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The university town of Freiburg, Germany has a well-deserved reputation as the European capital of environmentalism and sustainable architecture and urban design. The city is perhaps best known for the development of two model sustainable... more
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      ArchitecturePhotovoltaicsRenewable EnergyParticipatory Design
Abstract: While the Passivhaus design approach and certification depend on the Passivhaus Planning Package (PHPP) steady-state building simulations, including the natural ventilation assessment, design, and planning, this paper aims to... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsIndoor Air QualityCFD AnalysisAirflow control
This briefing paper describes the aspirations and sustainable strategies in the development of the new Norwich Research Park Enterprise Centre (NRPEC) at the University of East Anglia (UEA). It aims to share the knowledge and challenges... more
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      ArchitectureSustainable DevelopmentSustainable Building DesignEnvironmental Sustainability
This briefing paper is written as an introduction to the Passivhaus standard as part of the dissemination for the Norwich Research Park (NRP) Enterprise Centre, which is aiming for Passivhaus standard certification
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      EnergyEnergy Efficiency BuildingsEnvironmental SustainabilityEnergy efficiency
Governments all around the world have promulgated a series of measures to reduce carbon impacts from built environment sector in-order-to tackle global climatic change. Scientists and practitioners are working individually as well as in... more
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      European Energy PolicyEnergy System Design and OptimizationThermal comfortPassivhaus
This paper presents a thermodynamic and exergoeconomic analysis of a recently-retrofitted Passivhaus non-domestic building. The selected case study, a Community Centre located in London, underwent a deep-energy retrofit in 2011, becoming... more
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      ExergoeconomicsSustainable Building DesignEnergy Efficiency BuildingsBuilding Energy Simulation
Energy efficient models have become the path to reduce energy consumption and Greenhouse gas emissions in the built environment in many developed countries. According to the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), new buildings... more
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      Energy and Building with Thermal ComfortPassivhaus
Gli edifici ad alta efficienza energetica costruiti in Europa adottano prevalentemente la tecnologia delle pareti multistrato leggere (pareti stratificate a secco con la tecnologia S/R, pareti prefabbricate con il sistema SAAD, pareti in... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsEnvironmental DesignBioclimatic ArchitecturePassive Solar Architecture
This paper focuses on the build costs and building performance of two case studies from the Norfolk award winning Parsons+Whittley Architects: Wimbish Passivhaus in Essex and Ditchingham Passivhaus in Norfolk
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEnergyCase StudiesHousing
Describes the sustainability strategies of the University College London Hospitals (UCLH) NHS Foundation Trust, aiming to share the knowledge and successes of implementing these in its healthcare premises. Structured around the five key... more
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      BIM (Architecture)Building Information ModelingEnergy Efficiency BuildingsEnvironmental Sustainability
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      Sustainable Building DesignBuilding RefurbishmentPassivhaus
Can the recent success of schools built in the UK adopting Passivhaus performance standards, overcome the barriers to the adoption of the method for school design in the US? The UK has seen a recent growth in the number of Passivhaus... more
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      Sustainable ArchitecturePassivhaus
In the UK, over 40% of energy consumption is building related. The energy used in homes alone is responsible for more than a quarter of CO2 emissions. CO2 is the main greenhouse gas and the most significant cause of climate change. Most... more
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      Environmental EngineeringArchitectureEnergyEnergy and Environment
Public, commercial and global research interest in the delivery of zero carbon housing has never been higher. The recent shift in design culture and legislative climate is reflected in a number of existing and developing low energy and... more
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      Energy Efficiency BuildingsBuilt EnvironmentLegislationCase Study
Public, commercial and global research interest in the delivery of zero carbon housing has never been higher. The recent shift in design culture and legislative climate is reflected in a number of existing and developing low energy and... more
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      Energy Efficiency BuildingsThermal comfortPassivhaus
Research on the application of the Passive House standard both in warm and cold climates and with a focus on difficulties-failures that stem from this application, as well as the ecological/environmental aspect of this model, led to the... more
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      Bioclimatic ArchitectureEnergy Efficiency in BuildingsEmbodied Energy and Life Cycle AssessmentEmbodied Energy
Environmental considerations have called for new developments in building technologies to bridge the gap between this need for lower impacts on the environment and ever increasing comfort. These developments were generally directed at the... more
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      Life Cycle AssessmentSustainable BuildingPassivhaus
The present study deals with the reflections (concerns) that have arisen from the application of the German standard Passive House globally, by placing emphasis mainly on the European area. The possibility of applying the Standard in... more
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      Environmental EngineeringSustainable ArchitectureEnergy Efficiency in BuildingsEmbodied Energy and Life Cycle Assessment
European Building Codes have transitioned towards Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB) requirements in new constructions, demanding high levels of insulation and airtightness derived from research and standards developed in Northern and... more
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      Social HousingMonitoringThermal comfortPost Occupancy Evaluation
A crescente demanda de energia mundial, juntamente com o aumento demográfico, gera a necessidade da procura de soluções de projetos de edificações mais sustentáveis, duráveis e de elevada performance energética. O conceito PassivHaus,... more
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      Eficiência EnergéticaPassive HousePassivhausConforto Ambiental
In an effort to minimise the energy consumption in buildings, designers currently use a variety of energy simulation programs. However, despite the fact that those programs can make a significant contribution to the design of low energy... more
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      Building Performance EvaluationUncertainty analysisPassivhaus
This paper focuses on the build costs and building performance of two case studies from the Norfolk award winning Parsons+Whittley Architects: Wimbish Passivhaus in Essex and Ditchingham Passivhaus in Norfolk
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Passivhaus methodology leads to buildings with very high thermal efficiency and high levels of airtightness. The focus of research in Passivhaus is energy performance. The experience of occupying a Passivhaus is often overlooked. This... more
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      Sustainable ArchitecturePassivhaus
Public, commercial and global research interest in the delivery of zero carbon housing has never been higher. The recent shift in design culture and legislative climate is reflected in a number of existing and developing low energy and... more
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      EngineeringEnergy Efficiency BuildingsBuilt EnvironmentLegislation
Η παρούσα έρευνα αναπτύσσεται γύρω από τους προβληματισμούς που έχουν προκύψει από την εφαρμογή του γερμανικού προτύπου Passivhaus παγκοσμίως, δίνοντας έμφαση στον ευρωπαϊκό χώρο. Η δυνατότητα εφαρμογής του προτύπου σε διαφορετικές... more
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      Energy Efficiency in buildings and citiesSustainable ArchitectureEmbodied Energy and Life Cycle AssessmentPassivhaus
As the climate change casts its shadow on our future, while temperatures are rising in a noticeable pace, thermal comfort in buildings are subjected to that effect in terms of future levels. This paper aims at evaluating thermal comfort... more
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      Climate ChangeCO2 emissionsThermal comfortEnergyplus
This paper provides a brief overview of the subject of Passivhaus modernisation in Europe, focused on the implementation of same in the Nordic countries and includes an attempt at a preliminary typological schema for understanding the... more
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      Construction TechnologyArchitecture TypologyCraftsmanshipBuilding Refurbishment
The UK has seen a recent growth in the number of schools being built to Passivhaus standards. My research during the summer fellowship will examine both the feasibility of Passivhaus methods for extreme weather conditions, including those... more
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      Sustainable ArchitectureEducational FacilitiesPassivhaus
This briefing paper outlines the low carbon lighting strategy for Norwich Research Park Enterprise Centre at the University of East Anglia (UEA).
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      ArchitectureSustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental SustainabilityLED Lighting
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      EngineeringEnergy Efficiency BuildingsBuilt EnvironmentLegislation
European Building Codes have transitioned towards Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB) requirements in new constructions, demanding high levels of insulation and airtightness derived from research and standards developed in Northern and... more
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      Environmental ScienceSocial HousingMonitoringThermal comfort
Publisher: Elsevier NOTICE: This is the author's version of a work that was accepted for publication in Building and Environment. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural... more
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      ArchitectureSocial HousingBuildingBuilding Environment
This research investigates the use of Building Energy Performance Simulation (BEPS) tools in the early stages of building design in UK architectural practices with a particular focus on the barriers and opportunities to their effective... more
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      Qualitative methodologyBuilt EnvironmentQuantitative MethodsBuilding Performance Simulation
In order to achieve the objectives of the overall EU energy policy, and considering the high energy consumption (40%) and CO2 emissions (30%) generated by the building sector, EU has introduced the Directive 2002/91 EC, which concerns the... more
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      Energy Efficiency BuildingsIndoor environment - thermal comfort, indoor air quality health and wellbeingIndoor environmental qualityPassive House Design