Principles of Management
Recent papers in Principles of Management
This paper is an attempt to highlight the Islamic principles of management stated by our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and Al-Quran, collectively known as Al-Sharia (Islamic law). Existing literature has been used to get some evidence of... more
This paper posits the benefits of a Predictive Artificial Intelligence solution-powered by a multilayer Neural Network-for any and all inquiries that fall under the theoretical purview of a relationship between a landlord and their... more
Abstract Business education has been blamed for deficiencies in the leadership, decision-making and ethical conduct of business managers. The quantitative and analyti-cal orientation in business school curricula and the consequent lack of... more
Sustainability of the open pit mining and technical system (MTS) is one of its key goals in the changing conditions of the external and internal environment. All MTS’s subsystems must function in concert to achieve this goal. The... more
Harvard Study on Lincoln Electric's Business Model booklet
-Someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people so that organizational goals can be accomplished.
Dear Colleagues, there is this fundamental question that ordinarily should bother anyone desirous of development and success, for self and nation, in this modern age. That question is, how do we develop and find fulfilment in this world... more
Textbook for the Principles of Business Management course of a Business Administration major
Setelah sebelumnya membahas mengenai biografi dan latar belakang keluarga serta pendidikan tokoh manajemen dan sosiologi kenamaan, Henri Fayol, berikut akan dibahas tentang sumbangsih atau kontribusi pemikiran pemikiran, konsep dan... more
The focus is providing a basic understanding of the principles of microeconomics. At its core, the study of economics deals with the choices and decisions that have to be made in order to manage scarce resources available to us.... more
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
Agriculture has been very successful in addressing the food and fiber needs of today’s world population. However, there are increasing concerns about the economic, environmental and social costs of this success. Integrated agricultural... more
About Principles of Management Principles of Management is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the introductory course on management. This is a traditional approach to management using the leading, planning,... more
This is the textbook Money and Banking. It is for Finance 1/Accounting 2
Robert E. Wright and Vincenzo Quadrini
Publication Date: Apr 2009
License: Creative Commons
ISBN 13: 978-0-9820430-8-0
ISBN 13 Color: 978-1-936126-14-9
Robert E. Wright and Vincenzo Quadrini
Publication Date: Apr 2009
License: Creative Commons
ISBN 13: 978-0-9820430-8-0
ISBN 13 Color: 978-1-936126-14-9
Management is the use of scarce supplies with proper planning, execution and leadership skills aimed at meeting up a specific goal or laid down objectives, Every organization is faced with different challenges and problems, from dividing... more
Este trabajo fue elaborado como un análisis al libro "Psicología del Trabajo para Relaciones Laborales" de Carlos Guillén Gestoso y Rocío Guil Bozal (McGraw Hill, ISBN: 84-481-2518-5) ( ), desde el punto de vista... more
China, a territorial aggressor and large-scale intellectual property thief, falsely claims that it originated the ―ancient bureaucracy. Accordingly, Chinese began to develop the idea of bureaucracy. Bureaucracy has roots in the early... more
The assignment has two parts, multiple choice and case study. Multiple choices are to make you revise the entire materials and check your understanding of the course. Case study questions are to relate the theoretical discussions with the... more
Sentralisasi merupakan salah satu fungsi dalam manajemen suatu organisasi. Dan berfungsi untuk memusatkan seluruh wewenang sejumlah kecil
This book primarily handles the changes that have happened in the Principles of management in the area of HR/Marketing and the nature of principles of management practices changing all over the world. Hence taking into cognizance the... more
This research examines the Teachers Job Satisfaction and role of secondary school Principal that has an ultimately impact on students’ achievement in a positive way. This research was conducted in two phases: In the first phase the data... more
Autor utvrđuje principe koji određuju fenomen institucionalnog sećanja. On postulira određeno institucionalno sećanje kao ono u kojem je jasno utvrđeno: ko se seća, koga ili čega se seća, zašto se seća, kada, gde i na koji način. Zatim... more
Every organization grows, prospers, or fails as a result of decisions by its managers. Managers are often referred to as decision makers. Good decision-making is a vital part of good management. Decisions determine how the organization... more
Political and economic shifts create a range of opportunities for developing countries in a state of transition. Restrictions to doing business, both international and domestic, are often relaxed, economic and financial reforms can oil... more
Participating in God’s mission has been the privilege of the Church down the centuries. Missions till about the middle of the last century have been a one dimensional- a “first-world” “burden”. However recently missions in/with/by the... more
Leaders are in positions of power and their decisions impact others: therefore, it is imperative that their values should have strong ethical foundations and, above all, that these be aligned with external behaviors and actions that... more
BUS 401 Principles of Finance Ashford, Assignment, Discussion Question, Quiz, Final paper.
Attracting and retaining talent is a major problem faced by SMEs in the logistics business. There is a need to incorporate a high degree of professionalism in the functioning and approach of SMEs in this business. The current study aims... more
Every individual in our planet is busy in his / her own world these days. The busy schedules and work preoccupations of many people hinder them from spending nominal amount of time with their families. To address this concern, we have... more
Abstract: Obstinate actions-oriented behaviour is the study of learning and practicing behaviour theoractively, which is acquired from the content based, process based learning and spawning critical reflexivity to the learnt theoretical... more
The Integrated Agricultural Systems workgroup is examining agricultural systems of the US to determine fundamental principles that underlie successful production systems. Our hypothesis is that principles are applicable across regions,... more
Yirminci yüzyıl boyunca, sınai ve teknolojik gelişme, kısa aralıklarla yaşanan iki dünya savaşı ve bölgesel savaşlar nedeniyle doğal çevre tahrip olmuş ve çevre kirliliği giderek artmıştır. II. Dünya Savaşı'nın ardından Avrupa başta olmak... more
my answer to the question on the book
This research examines the Teachers Job Satisfaction and role of secondary school Principal that has an ultimately impact on students’ achievement in a positive way. This research was conducted in two phases: In the first phase the data... more
Özet: Örgütsel bağlamda, yönetsel açıdan değerlerin etkili olmasının beklendiği süreçlerden birisi de karar verme sürecidir. Karar verme süreci yönetsel süreçlerin merkezinde yer alır. Belirli değerlere dayalı örgütsel bir yapının... more
Sustainability of the open pit mining and technical system (MTS) is one of its key goals in the changing conditions of the external and internal environment. All MTS’s subsystems must function in concert to achieve this goal. The... more
Journal of Civil Defense article about the history of U.S. Civil Defense, the American Civil Defense Association, successful civil defense lessons, and useful civil defense and emergenc preparedness websites.