Office Management
Recent papers in Office Management
A área de prestação de serviços se diferencia em muitas formas do ambiente fabril, porém, métodos e ferramentas aplicados em manufaturas, também podem ser adaptados para escritórios, trazendo muitos benefícios. Como o ramo dos seguros vem... more
Perché gli “ecosistemi tribali” dei coworking sono così attraenti rispetto ai modelli tradizionali del vivere lavorativo? Forse perché offrono potenziali dinamismi impliciti alle reti di collaborazione multidisciplinari delle antiche... more
Recenti studi affermano che le attività a reale valore aggiunto in ufficio non superano oggi il 5% delle ore lavorative e che, mediamente, un impiegato subisce più di 70 interruzioni al giorno. L'autore affronta le problematiche... more
Offices are get big impact from the technological advancement at this moment because it has a tremendous impact. Starting from the ease in the search for information and communication. These technological advances affect the more... more
In modern economy, the continuous deconstruction of value chains through the extensive use of outsourcing and global networking, where employees can hardly identify with the final product, resulted in the growing issue of identification... more
A well-organised and well-managed office is an important prerequisite for any thriving organisation. During the early months of 2020, the world experienced a health catastrophe, the Corona Virus pandemic, known as the COVID-19. This... more
Currently in the industrial era 4.0 business people are required to always move forward. In order to fulfill this, appropriate policies are needed so that the company can run well and survive in the long term. To produce a good policy... more
Objectives: The purpose of the present study was threefold: (1) to compare the work demands on firefighters (FFs) and office workers (OWs), (2) to compare the prevalence of health complaints and disabilities in the work situation in these... more
Parlare di ergonomia e società oggi, nel pieno del dibattito sui risvolti sociali ed economici della globalizzazione, a qualcuno potrebbe apparire fuori luogo o addirittura anacronistico ma non è assolutamente così. Appare peraltro più... more
Decades ago, teaching profession was modernized through the practice of new tools, Business Education content inclusive. This study, examined challenges faced by Rivers state higher institutions in teaching and learning occupational... more
"A growing change has been observed in the field of the office management and secretariat, like in all other fields. Organizations would survive in such a competitive environment only if they forecast and keep up with this change.... more
Keberhasilan suatu organisasi ditandai dengan tercapainya tujuan organisasi tersebut. Maka dari itu kegiatan kantor dalam suatu organisasi pasti akan selalu dilakukan, baik di perusahaan swasta ataupun negeri. Tak dapat dipungkiri bahwa... more
Listening to music while working is by no means a new innovation. Songs, for a long time, helped people synchronise their movements and made the day go quicker. In the 1930s, recorded music was often used in factories to improve... more
Formular për Kontratë pune për kohë të pacaktuar caktuar
I have pleasure in presenting this book, which will serve as a text book for grade XI (10+2) level to fulfil the need of course structure under HSEB. This book is introduced to provide theoretical and practical knowledge to students,... more
The layout is one of the most crucial aspects that need to be considered in the office workplace. This aspect is very important because it involves the comfort of the work environment for employees. Many factors also need to be considered... more
Office automation remains a prominent factor that has contributed immensely and positively to the complete information processing revolution in today’s working environment. This calls for the focus of this study on the effect of office... more
ABSTRACT The paper focused on the current trends in office communication. In pursuit of the focus of this paper it treated numerous issues. It examined the meaning of communication, definition of business communication, process of... more
The primary purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of leadership styles on employee performance concerning the Ethiopian Railways Corporation. Two study objectives were identified, such as the identification of practised... more
PURPOSE: Electronic medical record systems improve the quality of patient care and decrease medical errors, but their financial effects have not been as well documented. The purpose of this study was to estimate the net financial benefit... more
The paper establishes that there is a requirement to link together office layout to the work patterns of office occupiers. It is only when the connection is made between the office layout and the office occupiers' work patterns that... more
تمرالمجتمعات اليوم بمتغيرات اقتصادية واجتماعية وتنظيمية ناتجة عن تحديات العولمة وانفتاح السوق ،هذه المتغيرات التي فرضت نفسها في العالم أجمع، تجبر المجتمعات على نمط تحول كبير في طريقة التفكير وتتطلب إعادة إنتاج وظائف المجتمع والمؤسسات. من... more
Cutting edge practices for cutting edge performance.
Abstract The project work examines the changing functions of the office manager in modern organisation. The main purpose of the study is to examine the traditional functions of an office manager in the modern organisation. Four research... more
This study is basically on creation of a database using Oracle 11g for tertiary institution's office management. The essence of a good and efficient database is to design a structure that houses organizational data that can be easily... more
Abstract This journal aims to provide understanding and knowledge of the importance of Standard Operating Procedure or SOP for schools. Standard Operating Procedure or SOP is a document that explains the series or explains the... more
Current technological developments make companies have to start implementing everything using electronic media. One that can be applied by companies is by using an electronic filing system. This electronic filing system is used as one of... more
Office Design is not something new as it was a classical study done by past researchers from various countries. In Malaysian setting, the study is something new, scarce and yet still developing. Subsequently, with the goal of examining... more
A good companies are usually characterized by a number of innovations product. Of course, many of these innovations is determined by the organizational culture that exists in the company. In simple terms what is meant by organizational... more
During the growth of a competitive global environment, there is considerable pressure on most organizations to make their operational, tactical, and strategic process more efficient and effective. An information and Communication... more
Ergonomics Risk Factors (ERFs) at computer works are commonly related to Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) such as repetitive movements, doing work in awkward postures and static postures while prolonged seating at works. The main... more
Setiap kantor harus memiliki peraturan tata ruang dan peralata kantor sebaik-baiknya untuk bisa menjaga produktivitas karyawan dan membuat karyawan lebih betah dalam bekerja. Tata ruang merupakan cara penyusuran alat-alat kantor pada... more
A manager is a person who works in an office which is responsible to all parts of the organization's activities. Managers have three important functions in the company of planners, managers and control of office activities. It also has... more
The value of the time we live in, the new revolutionary discoveries in the medical field, the economic requirements, and the speed of development of the means of communication determine us to adapt to the new challenges of life. In this... more
If you are currently stuck in a 6-10 hour toxic desk job and you want to keep that positive lifestyle or habits in the office, then you might want to try adding some of these things mentioned in this article to your everyday list.
The aim of the study is to examine the impact of information and communication technology on improving standards of modern business organization. Four research questions guided the study. Descriptive survey design was used. The total... more
For the effective discharge of their duties, professional secretaries must have a mastery of the basic office skills. These skills include Shorthand, typewriting etc. of all these skills, shorthand happens to the most important and most... more
Abstrak Perusahaan yang baik adalah perusahaan yang memiliki produktivitas karyawan tinggi. Semakin tinggi produktivitas karyawannya maka semakin tinggi pula keuntungan yang akan didapatkan oleh perusahaan. Produktivitas yang baik tentu... more
Abstract The roles of secretaries and data processors in the administration of universities across the country cannot be overstressed. They play significant roles in the collection of data, processing, storage, retrieval and... more