Peer influence
Recent papers in Peer influence
To study the age trend of family and peer influence on adolescent smoking behavior using a national sample.
To determine the importance of some psychosocial aspects on the eating and physical activity patterns of Costa Rican adolescents.
Cross-sectional research suggests that peer influence has a moderate to strong impact on adolescent risk behavior. Such estimates may be inflated owing to third-variable confounds representing either friendship selection effects or the... more
To examine the association of adolescents' snack and soft drink consumption with friendship group snack and soft drink consumption, availability of snacks and soft drinks at school, and personal characteristics, snack and soft drink... more
Purpose: Much of the research on peer influence has examined the relationship between peer associations and delinquency. Relatively little empirical research has addressed the effects of delinquent behavior on peer intimacy and time spent... more
Peer pressure is consistently implicated in the excessive drinking of college students. However, both theory and empirical findings suggest that peer pressure is a combination of three distinct influences: overt offers of alcohol,... more
Health nudge interventions to steer people into healthier lifestyles are increasingly applied by governments worldwide, and it is natural to look to such approaches to improve health by altering what people choose to eat. However, to... more
What causes adolescents to be materialistic? Prior research shows parents and peers are an important influence. Researchers have viewed parents and peers as socialization agents that transmit consumption attitudes, goals, and motives to... more
Most prison systems use quantitative instruments to classify and assign inmates to prison security levels commensurate to their level of risk. Bench and Allen (The Prison Journal 83(4):367-382, 2003) offer evidence that the assignment to... more
The association between affiliating with aggressive peers and behavioral, social and psychological adjustment was examined. Students initially in 3 rd , 4 th , and 5 th grade (N = 427) were followed biannually through 7 th grade.... more
Mobile commerce is becoming increasingly important in business. Wireless application protocol (WAP) is one of the most widespread technical standards for mobile commerce. Following continuous technical evolution, WAP has now included... more
The research concerning relative and independent influences of family and peers upon adolescent drug use is reviewed. Although conflict between family and adolescents is one of the oldest, most predictable, andmin Western... more
Purpose: Although some studies among adolescent girls found that friends within friendship groups were rather similar on dieting and/or body image constructs, these studies were limited by their cross-sectional designs. The current... more
Classroom composition research on social-emotional outcomes (CCRSO) aims to systematically explore how characteristics of classmates are related to the social-emotional outcomes of children and adolescents. In this introduction to the... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
Recent structural and functional imaging studies have provided evidence for continued development of brain regions involved in social cognition during adolescence. In this paper, we review this rapidly expanding area of neuroscience and... more
Negativer Peereinfluss gilt als einer der zentralen Risikofaktoren für eine dissoziale Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen. Um ungünstige Einflussprozesse zwischen Gleichaltrigen besser zu verstehen und wirksame Präventionsmaßnahmen... more
Objective To examine the multivariate nature of risk factors for youth violence including delinquent peer associations, exposure to domestic violence in the home, family conflict, neighborhood stress, antisocial personality traits,... more
A new self-report measure of children's attitudes toward TV advertising is described. The selfreport scale was administered to 300 8-to-10-year-old children, and their parents completed a questionnaire evaluating socioeconomic status,... more
Despite advances in tobacco control, adolescent smoking remains a problem. The smoking status of friends is one of the highest correlates with adolescent smoking. This homophily (commonality of friends based on a given attribute) may be... more
Career decision-making, particularly among high school students, is something that all students should carefully consider since it has ripple effects in one's life. This paper presents an overview of peer pressure as a factor that... more
a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: Adolescent drinking Peer measurements Peer influence
Mathematics is one of the most challenging subjects as perceived by some students. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between several factors such as students' attitude, students' interest, teacher's... more
Recent theoretical approaches to the etiology of eating disorders and body image disturbances have begun to focus on multifactorial models. In the current study, the Tripartite Influence model was examined in a large sample of college... more
The high increase of usage rates of Social Networking Sites (SNS) such as Facebook are a worldwide phenomenon as are people spending hours in Facebook especially among young adolescents. However, beside their useful and enjoyable... more
Body image dissatisfaction is a significant risk factor in the onset of eating pathology and depression. Therefore, understanding predictors of negative body image is an important focus of investigation. This research sought to examine... more
The Good Behavior Game (GBG), a type of interdependent group-oriented contingency management procedure, was first introduced in 1969 and has been used with overwhelming success in classrooms and other settings. Since its inception, the... more
Recent theoretical approaches to the etiology of eating disorders and body image disturbances have begun to focus on multifactorial models. In the current study, the Tripartite Influence model was examined in a large sample of college... more
The London studies of school effectiveness in the 1970s provided evidence that the qualities of schools made a significant difference to pupil progress, after taking account of the characteristics and backgrounds of the pupils at the time... more
We need to be productive in order to have a better life. This is true for all people, not just for adults but for students too. Despite having lots of assignments and school works, students often fail at self regulation which is not... more
Economists generally believe that higher savings will spur economic growth, thus strengthening the economy further. In Malaysia however, the sharp increase in the ratio of household debt to disposable income particularly over the past ten... more
Objectives: The objectives of this research were a) to explore the applicability of 'motivational climate' research to early career athletes under the age of twelve, b) to re-examine the concept of 'motivational climate' in the light of... more
In recent years, research on the subject of child sexual abuse disclosures has seen an increase in the use of qualitative methods to explore individual experiences, reflecting an emphasis on understanding diversity rather than typicality.... more
The influence of parents, close friends, and other peers on teens’ sexual behavior has been well documented. Yet, we still know little about the processes through which these reference groups’ oftentimes competing norms impact teens’ own... more
This thesis explores the existence of misperceptions regarding the peer-drinking norm among undergraduate students at Stellenbosch University and the role of these misperceptions in explaining students' drinking behaviour. A more... more
ABSTRACT The invention of information and communication technology has gone a long way in creating a new opportunity for marketing organizations to reach customers. One of such innovative and non store ways being employed by marketing... more
Bullying and victimization are prevalent problems in the area of adolescent peer relationships. Middle school students (N = 4,263) in one Maryland school district completed surveys covering a range of problem behaviors and psychosocial... more
The purpose of the study was to critically analyse the impact of the dynamics of continuous assessments on learner’s attitude towards mathematics in Kenyan Secondary Schools. The continued poor performance in mathematics may be attributed... more
Considerable evidence supports the hypothesis that peer relationships influence the growth of problem behavior in youth. Developmental research consistently documents the high levels of covariation between peer and youth deviance, even... more