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This paper has multiple objectives. I set out linkages of a causal model to portray how globalization influences international terrorist strategies. I also point to methodological and theoretical shortcomings in the literature with... more
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      Physical ActivityUrban EconomicsUrban And Regional PlanningApplied Economics
This paper proposes a new approach to measure corporate contributions to sustainability called Sustainable Value Added. Value is created whenever benefits exceed costs. Current approaches to measure corporate sustainable performance take... more
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      AssessmentEcological EconomicsPerformance MeasurementApplied Economics
The Grameen Bank of Bangladesh has been in the vanguard of the microfinance movement, showing the potential to alleviate poverty by providing credit to poor households. Part of this success has been built on subsidies. In 1996, for... more
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      Development EconomicsMicrofinanceApplied EconomicsOpportunity Cost
Ecotourism is widely promoted as a conservation tool and actively practiced in protected areas worldwide. Theoretically, support for conservation from the various types of stakeholder inside and outside protected areas is maximized if... more
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      Environmental ManagementChinaMultidisciplinaryRECREATION
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      ForestryNatural ResourcesEcosystem ServicesWater quality
The authors of this article discuss how a mixed-methods research team designed and conducted a 4-year study (Variations in Teachers' Work and Lives and Their Effects on Pupils) that tracked 300 teachers in 100 schools in England over a... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingSociologyProgram Evaluation
The theory of costs is a cornerstone of economic thinking, and figures crucially in the study of human action and society. From the first day of a principles-level course to the most advanced academic literature, costs play a vital role... more
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      EntrepreneurshipSocial EntrepreneurshipAustrian EconomicsHistory of Economic Thought
The UK's renewable energy policy has been characterised by opportunism, cost-limiting caps and continuous adjustments resulting from a lack of clarity of goals. Renewable electricity has had a specific delivery mechanism in place since... more
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      Renewable EnergyCarbon DioxideEnergy PolicyMultidisciplinary
We provide empirical support for the hypothesis that the lower the EXECUTIVE opportunity costs of individuals, the more likely they are to undertake SUMMARY entrepreneurial activity. This prediction emerged from earlier theoretical work... more
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      MarketingBusiness and ManagementLabor MarketJob Performance
We provide empirical support for the hypothesis that the lower the opportunity costs of individuals, the more likely they are to undertake entrepreneurial activity. This prediction emerged from earlier theoretical work in which we modeled... more
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      MarketingBusiness and ManagementLabor MarketJob Performance
This paper analyzes the effect of family employment on performance in micro and small enterprises (MSEs) by combining two research perspectives that, until now, have been conducted separately: the family embeddedness perspective of... more
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      MarketingFamily BusinessBusiness and ManagementProfitability
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      Information SystemsEconomicsGame TheoryPolitical Economy
Abstract This paper discusses the key issues and concerns in the Cambodian government's efforts to implement three priority education policies for 2006–2010: ensure equitable access to education; increase quality and efficiency... more
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      EducationEducation PolicyCapacity BuildingInstitutional Development
Developing countries are in critical energy crisis. Pakistan spends almost 7 billion US$ on import of fossil fuels annually to congregate its energy needs. The renewable and sustainable energy resources are best substitute to the... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyPhosphorusDeveloping Country
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      Real EstateMacroeconomicsForestryClimate Change
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      Financial EconomicsIndustrial EcologySustainable DevelopmentMultidisciplinary
Recently, it has been recognized that revenue management of cruise ships is different from that of airlines or hotels. Among the main differences is the presence of multiple capacity constraints in cruise ships, i.e., the number of cabins... more
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      Stochastic ProcessMarkov Decision ProcessRevenue ManagementMultidisciplinary
Community-based conservation interventions can only be successful in the long term if their aims and activities are accepted by local people. A key determinant of acceptability is the perceived fairness of the distribution of the costs... more
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      Ecological EconomicsApplied EconomicsBiodiversity ConservationPayment for Environmental Services
A central issue in archaeology is the study of technological change, and yet we have relatively little theory to explain the origin of technological novelty. Most models assume that inventions are generated as needed to solve adaptive... more
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This article summarizes 5 years of research on resource choice and foraging strategy among Ache foragers in eastern Paraguay. Successes and failures of simple models from optimal foraging theory (OFT) are discussed and revisions are... more
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      Food sharingOptimal Foraging TheorySouth AmericaOpportunity Cost
Designing conservation areas entails costs that, if considered explicitly, can be minimized while still achieving conservation targets. Here we focus on opportunity costs which measure forgone benefits from alternative land uses.... more
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      Conservation planningBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesDeveloping Country
Do the inference strategies people select depend on the magnitude of time pressure? Is this dependency modified by the type of time pressure? These questions are addressed in three experimental studies in which participants made... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDecision MakingCognition
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      AgronomyBiomassPlant BiologyCarbon Sequestration
Purpose -The purpose of this article is to consider why work-life balance has become a major issue, and the likely outcomes of the widespread dissatisfaction with current work schedules. Design/methodology/approach -The article reviews... more
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      Coping StrategiesJob SatisfactionTime UseWorking Time
The rebound effect results in part from an increased consumption of energy services following an improvement in the technical efficiency of delivering those services. This increased consumption offsets the energy savings that may... more
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      Energy EconomicsEcological EconomicsEnergy efficiencyApplied Economics
There is a well-documented a "digital divide" in internet connection. We ask whether a similar divide exists for internet usage. Using a survey of 18,439 Americans, we find that high-income, educated people were more likely to have... more
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      Information SystemsDigital DivideLibrary and Information StudiesInternet Usage
This paper analyzes the effect of family employment on performance in micro and small enterprises (MSEs) by combining two research perspectives that, until now, have been conducted separately: the family embeddedness perspective of... more
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      MarketingFamily BusinessBusiness and ManagementProfitability
Conventional wisdom has it that increasing price or exchange rate uncertainty will depress investment. Using the Dixit±Pindyck model, we ®nd that there are situations where this will happen; and situations where it does not. There are... more
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      EconomicsExchange rateOpportunity CostMonetary Union
The WorldBankEconomicReview is a professional journal for the dissemination of World Bank-sponsored and outside research that may inform policy analyses and choices. It is directed to an international readership among economists and... more
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      Political EconomyAccountingEconomic GrowthForeign Direct Investment
Unpaid time represents a potentially significant input into the health production function. The paper sets out the basis for valuation of time inputs consistent with the notion of opportunity cost. Such analysis requires consideration of... more
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      Program EvaluationEconomicsHealth EconomicsHealth Services Research
Combined hydro-economic models of river basins are fundamental tools for assessing management and infrastructure strategies to improve the economic efficiency of water use in a context of competition over scarce water resources.... more
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      Ecological EconomicsGroundwater modelingApplied EconomicsUrban Agriculture
This paper estimates the economic returns to carbon abatement through biological sequestration in community managed forest under future REDD policy, and compares these for three possible management scenarios. For the estimation, the... more
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      Ecological EconomicsCarbon SequestrationApplied EconomicsResource use
To strengthen the theoretical foundations of incentive system design for corporate entrepreneurship, we develop a moderated model of new venture participation, integrating financial, risk, and effort factors to more comprehensively... more
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      MarketingCorporate EntrepreneurshipSystem DesignBusiness and Management
Purpose -The purpose of this article is to consider why work-life balance has become a major issue, and the likely outcomes of the widespread dissatisfaction with current work schedules. Design/methodology/approach -The article reviews... more
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      Coping StrategiesJob SatisfactionTime UseWorking Time
We offer three reasons why economics matters more to species protection than many people think and what this implies for the ongoing debate over the reauthorization of the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Economics matters because (1)... more
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      Decision MakingConservation BiologyConservationEndangered Species
Carbon sequestration in forest sinks is an important strategy to remove greenhouse gases and to mitigate climate change; however its implementation has been limited under the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol which has not... more
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      Climate ChangeEcological EconomicsCarbon SequestrationApplied Economics
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      Agricultural PolicyEcological EconomicsPerformance MeasurementApplied Economics
Corporate risk management may employ financial or operative means to reduce the exposure to unexpected currency fluctuations. This article utilizes a real options framework to establish that operative hedging through the creation of... more
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      Risk ManagementGlobal FinanceHedgingOpportunity Cost
1 . REDD+ has potential to simultaneously deliver cost-effective climate change mitigation and human development 2-5 . However, most REDD+ analysis has used coarse-scale data, overlooked important opportunity costs to tropical forest... more
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      Human DevelopmentClimate Change MitigationDeveloping CountryForest Conservation
Reports of the success of the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh have led to rapid growth in funding for microfinance in both rich and poor countries. But has Grameen been costeffective? This paper compares output with social cost for Grameen in... more
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      Human GeographyMicrofinanceDevelopment policyCost Effectiveness Analysis
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      Real EstateAccountingFinancial SystemsDeveloping Countries
This report reviews the literature on the links between energy access, welfare, and gender in order to provide evidence on where gender considerations in the energy sector matter and how they might be addressed. Prepared as a background... more
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      Gender EqualityGender and DevelopmentPeer ReviewSocial Development
The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and... more
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      EconomicsSystem IntegrationLatin American Economic HistoryOpportunity Cost
The originality of the REDD proposal is its incentives-based mechanism designed to reward the governments of developing countries for their performance in reducing deforestation as measured against a baseline. This mechanism is founded on... more
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      Political EconomyForestryGovernmentEnvironmental Studies
During the last two decades, researchers have sought to develop categories of entrepreneurs and their businesses along a variety of dimensions to better comprehend and analyze the entrepreneurial growth process. Some of this research has... more
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      MarketingOrganizational ChangeSmall BusinessOrganization Design
Although shrimp ®sheries are of great economic importance worldwide, they produce serious ecological disturbances and aect other resource harvesting activities such as small-scale ®sheries. We tested performance of the Square... more
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      Endangered SpeciesBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesBiological Conservation
By motivating avoidance of contaminants, the experience of disgust guards against disease. Because behavioral prophylaxis entails time, energy, and opportunity costs, Fessler and Navarrete [Evol. Hum. Behav. 24 (2003) 406-417]... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAnthropologyImmune response
This paper extends a formal theory of structural aspects of organizational change initiated by Hannan, Pólos, and Carroll (2002a, hereafter HPCa). This analysis focuses on the implications of limited foresight of the cascades of... more
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      SociologyOrganizational ChangePapersOpportunity Cost
This contribution investigates the role of education in domestic terrorism for 133 countries between 1984 and 2007. The findings point at a nontrivial effect of education on terrorism. Lower education (primary education) tends to promote... more
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      TerrorismHigher EducationPolitical ScienceConflict Resolution