Peace & Reconciliation
Recent papers in Peace & Reconciliation
A discussion of why states can't effectively apologize for historical injustices, through a consideration of how metanoia operates within the modern apoology and whether that dynamic is adaptable to statements made by a collective or... more
SNMPE: "Es gibt keine Strategie, um illegalen Bergbau zu formalisieren oder auszurotten" - Der IWF schlägt eine Erhöhung der Bergbausteuer vor. - Der Botschafter der physisch lebendigen Erde weiss um eine andere Lösung. 04.12.2021... more
Im Kontext mit allen benannten Phänomenen in diesem Post, ergibt Alles ein schlüssiges Bild zu „United States INC“ Konkurs? Wieviel davon stimmt kann ich nicht sagen. Da ich die Wahrscheinlichkeit als eher hoch erachte, dass da im... more
Fortunately, there is a science-based approach that can protect Pakistan from both internal and external threats. It is appropriately termed, Invincible Defence Technology (IDT), because it assures invincibility, peace and even economic... more
The historical novel From the Nile to the Jordan is an enthralling story about the "Second Exodus" of Jews from Egypt to Israel. This so far little-noticed aspect of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, could spread new light on the events of 1948,... more
The ethnic conflict in Northern Ireland stemmed from division and oppression on multiple levels: religious, economic, ethno-racial, cultural, and politico-legal. The conflict dealt with the effects of policies of separation, based on the... more
Do social cohesion activities change the attitudes of the participants? This paper uses intergroup contact theory to explore attitude change resulting from contact with out-group(s) in social cohesion activities. Results from a... more
This article investigates how underlying forms of power can affect the political actions of those in the dominant group, in this case white Australians. To do this we identify connections between the discourses used by white Australians... more
This chapter looks at street art and its relationship to peace efforts. Specifically, it examines how street art is used as a medium to express the concerns, needs and wants of societal groups whose everyday lives are affected by... more
The Theses LVI belong to a series of hitherto unpublished early manuscripts of the Dutch humanist and jurisconsult Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) that were acquired by the University of Leiden in 1864. It is not certain when the Theses were... more
The behaviour that opposing groups adopt is not simply reactive. They are based on memories of past events, as well as on expectation of what will happen in the future. To put it simply, through memory, past, present and future are... more
Combining reflections on my personal experiences regarding tourism with an analytical review of key concepts, this essay addresses the question whether and how tourism contributes to building a global ‘culture of peace’. Setting the... more
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: We are looking for a characterization of the processes of reconciliation lived in contemporary Europe in order to try to establish whether there is a historical pattern in those lived in the continent in the last two... more
Leanne Betasamosake Simpson (Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg) has accomplished an amazing feat in her forthcoming book, "As We Have Always Done." She confronts colonialism from the perspective of Indigenous nationhood, but goes beyond arguing... more
Nelson Mandela is one of the most appreciated political leaders of the last century, who fought for human dignity and for the reconciliation between the black and the white people in South Africa. After almost fifty years of the... more
The purpose of this article is to question some basic assumptions regarding reconciliation after wars and mass atrocities. Indeed, how can numerous policy-makers, practitioners, and scholars contend that reconciliation is necessary while... more
Stille Diplomatie Grundsätze, Arbeitsfelder und Handlungsweisen von Stillen Diplomaten. Ein Bericht aus der Alltagspraxis. Andreu Ginestet, Dezember 2021 Inhaltsverzeichnis Abstract Einführung: die „W“ Fragen. Was? Warum? Wo... more
This article examines whether there is a steady pattern of celebrity engagement with humanitarian issues through a study of the involvement of U2 and Angelina Jolie in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The activism of these two celebrities was... more
From restorative justice literature in general. two conceptions of restorative justice processing can be discerned. The one is a modest conception based on individual (dispositional) theories of crime and the other is an expansive view... more
PBSO-ILO-Interpeace-WHO launched joint publication on COVID response. Recommendations include: • Understand the impact of COVID-19 in conflict-affected settings on: access to health; livelihoods and decent work; and conflict dynamics; •... more
Na verdade, o dia 4 de Abril reveste-se de elevado significado para a vida de todos os angolanos porque essa data assinala o começo da era da paz no nosso país, após um período longo de guerra. Falar sobre o significado do 4 de Abril, no... more
For years, the anniversary of Operation Storm (August 1995) was the trigger that would torpedo any efforts at improving relations between Croatia and Serbia, even after progress had been made in the months prior to the... more
This 12 page document provides detailed guidance in leading a workshop on conflict styles with the online version of "Style Matters", a conflict style inventory by Ron Kraybill, published by Riverhouse ePress. The guide provides... more
هذا المجلد الثاني من الكتاب يعكس محاولةٍ جديدة لتفسير تاريخ الصومال، ويقدم المؤلف على أن مسؤولية انهيار الدولة الصومالية تقع على عاتق نظم الحكم وسلوك النخب السياسية ولاعلاقة لها بالشعب ومؤسساته كونهما كانا مهمشان في عملية صناعة القرار... more
The risks to conflict practitioners, peacemakers, humanitarian aid workers, and others serving ‘in the field’ are diverse, deeply contextual, and ever-changing. While ample literature exists focused around documenting and evaluating the... more
The sociological study of peace and conflict uses sociological theory and methods to analyze peace, peace processes, peace building and models, peace policies, conflict and its causes, war as a social problem, media and violence, scope of... more
The paper looks at the ways how peace education can help in the cause of human rights protection and reconciliation of differences that are often the case of multiethnic societies and also for interethnic relations.
Module Description This course will examine the range of conceptual, practical, political and ethical issues involved in the use of nonviolent direct action through the examination of cases drawn from the international and national... more
This essay outlines the history of Quakers' receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1947. It will be published in Quakers and the Future of Peacemaking, edited by Alonzo Valentine, Quakers and the Disciplines 8 (Friends Association for Higher... more
The present work makes a case for the relevance of Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud’s exchange on war and peace for current efforts towards establishing a Culture of Peace as designated by the UN/UNESCO International Decade for a Culture... more
Effective law enforcement service demands that the law enforcement officers are diligent and effective in their duties and responsibilities. They should be punctual and alert while on their respective beats. They should respect the human... more
The past cannot be overcome by forgetting Memory, guilt and reconciliation in the encyclical Fratelli tutti By its all orientation the Encyclical Fratelli tutti offers most of all a vision founded on a diagnosis and balance of the actual... more
Die Beschreibung und Erklärung zu den wirklich, wirksamen Kräften Sonar, Resonanz und Dissonanz Das was wirklich ist und Licht energetisch wirkt. Mit Hinweis auf die Botschaft vom Botschafter der physisch lebedigen Erde zu seiner... more