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      Higher EducationInteractionComputer Mediated CommunicationGroup Dynamics
As the demands for public accountability increase for higher education, institutions must demonstrate quality within programs and processes, including those provided through online education. While quality may be elusive to specifically... more
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      Program EvaluationHigher EducationIdentificationModels
Acceptability of online distance learning on vegetarian work packets and the skills performance of grade 10 students in bread and pastry production was examined. The descriptive correlational research design was utilized to 55 respondents... more
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      ProductionAcceptabilityOnline distance learningBread and Pastry
This literature review explores research regarding the perception of potential employers or "gatekeepers" about online degrees in comparison with those earned in a traditional format. This review contributes to the field of knowledge... more
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    • Online distance learning
Over the past ten years, a significant increase in courses and programs taught through distance education technologies has occurred both in non-for-profit and for-profit colleges and universities. During this time, there have been many... more
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    • Online distance learning
The Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan of the Department of Education highlights the use of different learning delivery modalities to assure that education continues amidst COVID-19 pandemic. Online distance learning modality (ODLM)... more
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      Mixed Methods ResearchBasic EducationOpportunitiesOnline distance learning
Formative assessment provides ongoing feedback to monitor student learning and improve teachers' instruction. But the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the mode of learning delivery and has affected formative assessment. Hence, the... more
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      Formative AssessmentBest PracticesAdaptive StrategiesChallenges
Social constructivist theory has advanced the notion that distance education is inferior, because effective learning is thought to require immersion in a cognitive apprenticeship under the guidance of a mentor. Effective learning is said... more
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    • Online distance learning
This research paper aims at highlighting the Total Quality Management (TQM) elements at university, through environmental scanning the researcher found many important factors in University, where quality of education Is the main purpose... more
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      QualityHigher EducationJordanKey words
Acceptability of online distance learning on vegetarian work packets and the skills performance of grade 10 students in bread and pastry production was examined. The descriptive correlational research design was utilized to 55 respondents... more
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      ProductionAcceptabilityOnline distance learningBread and Pastry
This study identified the effect of the perceived barriers in the sudden transition to online distance learning on the academic performance of radiologic technology students. Four barriers were identified and used: digital literacy,... more
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      Digital LiteracyAcademic PerformanceBarriersOnline distance learning
While online distance supervision of higher degrees is fairly commonplace overseas, it is relatively new at the Durban University of Technology (DUT). This paper looks at recent endeavours in distance supervision with overseas... more
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      SupervisionWeb-based learningOnline distance learning
Changing your Learning Management System (LMS) presents challenges not only to instructional faculty, but also to the students who depend on these systems to completely deliver or support their courses. In assessing the transition for... more
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      Computer ScienceEducational TechnologyHigher EducationLearning Management Systems
Higher education institutions define adults by using chronological age and additional factors such as delayed post-secondary enrollment, part-time attendance, full-time work while enrolled, financial independence, single parenthood,... more
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      PsychologyOnline distance learning
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    • Online distance learning
This literature review explores research regarding the perception of potential employers or “gatekeepers ” about online degrees in comparison with those earned in a traditional format. This review contributes to the field of knowledge... more
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      SociologyHigher EducationComparative AnalysisOnline distance learning
Since 2005, the landscape of online teaching and learning has changed as well as the landscape of the academy, and continues to transform before our eyes. These changes are not only a product of technological innovation, but also a result... more
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      Educational TechnologyHigher EducationValuesCompetition
Purpose: no one technology can support all types of teaching and learning at a distance – the most effective approach is to combine a range of technologies. Using multiple technologies ensure that all learning styles are catered for and... more
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    • Online distance learning
This study examined various student characteristics to determine their relationship to success in an online undergraduate business course at a community college. All students who had taken this online course during a three-year period of... more
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      PsychologyRegression AnalysisOnline CoursesOnline distance learning
Abstract- A new online distance learning system was created by an interdisciplinary team comprised of computer science, graphics, networking, security, and educational science faculty and graduate students to research, implement, and... more
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      Human Computer InteractionNetwork SecurityInteractionFacial expression
This literature review explores the research about the perception of online degrees by potential employers or “gatekeepers” in comparison with those earned in a traditional format. This is important because these perceptions can affect... more
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      SociologyHigher EducationComparative AnalysisOnline distance learning
Online education has become a staple of higher education institutions. In the latest survey conducted by the Sloan Foundation, it was found that over two-thirds of higher education institutions were offering a variety of online courses... more
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      Online and Distance EducationOnline distance learning
This study examined various student characteristics to determine their relationship to success in an online undergraduate business course at a community college. All students who had taken this online course during a three-year period of... more
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      Regression AnalysisSpirituality & Grade Point AverageOnline CoursesOnline distance learning
Successful online instructors realize that building a sense of" community" in the online classroom is necessary for successful learning outcomes (Gunawardena, 1994; Wiesenberg & Hutton, 1996; Campbell, 1997; Gunawardena &... more
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      Higher EducationInteractionComputer Mediated CommunicationGroup Dynamics
Student demand for online education requires colleges and universities to rapidly expand the number of courses and programs offered online while maintaining high quality. This paper outlines two universities respective processes to assure... more
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      Instructional DesignElectronic publishingQuality ControlEvaluation methods
Tourism, as a form of tourism industry has grown and developed dramatically. However, the development in the practical sphere has not yet balanced with the growth of human resources qualities in the tourism sector. In Indonesia... more
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      E-learningTourism EducationWork Based LearningTourism and Hospitality Education
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    • Online distance learning
UFPE) -II SINIEL, 2012 RESUMO: Com base no pressuposto de que a aprendizagem deve partir da reflexão crítica sobre a experiência do sujeito, sem desconsiderar a estreita relação entre sociedade e indivíduo, este marcado por influências de... more
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      AutonomyInteractivityOnline distance learning
Formative assessment provides ongoing feedback to monitor student learning and improve teachers' instruction. But the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the mode of learning delivery and has affected formative assessment. Hence, the... more
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      Formative AssessmentBest PracticesMultidisciplinaryAdaptive Strategies
The Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan of the Department of Education highlights the use of different learning delivery modalities to assure that education continues amidst COVID-19 pandemic. Online distance learning modality (ODLM)... more
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      Mixed Methods ResearchBasic EducationOpportunitiesOnline distance learning
Purpose: The study sought to categorise students based on the preferences that influence their choice of distance education in Ghana.  Methodology: Questionnaires were used to collect data from 120 students taking part in the UEW distance... more
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      GeographyOnline distance learning
The usage of digital technologies is arising day by day for humans learning from the past decades and it's becoming the integral part of education in future. Its importance and features are also growing for the betterment of human... more
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      Digital TechnologiesOnline distance learningPedagogical approaches
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    • Online distance learning
This paper details the advantages of creating a strategic plan in the development and delivery of distance programs at the authors' own institution. The steps involved in the planning process and the three key elements of a successful... more
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      MarketingEducational TechnologyStrategic PlanningOnline
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    • Online distance learning
Higher education is currently undergoing what may be its most significant change since the advent of the printing press in the fifteenth century. A number of socioeconomic forces, primarily globalization, have increased student mobility... more
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      BusinessOnline distance learning
This study examined various student characteristics to determine their relationship to success in an online undergraduate business course at a community college. All students who had taken this online course during a three-year period of... more
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      PsychologyRegression AnalysisOnline CoursesOnline distance learning
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    • Online distance learning
The introduction of web-based education in Canadian schools, as in other developed countries, has been particularly noticeable in rural areas. Small schools in rural communities have continued to get smaller as families relocate in urban... more
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    • Online distance learning
This literature review explores research regarding the perception of potential employers or "gatekeepers" about online degrees in comparison with those earned in a traditional format. This review contributes to the field of knowledge... more
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      Higher EducationComparative AnalysisOnline distance learning
This paper details the advantages of creating a strategic plan in the development and delivery of distance programs at the authors' own institution. The steps involved in the planning process and the three key elements of a successful... more
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      MarketingEducational TechnologyStrategic PlanningOnline
Since 2005, the landscape of online teaching and learning has changed as well as the landscape of the academy, and continues to transform before our eyes. These changes are not only a product of technological innovation, but also a result... more
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      Educational TechnologyHigher EducationValuesCompetition
As the growth of online programs continues to rapidly accelerate, concern over the retention of the online learner is increasing. Educational administrators at institutions offering online courses, those fully online or brick and mortars,... more
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      EducationOnline distance learning
This study investigates the attitudes of schoolteachers and directors towards the worth and value of implementing a distance education program in Lebanon. The study surveys 7 school directors and 112 schoolteachers unequally divided among... more
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      Distance EducationNew TechnologyOnline distance learning