Recent papers in Pan-Americanism
Esta tese de doutorado tem como objeto a Campanha Continental para a Erradicação do Aedes aegypti, lançada pela Organização Sanitária Pan-Americana (OSP), em 1947. As suas origens, contudo, remontam à Campanha Mundial de Erradicação da... more
[Table of Contents and Introduction] Bringing together contributions from top specialists in Hispanic studies –both Peninsular and Latin American– this volume explores a variety of critical issues related to the historical, political,... more
Historians have noted that male bureaucrats and natural resource experts tended to dominate early twentieth-century national and hemispheric conservationist movements in Latin America, but a constellation of female activists, notably... more
This book chronicles the dawn of the global movement for women's rights in the first decades of the twentieth century. The founding mothers of this movement were not based primarily in the United States, however, or in Europe. Instead,... more
Extrait de la thèse « De la coopération intellectuelle à la diplomatie culturelle : les voies/x de l'Argentine, du Brésil et du Chili (1919-1946) », dirigée par M. le professeur Laurent Vidal et soutenue en juin 2013 à l'Université... more
Pan-American feminism, a belief that the Western Hemisphere shared a common history and that, through unity, women of the Western Hemisphere could bring about greater equality for women and world peace, which they saw as two inextricably... more
From page 4: "World War I profoundly changed the nature of U.S. empire in and American cultural attitudes toward Central America. During the war, the architects of U.S. empire in Latin America instituted new, covert methods for... more
Determining a starting date for Pan-Americanism has been an historically controversial task. This debate carried (and still carries) more significance than mere pedantry; attempts to move the date backwards or forwards can change the... more
To be or not to be Anti-American? The United States in the Writings of Oliveira Lima Diplomat and historian Manoel de Oliveira Lima (1867-1928) exercised a long and intense journalistic production that spanned his entire adult life.... more
Reseña del libro Feminism for the Americas: The Making of an International Human Rights Movement por Katherine M. Marino.
The VI Pan-American Games in Cali, Colombia were planned as a harbinger of a modern Colombia. The games featured many impressive athletic performances but failed to create the lasting impact organizers had imagined. Timing was bad.... more
This article explores the radical, interracial, and transnational history of the Panamanian suffrage movement in the 1930s and 1940s. It foregrounds several salient leaders, mestiza Clara González and Afro-Panamanian Felicia Santizo.... more
In August 1940, as part of the Good Neighbor Policy, Regent Leopold Stokowski and the All-American Youth Orchestra toured South American countries with concerts in Rio and São Paulo. The composer Heitor Villa-Lobos, friend of Stokowski... more
Since its inception in the 1880s, Pan-Americanism aimed to be a US policy of economic, legal, political, and intellectual cooperation toward Latin America. As such, it promoted the creation of continental insti- tutions of cooperation and... more
Em 1920, foi realizado no Uruguai o I Congresso Pan-Americano de Arquitetos, evento que teve por objetivo defender e divulgar os interesses, o pensamento e as realizações profissionais dos arquitetos das Américas. Realizados, desde então,... more
A partir de un debate en la prensa, se analizan las circunstancias que propiciaron la promulgación de un decreto presidencial, vigente entre 1945 y 2005, que restringía la participación de jugadores extranjeros y naturalizados en el... more
Olivier Compagnon, Camille Foulard, Guillemette Martin (coord.), La Gran Guerra en América Latina. Una historia conectada, México, CEMCA/IHEAL/CREDA, 2018. Esta obra es el resultado de un trabajo colectivo que permitió la conformación... more
La idea de la integración de Latinoamérica ha tenido y tiene una fuerza enorme. Sin embargo, no ha sido ni es una idea constante ni inocente. Su implementación ha obedecido a ciertas coyunturas, pero también a la difícil relación entre el... more
La III Conferencia Panamericana realizada en Río de Janeiro en 1906 supuso un marco importante para las relaciones entre Brasil y los Estados Unidos, pero aún está poco estudiada. El objetivo de este trabajo es colaborar para llenar esta... more
The name Second Line is, an urban social tradition for the African-American youth of New Orleans. Being a “Second Liner” is something that the youth look forward to. It is full of energy and you're right behind the band as they strut down... more
Ce texte est un extrait du sixième chapitre de notre thèse « De la coopération intellectuelle à la diplomatie culturelle : les voix/es de l’Argentine, du Brésil et du Chili (1919-1946) ». Dans ce travail, nous montrons comment ces trois... more
This work expands the crucial and evolving Inter-American philosophical dialogue from its current state, which has focused on establishing commonalities between the Americas, to include conversations that intelligently and candidly... more
1917 was a decisive year in the diverse theatres of the First World War, contributing to the globalisation of the conflict. In Latin America, the entry of the United States into the conflict was the most significant event, which... more
El objetivo de este artículo es la revisión de las polémicas suscitadas en la VI Conferencia Internacional Americana (La Habana, 1928) como consecuencia de la presencia militar estadounidense en Nicaragua. Partiendo de un análisis sobre... more
This paper examines how two Caribbean islands, Puerto Rico and Jamaica, developed ideas of national identity while negotiating political emancipation within two distinct, yet allied Anglophone empires. We can see this process through the... more
The creation of "poet-tree" installations and webpages (creative and photo captures of real life installations at various locations, websites, or in physical sculptural and movement formats) with poems or poet's names from the diverse... more
This essay aims to present the shifting relations between North America and the South — South America and the South of Europe — through the work of George Kubler, the art and architecture historian. In 1939, at the beginning of his... more
Para minha mãe, com todo amor e com a certeza de nunca poder agradecer o suficiente. AGRADECIMENTOS A realização deste trabalho jamais teria sido possível sem, antes de tudo, o incentivo e o carinho da minha mãe Dóris. Sem o seu apoio... more
O presente artigo dialoga com os debates sobre a circulação de ideias no campo da arquitetura e do urbanismo para argumentar sobre a importância do método nas escritas da história urbana. Por meio de uma análise do concurso e do processo... more
This book demonstrates that during the early twentieth century, the Monroe Doctrine served the role of a national security framework that justified new directions in United States foreign relations when the nation emerged as one of the... more
Interama, Miami's legendary hemispheric center, is remembered as the overly ambitious exposition that never materialized. The Pan-American world's fair designs explored over its long history were in many instances superficially conceived.... more
Although he was essentially a diplomat and was involved in the preparations for the plans for the Argentine delegation sent to the First Pan-American Conference (1889-1890), Vicente Quesada was a precursor of Latin American modern... more
During World War Two, US cultural foreign policy addressed “Latin American music” as part of a Pan-American musical system. Under the direction of musicologist Charles Seeger, the Music Division of the Pan American Union promoted musical... more
" La hora ha llegado" Hispanism, Pan-Americanism, and the Hope of Spanish/American Glory (1938-1948) 1 Sebastiaan Faber How does one justify writing fiction and poetryor, for that matter, literary criticismin a time of... more
This article recovers James Brown Scott's conviction in American exceptionalism, a belief that underlay both his institutional work as well as his understanding of the origins and trajectory of international law. In the first section, we... more
O presente artigo busca indicar como as revistas técnicas de arquitetura e urbanismo de quatro países do Cone-Sul americano (Argentina, Brasil, Chile e Uruguai) possibilitam mapear uma cultura profissional transnacional. A intensa... more
RESUMEN El objetivo del artículo es analizar la organización del Concurso Latinoame-ricano de Literatura, al cual convocó en 1940 la Unión Panamericana. La finalidad del certamen era premiar obras inéditas de autores latinoamerica-nos. El... more