on the renderability of narrative in these two different media and established features of... more
From Northrop Frye's perspective, which views the Hebrew Bible as the foundational imagination behind the literary ideologies that shaped Western thought, this discussion aims to highlight some points of convergence between biblical... more
This paper definitely attempts to intermingle them with regard to structural analysis. It adopted the theory of Gerard Genette, the analysis of the famous novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, the main discussion concerns order... more
This paper principly attempts to intermingle between Histoire (fabula) and Recit(Syauzet) with relevance structural analysis of prolepsis to indicate chronological and anachcronological order of the novel which through just one narrative... more