Olympics and Olympism
Recent papers in Olympics and Olympism
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and... more
The concept of the gentleman amateur was, and remains, an important aspect of upper and middle-class Victorian and Edwardian male identity. Although he remains a significant literary presence, the form and length of time the gentleman... more
The emphasis placed on sports in modern culture makes it easy for us to forget that they are intrinsically meaningless. The goal, touchdown, or world record that inspires and amazes us does not have anything like the social value of a new... more
This book examines the relationship between athletics and philosophy in ancient Greece and Rome focused on the connection between athleticism and virtue. It begins by observing that the link between athleticism and virtue is older than... more
This chapter examines how representations of Britain’s ‘imperial’ history continue to form an important part of contemporary mediated constructions of Britain. Specifically, this is explored in English national newspaper coverage of the... more
Given the many benefits of international sporting success understanding the development and long-term sustainability of an elite sporting career have become an important pursuit worldwide. Despite decades of research little is known about... more
A protokoll, azon belül a sportprotokoll és sportrendezvényszervezés oktatásához készített egyetemi könyv összeállítása jól felépített, egymásra logikusan alapuló részekből tevődik össze, kezdve az ókori pánhellén játékok bemutatásával... more
Winning the right to host the Olympic Games is widely regarded as the most significant prize on offer in the never-ending contest between the world's leading cities for prestige and investment. This essay explores the implications and... more
Las décadas del veinte y del treinta del siglo pasado representan un período de consolidación en el deporte argentino y chileno. Por un lado, el proceso de difusión, apropiación y resignificación lúdica estaba marcadamente avanzado. Tanto... more
The current study offers insight into the role of motivation and constraints on behavioural intentions prior to a mega event. The Psychological Continuum Model framework was used to integrate motivation and leisure constraints theory to... more
Resumo: Este artigo tem como propósito retomar o tema da nossa tese de doutorado, na qual buscamos compreender as relações de saber e poder que se estabelecem entre o processo de convergência de mídias e o jornalismo. Investigamos a... more
Using a life stories approach to examine the career path of volleyball legend Lang Ping, this article analyzes how the " narrative self " is constructed in her growth into a transnational sports leader. Situated in China's sports media... more
This paper examines the politics of mobility which surrounded the London 2012 Olympics. We provide a critical discussion of the mobility conflicts, problems and criticisms which emerged from our research with local people in the Stratford... more
Sport annually mobilizes millions of people across Europe: as practitioners in a wide variety of competitive, educational, or recreational contexts, and as spectators, who are physically present or following events through the mass media.... more
Kevin Hylton argues that structural constraints are likely to undermine those seeking to use the Olympics to bring about regeneration in the east end.
The file contains two single page essays on the Olympic Games in the new millennium. One is entitled "Amateurism is Dead: Long Live Amateurism", the other is "The Letter and the Spirit in London and Sochi." The essays will be published... more
The Olympic Games and the soccer World Cup are large international mega-events that demonstrate how highly valued sport is around the world. However, alongside the celebrations of sporting excellences is the opportunity to reflect upon... more
The state government of Rio de Janeiro has declared a state of “public calamity”, as it struggles to cope with severe economic and social crises in the lead up to the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Public services are under enormous... more
This working paper will undertake a close analysis of eight of the most recent Olympic Games Opening Ceremonies. The ceremonies examined are: Moscow (1980), Los Angeles (1984), Seoul (1988), Barcelona (1992), Atlanta (1996), Sydney... more
Often recognised as “quintessentially Canadian,” curling has long enjoyed a reputation as a quirky, accessible, and sociable winter sport (Weiting and Lamoureux 2001; Mair 2007, 2009). While first introduced as a medal sport (for men) at... more
Brasil se encuentra encuadrado dentro del foro BRICS que abarcan la organización de la mayoría de mega-eventos deportivos, gozando de gran protagonismo los Juegos Olímpicos siendo China, Rusia y el propio Brasil los actores principales 5.... more
Since Pierre de Coubertin first recognized the value of using sport to reform France's educational system in the late 19 th Century, the Anglo-American "cult of sport" has been used by many educational reformers in the Western world to... more
The 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games, held in Rio de Janeiro, reignited public interest and discussion around Paralympic athletes attempting to qualify for, and compete at, the Olympic Games. That Paralympians have sought to compete at... more
This book is the first comprehensive examination of the lists of Olympic victors that were assiduously maintained by ancient Greeks for more than a 1,000 years. The origins, development, content, and structure of Olympic victor lists are... more
Chapter 1: Introduction 1 Chapter 2: Research Design 4 Definitions 5 Theoretical Review 11 Literature Review 18 Chapter 3: History of the IOC and FIFA 29 Chapter 4: Case Studies 41 Argentina 41 Mexico 50 South Korea 57 China 64 Analysis... more
The rising cost of staging the Olympic Games has resulted in closer scrutiny on their potential economic impacts. Employment and skills development are often used at the bidding stage to – at least partly – justify the cost of the Games.... more
In 2013, with the city’s 2002 urban renaissance policy seemingly having reached its limit, Tokyo won its bid to stage the 2020 Olympics. he city plan was modified, with Olympic clusters replacing the special zones of urban redevelopment.... more
Nations realising the political and developmental possibilities in hosting a mega sport event is a trend that has been increasing in recent decades. To take one example, Qatar is one of the most prolific nations in bidding and hosting... more
This article presents biographical overviews and details of the sporting careers of cousins Alfred and Gustav Flatow, one of the greatest gymnasts in the history of modern era German sport, born in Danzig and Berent (nowadays Gdańsk and... more
Although it is often framed as a “global” event, the Winter Olympics is quite exclusive and Eurocentric.
This volume presents a wide-reaching overview of contemporary research and scholarship on women's engagement in a range of combat sports across the world. Including chapters on boxing, wrestling, mixed martial arts, and various other... more
This volume presents a wide-reaching overview of contemporary research and scholarship on women's engagement in a range of combat sports across the world. Including chapters on boxing, wrestling, mixed martial arts, and various other... more