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The aim of this study is to compare the activities of Kabalevsky and Bernstein-two musicians who made a significant contribution to the musical education of the younger generation, reveals the principles, methods, forms of educational... more
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      EnlightenmentTVConversationLeonard Bernstein
Sense making through conversation plays a key role in channelling and furthering participatory business model innovation. The designer as facilitator, with conversation as a core tool, is an emerging area of interest within the design... more
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      Co-DesignDesign thinkingConversationCo-creation
Teaching English language to Czech children suffering from AD(H)D is clearly a challenging task for any teacher, especially when this disorder often manifests itself with some other learning disabilities. There is no single practical... more
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      PsychologyConversation AnalysisConversationTeaching ESL/EFL
"Una sceneggiatura sociale: analisi semiotica dell'aperitivo". Il presente lavoro è incentrato sul fenomeno dell'aperitivo letto come uno dei temi della semiotica del gusto e del cibo. Il momento dell'aperitivo non è dettato prettamente... more
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      SemioticsConversationSocial SemioticsGreimas
The use of language may influence the society both in terms of what is said by the people and about the people. Research in language and gender considers how language impacts upon society. The present study examines most influential... more
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      SociolinguisticsConversation AnalysisSemantics/PragmaticsGender
This paper investigates alternative methods of teaching design studies in a school of design that still largely follows a traditional apprenticeship practice-based programme. It looks at sustainable and student-centred design educational... more
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      Design educationLearning and TeachingCyberneticsCognition
This paper describes the development of chatbots that can help learners make the most appropriate use of a large body of content. The purpose of a COntent based Learning Assistant, COLA, is to suggest optimal educational paths, along with... more
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      Computer ScienceEducational InformaticsCognitive EngineeringConversation
The quality of your leadership depends on the quality of your conversations. But in the last decade, the tendency to replace face-to-face conversations with e-mails has become an epidemic which is damaging relations between professionals... more
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      ManagementInnovation statisticsLeadershipCoaching (Education)
Oct 27 Istanbul Architecture Heals Nov 12 New Delhi Plenary Address: Int Conf. Islamic Art & Architecture Nov 13 Mumbai 7 Wonders of Muslim Civilization: Memorial Nov 14 Mumbai 7 Wonders of Muslim Civilization: Mosque & Fort Nov 15... more
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      ImprovisationArchitecturePoetryPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Breakups are sometimes inevitable, and it is actually a good thing that you realize that your relationship cannot work out anymore and that you are looking to break up. Some people drag out relationships that are not meant to be and end... more
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      Personal RelationshipsHopeLoveConversation
30. Juni – 1. Juli 2022 Universität Trier | hybrid (Campus I, V302 und via Zoom) Die am Fach Kunstgeschichte angesiedelte interdisziplinäre Veranstaltung hat es zum Ziel, neuzeitliche Tierpräparate und frühe Präparationstechniken in den... more
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      Art HistoryAnimal StudiesEcocriticismConversation
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Architectural discourse has often appropriated the dialogical construct to introduce and promote new ideas that would otherwise be uneasily accepted or polemically rejected. The dialectical dialogue is thus scripted -i.e. designed - from... more
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      DialogueArchitectural HistoryConversationGiovanni Battista Piranesi 1720-1778
The aim of every computational linguist is to make the computer interact with human beings in a natural way and display intelligence by understanding the complex cognitive structure of language. In this paper, features of human... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPragmaticsConversationComputational Models of Trust
Oral Fluency for Academic Exam Preparation- IELTS or TOEFL Speaking Test
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      Public SpeakingConversationVocabulary Learning in ESLAcademic speaking
John Rawls’ gamification of justice leads him – along with many other monist political philosophers, not least Ronald Dworkin – to fail to take politics seriously enough. I begin with why we consider games frivolous and then show how... more
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      AestheticsPolitical PhilosophyEthicsMeta-Ethics
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      Creative WritingBuddhismSociologyCultural Studies
philosophia facta est quae philologia fuit -Nietzsche, "Homer und die Klassische Philologie" (1869) We are approaching the end of an era, that of a generation of Gadamer's last students 1 together with those who knew him in the last... more
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      HermeneuticsFriedrich NietzscheMartin HeideggerHans-Georg Gadamer
This paper provides a worked exemplar of psychotherapy research using the approach of conversation analysis inspired discourse analysis (CA/DA), sometimes known as discursive psychology (Edwards & Potter, 1992; Potter, 2003; Potter &... more
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      Discourse AnalysisClinical PsychologyPsychoanalysisEmotion
In general conversation usually happen cooperative principle. In conversation people tend do the violation of cooperative principle. Violation in conversation it is not only found in daily life, but also found in conversation of the... more
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In judicial settings, courtroom interaction varies from time to time, depending on the character and personality, ability and proficiency, and style and manner of individual participants. This paper investigates and examines the relevance... more
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      ConversationTurn-TakingTalkcourtroom interactions
Suele considerarse que los Ensayos de Montaigne contienen el germen del subjetivismo moderno: incapaz de superar su crisis escéptica, Montaigne habría iniciado el giro de la filosofía hacia la interioridad del yo, ensayándose a sí mismo... more
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      Philosophical ScepticismThe SelfMichel de MontaigneConversation
В статье обсуждается проблема преобразования классификации речевых актов, заимствованной из философии, в типологическую категорию. Трудность такого преобразования лежит в широкой вариативности формы выражения иллокутивной силы.... more
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      PragmaticsDialogueDiscourse MarkersConstruction Grammar
|ES| El presente artículo propone una aproximación a las maneras en las que el lenguaje atraviesa la práctica artística de Juan Zamora. El punto de partida del texto es la palabra hablada como elemento primario para la toma de contacto y... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageArtistic ResearchConversationFilosofia Del Lenguaje
Ricostruisce il processo di formazione del modello italiano della conversazione, dalle sue remote genealogie medievali alla organica sistemazione di Pontano nel De sermone, alla grande stagione rinascimentale di Castiglione, Della Casa e... more
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      Cultural HistoryRenaissance StudiesConversationCastiglione Baldassarre
Early work on the philosophy of language was unconcerned with language as a tool for communication: the pioneers of 'ideal' language philosophy were interested in how insights from logical languages might be applied to the study of... more
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      PragmaticsSemanticsRelevance TheoryConversation
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      Conversation AnalysisEnglish GrammarConversationConversation Analysis (Languages And Linguistics)
This chapter introduces the central themes across which Nicholas Rengger made his lasting contribution to the political theory of international relations and the problem of world order: his Augustine-inspired idea of an ‘anti-Pelagian... more
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      International Relations TheoryJust WarAugustineMichael Oakeshott
Cet article est le fruit d'un entretien avec le professeur émérite James R. Taylor, fondateur du Département de communication de l'Université de Montréal et figure reconnue dans le domaine canadien des médias, mais surtout auteur d'une... more
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Glottal stops can be used for various tasks in speech. This study provides an overview of the different contexts where glottal stops tend to occur in casual Finnish conversation. Glottal stops in four phonetically annotated dialogues are... more
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      Speech ProsodyPhoneticsAcoustic PhoneticsConversation
This research stresses the need to examine the relationship between topic avoidance and relational correlates (eg, satisfaction and emotional closeness) from a message production theoretical perspective. Our approach—strategic topic... more
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      Social PsychologyInterpersonal CommunicationConversation AnalysisSocial Cognition Huda Fakhreddine talked about modernist movements or trends in Arabic poetry and their relationship to the Arabic literary tradition. Huda Fakhreddine’s work focuses on modernist movements... more
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      Translation StudiesAbbasid LiteratureArabic PoetryModernist poetry
"In this article I wish to argue for a mode of critical and expansive thinking that our profession can call designerly- knowing, design thinking, or a design conversation – if this mode of thought can be understood to be undisciplined,... more
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      Self and IdentityDesign educationCritical ThinkingDesign thinking
This thesis examines children’s thinking, learning and metacognition when designing their own computer games. The study aims to understand more about what kind of learning takes place, and how it emerges whilst children are authoring... more
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      Computer ScienceMetacognitionComputer Games EducationConversation Applied conversation analytic research seeks to understand the ways in which conversational practices are modified in order to fulfill institutional aims. Psychotherapy is one such... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPsychologyClinical PsychologySocial Psychology
This thesis is a comparison of face-to-face and written digital conversation. I start with the intuition that face-to-face conversation can often appear more engrossing and satisfying than its digital counterpart. I argue that one of the... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsPragmaticsSocial Philosophy
Dialogue on Logic of Sense Series 1: A Love of Paradox, Wild Being and Strange Loops Abstract: This dialogue gives essential conceptual context for reading Deleuze's LOGIC OF SENSE. The central theme is Deleuze's contribution to... more
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      PhilosophyOntologyContinental PhilosophyGilles Deleuze
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This self-study follows my path as a beginning home economics teacher and teacher of everyday life in British Columbia. I will give insight into the context of my practice, as well as how facets of contemplative teaching and... more
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      Teaching and LearningSociology of EducationInstructional DesignTransformative Learning
A significant part of everyday verbal communication consists of nonliteral language, including irony (Gibbs 2000). Efficient irony use can serve a wide range of pragmatic goals, while deficits in irony comprehension can have negative... more
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      ConversationHumor and SarcasmIronySarcasm
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      Distributed CognitionCognitive LinguisticsLanguageConversation
Poverty is one of the most signifi cant challenges our world today faces, and it is a particular challenge for Christians, who follow the Jesus who urges giving to the poor and who includes people in poverty among his highest concerns. Th... more
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      SociologyPovertyBiblical StudiesEarly Medieval History
Brands can now express themselves, literally, through conversations on social media. Based on a series of interviews, this research shows that conversational brands may seem more human and improve their image even without the physical... more
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      MarketingSocial MediaBrandingConversation
In this article I argue for the pedagogical complementarity of the perennial wisdom of St. Thomas and Mortimer Adler’s dialectical method of the Great Books, where the Great Books highlight the ministerial function of the imagination to... more
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      Thomas AquinasThomismConversationTeaching
This article examines the discourses and Conversations involved in representative articles taken from the US Election 2012 news in the Spanish newspaper El País with a previous description of the same news in The New York Times. The... more
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      Critical Discourse AnalysisMedia DiscourseConversationRecontextualization
Este trabajo aporta datos sobre la necesidad de revisar la definición de las unidades del discurso cuando se aplican al análisis de conversaciones mediante mensajes instantáneos en español. Se ha analizado un corpus de la popular Whatsapp... more
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      DiscourseCorpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisConversation
This study investigates the interactional skills of fluent sign language users, with special attention to contexts of overlapping talk. Data from semi-spontaneous conversations were analysed from the video record, transcribed in ELAN,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSign LanguageGestureConversation