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Οδηγός για τον αρχαιολογικό χώρο της Νικόπολης, μέσω δύο περιπάτων.
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      Nicopolis in EpirusActia NicopolisΑρχαιολογίαΑρχαία Νικόπολη
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      Roman HistoryRoman imperial historyHistory of EpirusNicopolis in Epirus
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesByzantine History
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      History and archaeology of EpirusRoman ArchitectureNicopolis in EpirusActia Nicopolis
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      Ancient Greek and Roman TheatreHistory and archaeology of EpirusGreek and Roman Art and ArchitectureRoman Architecture
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      Roman PotteryRoman coinsNicopolis in EpirusActia Nicopolis
The battle between the French Republican forces and Ali Pasha's Ottoman-Albanian troops on 23 October 1798 and the ensuing Halasmos (Χαλασμός) or "destruction" of Preveza have become landmarks in the political and social history of... more
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      Venetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanNicopolis in EpirusPrevezaHistory of Preveza
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      Roman theatersRoman ArchitectureNicopolis in EpirusOctavianus Augustus
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      Roman coinsHistory and archaeology of EpirusNicopolis in EpirusActia Nicopolis
Die Quintilier sind zweifellos die berühmteste und am besten dokumentierte Familie aus Alexandria Troas. Insbesondere die letzten vier Generationen haben durch ihre Tätigkeit in der römischen Reichsverwaltung, ihre engen Verbindungen zu... more
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      Roman HistoryGreek EpigraphyGalenPhilostratus
Thomas Smart Hughes (1786-1847), a British theologist, visited Greece in 1813-1814 accompanying his friend Robert Townley-Parker. His travel memoires were published in the two-volume "Travels in Sicily, Greece and Albania", printed in... more
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      AcarnaniaNicopolis in EpirusPrevezaOttoman Fortifications
Ο Γνωστικισμός κατά την πρωτοχριστιανική περίοδο και η αντίδραση της Εκκλησίας. Σύντομη αναφορά στη συμβολή του Ειρηναίου Επισκόπου Λυώνος.....επισημαίνεται η διασύνδεση της αστρονομίας με κείμενα του κανόνα της ΚΑΙΝΗΣ ΔΙΑΘΗΚΗΣ, ως... more
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      GnosticismNicopolis in Epirus
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      Roman HistoryRoman ReligionAugustusNicopolis in Epirus
Argyro KARAMPERIDI: The mosaic floors of the Βasilica in Doliana and their relation with the mosaics of the early Christian basilicas of Nicopolis The early Christian site in the region of St. Georgios near Doliana was spotted in 1964,... more
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      Byzantine ArchitectureNicopolis in EpirusActia NicopolisByzantine Mosaics
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      History of EpirusThessalyNicopolis in EpirusActia Nicopolis
Die römische Provinz Epirus stand bislang nicht im Zentrum des altertumswissenschaftlichen Interesses, obwohl in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu ihren archäologischen Stätten zahlreiche Forschungsprojekte durchgeführt wurden. Die vorliegende... more
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      SemioticsMaterial Culture StudiesCultural TheoryCharles S. Peirce
Ένα από τα πρώτα κτίρια που ερευνήθηκαν στη Νικόπολη της Ηπείρου κατά την πρώτη περίοδο των ανασκαφών μεταξύ των ετών 1915-1918, είναι η Βασιλική Α, γνωστή και ως Επισκόπου Δουμετίου ναός του 6ου μ.Χ αιώνα, αφιερωμένος στη μνήμη του... more
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      Nicopolis in EpirusByzantine MosaicsEarly Christian Mosaics
Ο Λόχος Αεροπορίας του Ελληνικού Στρατού εκτέλεσε επιχειρήσεις με έδρα τη Νικόπολη της Ηπείρου, για τρεις μήνες κατά τη διάρκεια του Α΄ Βαλκανικού πολέμου, από τις 3 Δεκεμβρίου 1912 έως τις 7 Μαρτίου 1913, ημερομηνία κατά την οποία... more
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      Military HistoryNicopolis in EpirusPrevezaBalkan Wars 1912-1913
Ο τόπος διεξαγωγής του 22ου Επιστημονικού Σεμιναρίου Νεφρολογίας συνδέεται ιστορικά με δύο από τους ισχυρότερους μονάρχες της παγκόσμιας ιστορίας: τον Οκταβιανό, μετέπειτα Αύγουστο Καίσαρα και τον Σουλεϊμάν τον Μεγαλοπρεπή. Ο πρώτος,... more
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      Nicopolis in EpirusActia NicopolisPrevezaΠρέβεζα
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesEarly ChristianityByzantine StudiesSculpture
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      Roman HistoryHellenistic and Roman FortificationsFortificationsHistory of Epirus
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      Roman HistoryGreek ArchaeologyHistory of EpirusHistory and archaeology of Epirus
From  the 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies.Thematic Session of Free Communications:
Belgrade, 26 of August 2016.
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      History and archaeology of EpirusNicopolis in EpirusEarly Christian MosaicsBabylonian Astronomy
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      Greek ArchaeologyAncient Greek and Roman ArtAugustusHistory and archaeology of Epirus
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      Greek ArchaeologyHistory of EpirusHistory and archaeology of EpirusRoman Architecture
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      Roman HistoryHistory of EpirusHistory and archaeology of EpirusNicopolis in Epirus
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      Apostle Paul and the Pauline LettersNicopolis in EpirusActia Nicopolis
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      Byzantine HistoryFortificationsHistory and archaeology of EpirusLate Roman and early Byzantine fortifications
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      Roman HistoryLate Antique ArchaeologyLate AntiquityNicopolis in Epirus
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      Roman colonisationNicopolis in EpirusEpirusButrint
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsLatin EpigraphyRoman provincial administration
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      Roman ArchitectureNicopolis in EpirusRoman DomusRoman Archaeology
Alexandra-Kyriaki WASSILIOU-SEIBT: Neue Erkenntnisse zum byzantinischen Nikopolis an-hand sphragistischer Funde Die Informationen, die wir aus den literarischen Quellen über das byzantinische Nikopolis beziehen, sind bekanntlich sehr... more
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      Byzantine HistoryNicopolis in EpirusActia NicopolisBYZANTINE SEALS
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      History and archaeology of EpirusRoman ArchitectureNicopolis in EpirusActia Nicopolis
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      Ancient Greek HistoryBibliographic ResearchHistory and archaeology of EpirusNicopolis in Epirus
Thirteen details from the mosaic floors of the Doumetios Basilica in Nicopolis. / Δεκατρείς λεπτομέρειες από τα ψηφιδωτά δάπεδα της Βασιλικής Δουμετίου στη Νικόπολη.
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      Nicopolis in EpirusPrevezaByzantine MosaicsByzantine art
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      Roman HistoryRoman imperial historyHistory and archaeology of EpirusGreek and Roman Art and Architecture
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyNicopolis in EpirusEpirus
Mary PANTOU – Christina MERKOURI – Katerina VOUTSA: Nicopolis through archives: Archaeological evidence on Nicopolis from the Historical Archives of the Greek Archaeological Service Research conducted during the so far electronic... more
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      ArchivesNicopolis in EpirusActia NicopolisArchaeological Archives
Barbara Ν. PAPADOPOULOU – Athina Ι. KONSTANTAKI: The sculptural decoration of Basilica B (or Basilica of Alkisson) at Nicopolis This paper provides a brief introduction to the architectural sculpture found in the Basilica B complex, with... more
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      Byzantine ArchitectureByzantine churchesNicopolis in EpirusLate Antique and Byzantine Archaeology, Architecture and History of Art
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      Roman theatersRoman Provincial ArchaeologyRoman ArchitectureNicopolis in Epirus
Yannis D. VARALIS: Characteristics of the religious architecture of Nicopolis: parallelisms and deviations Five basilicas, dated from the end of the fifth to the early seventh centuries, are preserved in Nicopolis. The study of the... more
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      Byzantine ArchitectureChurch architectureNicopolis in Epirus
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      AugustusNicopolis in Epirus
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      Roman HistoryUrban HistoryAncient Topography (Archaeology)History and archaeology of Epirus
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      Roman HistoryAthleticsAncient Olympic GamesAcarnania
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      Roman ReligionHistory and archaeology of EpirusNicopolis in EpirusActia Nicopolis
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      Nicopolis in EpirusActia NicopolisByzantine MosaicsByzantine art
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      ArchaeologyAugustusHistory of EpirusHistory and archaeology of Epirus
Proceedings of the COLLOQUIUM "After Actium: New Archaeological Finds from Roman Greece", British Museum, November 12th-14th, 2003 (unpublished)
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      Cultural Heritage ManagementAugustusHistory and archaeology of EpirusNicopolis in Epirus
Eugenia CHALKIA: Additional excavations at Basilica D, Nicopolis. New Finds Additional excavations conducted at Basilica D, Nicopolis, in the years 1999, 2000 and 2002 brought to light the following new data: The northern pastophory was... more
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      Byzantine ArchitectureByzantine churchesNicopolis in EpirusActia Nicopolis