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The file contains my Biblical Litographs from years 2007-2015. They include: Hagar, Jacob, Moses, Elijah, The Great Father Jesse, Gabriel, Mary Meets Elisabeth, Joseph Shares His Dream, The Baptism of Jesus, A Journey towards the Mountain... more
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      New TestamentTheology and the ArtsBible and ArtTeologie
Вечірня Стихири на «Господи взиваю» Із [10] по [4]стихири недільні гласу, а потім: [3] (г. 1): Не молімось як фарисей, браття,* бо хто підносить себе, буде принижений.* Тому смирім себе перед Богом* і, постивши, з митарем кличмо:* Боже,... more
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      Byzantine LiturgyPentecostGreat Lent
Evangelical scholars and theologians have debated the character and purpose of Luke’s narrative in Acts 2 for well over a hundred years. There is still not a consensus amongst scholars as to what Luke’s narrative account is attempting to... more
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      History of CartographyLuke-ActsCritical CartographyDivine council in OT and NT
Le récit de la Pentecôte (RP : Actes des Apôtres 2) introduit le lecteur à un élément particulier qui se trouve rarement dans le le canon biblique: les « langues comme de feu » (LCF). Seuls les passages d’Isaïe 5,24 et Actes 2,3... more
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      PneumatologyLuke-ActsHoly SpiritActs of the Apostles
The goal of this short work is to present the final version of St Luke’s theological account of Pentecost. Throughout the different amendments of his texts (his Gospel and the book of the Acts of the Apostles), St Luke had different... more
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      Luke-ActsGospel of LukeVirgin MaryPentecost
The concept of the ‘Day of the Lord’ requires definition in regard to other ‘Days’ in the Hebrew Bible and has proven difficult for scholars to find an agreed approach to, let alone come to a consensus definition. The prophet Joel and its... more
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      Old Testament ProphecyEschatologyLuke-ActsBook of Revelation
In the forty-one oration, Gregory of Nazianzus analyzes the divinity of the Holy Spirit, a subject that is developed again with more severe way in his Fifth Theological Oration. Gregory tries to establish the point by quite a different... more
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      Gregory of NazianzusPsalmsPentecostMirabilia
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      Pentecostal TheologyPentecostalismHistory and Theology of Pentecostalism and EvangelicalismPentecost
The Exodus of God's firstborn son YISRA'EL (Shemot 4:22) not only foreshadows the feasts of Passover, Firstfruits, and Pentecost, but also the vicarious work of the Messiah. From His entry into Jerusalem until the outpouring of the... more
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      Ancient HistoryJewish StudiesJudaismTorah/Pentateuch
The dead ends in which communitarianism has ended up call for a renewed emphasis to be placed upon universal ties. In order to understand Christian universality in its original form, stemming from Pentecost, the present article follows... more
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      AugustineEcclesiologyAugustine of HippoChurch
A full treatment of christology
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      DeathNarrative TheologySatisfactionAugustine
The article begins with an examination of the biblical origin of Christ's church at Mt. Sinai. It then compares what happened here to the beginnings of the NT Church at Pentecost in terms of the way contemporary Judaism understood the... more
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      EcclesiologyGlossolaliaPentecostSpeaking in Tongues
David J. McCollough Ritual Water, Ritual Spirit: An Analysis of the Timing, Mechanism, and Manifestation Of Spirit-Reception in Luke-Acts Doctor of Philosophy Middlesex University/London School of Theology 2014
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      TheologyNew TestamentSystematic TheologyNarrative
John G. Lake hearing what he understood was the voice of Jesus Christ in the Christian saved him and the life of his wife and saved them from a terrible accident. Lake was a man who saw many things in his ministry that defy explanation... more
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      Biblical StudiesPentecostal TheologyPentecostalProof of God
There are three broad positions on the meaning of the gift of the Spirit at Pentecost. Pentecostal scholars like Robert Menzies define the gift solely in terms of an added gift enabling and supporting the missionary work of the church. 1... more
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      African Diaspora StudiesAfrican HistoryPentecostal TheologyTwentieth Century History and Culture
This article argues that Pinkster should be understood as an Atlantic Creole festival in a Dutch-American context, rather than a Dutch-African festival in an American context. It claims that the syncretic character of Pinkster did not... more
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      Cultural StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesFolklore
Pentecost is a Trinitarian event: The Father’s intention is heard in the Son’s actions, transmitted by the Spirit’s translations through a church’s proclamations to reach all nations for the world's reclamation. Most miss this and we need... more
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      Constructive TheologyPentecostal TheologyPentecostalismTrinitarian Theology
Das Mittelalter l0 (2005) 2: Produktive Kulturkonflikte volkssprachlichen Übertragungen. Leider sind die drei Bände nicht vrillig aufeinander abgestimmt; z.B. sind Eigennamen (Georg von Podiebradbzw. Podöbrady) nicht vereinheitlicht, und... more
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This chapter will analyse the populous Pentecost depicted in the cupola of cardinal Quiroga's private oratory in Toledo (1585-1590 ca.) within the framework of the circulation of artistic models between Italy and Spain in the early modern... more
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      IconographyCourts and Elites (History)16th and 17th-century Spanish art and architectureCounter-Reformation art
In the forty-one oration, Gregory of Nazianzus analyzes the divinity of the Holy Spirit, a subject that is developed again with more severe way in his Fifth Theological Oration. Gregory tries to establish the point by quite a different... more
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      Gregory of NazianzusPsalmsPentecostTrinity or Triune God
The partaking of fish on Wednesdays and Fridays, during Pentecost, is a liturgical issue of high relevance, because it concerns many faithful of our Church, especially because this liturgical specification was generalized and introduced... more
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Esta serie recoge tres sermones sobre la promesa del Padre o don del Espíritu derramado por Jesús en Pentecostés. La espera, el cumplimiento y la señal son los temas abordados y concebidos en forma narrativa al estilo pentecostal clásico.
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      Pentecostal TheologyPentecostalism and CharismaticsGlossolaliaPentecost
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      Armenian StudiesArmenian HistoryArmenian CultureArmenia
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      ShavuotJewish HolidaysPentecostAncient Jewish Calendars and Festivals
El cigarral mandado construir a las afueras de Toledo por el que fuera uno de los personajes clave del reinado de Felipe II, el Inquisidor General y Arzobispo Primado Gaspar de Quiroga, a finales del siglo XVI, es uno de los monumentos... more
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      Courts and Elites (History)Counter-Reformation artSpanish Renaissance and Baroque ArtPentecost