Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology
Most cited papers in Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation for both Melastoma malabathricum and Tibouchina semidecandra were optimized using green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a reporter. The binary vector pCAMBIA1304 harboring the modified green fluorescent... more
Jatropha curcas is an important plant belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae which is a potential candidate for biofuel production. Genetic transformation protocol for J. curcas callus mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens were optimized... more
Proteases, though essentially indispensable to the maintenance and survival of their host organisms, can be potentially damaging when overexpressed or present in higher concentrations, and their activities need to be correctly regulated.... more
Host recognition and macromolecular transfer of virulencemediating effectors represent critical steps in the successful transformation of plant cells by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. This review focuses on bacterial and plant-encoded... more
Deployment of next generation sequencing tools has made it possible to sequence the whole genome within limited time period. At the moment, more than 100 plant genomes have been sequenced, of these 63% are crop species. Next challenge is... more
Biologically synthesized silver nanoparticles (SNPs) are being widely using in the field of medicine. Extracellular biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles was carried out by using medicinal plant extracts for the reduction of aqueous silver... more
Two new and seven known withanolides along with b-sitosterol, stigmasterol, b-sitosterol glucoside, stigmasterol glucoside, a + b glucose were isolated from the roots of Withania somnifera. Among the known compounds, Viscosa lactone B,... more
Transformation is an important topic in plant biology and transgenic plants have become a major focus in plant research and breeding programs. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation as a practical and common method for introducing specific... more
One of the major issues facing humankind is global food security. A changing climate, coupled with a heightened consumer awareness of how food is produced and legislative changes governing the usage of agrichemicals for improving plant... more
CHIP proteins are E3 ubiquitin ligases that promote degradation of Hsp70 and Hsp90 substrate proteins through the 26S proteasome in animal systems. A CHIP-like protein in Arabidopsis, AtCHIP, also has E3 ubiquitin ligase activity and has... more
The present study was carried out to assess the efficacy of an integrated management strategy for Fusarium wilt of chickpea that combined the use of microbial antagonist, botanical extract and fungicide. Before setting the experiment in... more
One of the most valuable traits in high-quality rice is aroma or fragrance, which is important for consumer preference and global trade. Aromatic rice is unique and recognized as a badge of honor and an asset in many countries. Among... more
Wheat is one of the most valuable cereals on the planet and plays a leading role in the food supply of mankind. The range of wheat is very large, since it is cultivated on five continents in most countries of the world. The genetic... more
The present study characterized the ability of a bacterial cutinase to improve the wettability of raw cotton fabrics by specific hydrolysis of the cutin structure of the cuticle. The effect of cutinase was studied alone and in coreaction... more
Background: Plant parasitic nematodes are dangerous pests that damage various agricultural crops and decrease their productivity. Objective: The resistance of new lines of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants obtained under in vitro... more
Atractylodes lancea (Thunb.) DC., named " Cangzhu " in China, which belongs to the Astera-ceae family. In some countries of Southeast Asia (China, Thailand, Korea, Japan etc.) its rhizome, commonly called rhizoma atractylodis, is used to... more
The dove tree, Davidia involucrata Baill. (Davidiaceae), is a relict species endemic to China. Human activities and the strict requirements for seedling recruitments have led to the decline in number of individuals in extant natural... more
Trivalent cations such as those of Al, La, and Gd are phytotoxic. Our previous works showed that addition of LaCl 3 or GdCl 3 to tobacco cells triggers the generation of superoxide (O ÅÀ 2). Here, we show that AlCl 3 at normal... more
Poplar has 192 annotated R2R3 MYB genes, of which only three have been shown to play a role in the regulation of secondary cell wall formation. Here we report the characterization of PtrMYB152, a poplar homolog of the Arabidopsis R2R3 MYB... more
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is an important cereal crop of cool climates, and plays a key role in the food and nutritional security of India. The objective of this study was to establish the inter-relationship and direct and indirect... more
The utilization of symbiosis with beneficial microorganisms provides a strategy to alleviate salt stress that reduces existing gaps in crops production. The root endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica has shown to improve plant growth in... more
Proline-rich protein (PRP), a cell wall protein of plant, has been studied in many plant species. Yet, none of the PRPs has been functionally elucidated. Here we report a novel flower-specific PRP designated OsPRP3 from rice. Expression... more
Most of the commercialized Bt crops express cry genes under 35S promoter that induces strong gene expression in all plant parts. However, targeted foreign gene expression in plants is esteemed more important as public may be likely to... more
Quince familias de papa (824 genotipos) provenientes de cruzas inter-específicas entre especies de Solanum stenotomum, S. goniocalyx y S. phureja fueron genotipadas, con el objetivo de asociar seis marcadores moleculares (GP94, HC, Nl25,... more
The use of ethnomedicines to manage HIV/AIDS has recently gained public interest, although harmonization with official HIV/AIDS policy remains a contentious issue in many countries. Plants and other natural products present a large... more
In plants, many small interfering RNAs (siR-NAs) direct de novo methylation by DNA methyltransferase. DNA methylation typically occurs by RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM), which directs transcriptional gene silencing of transposons and... more
Morphological features and Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) polymorphism were employed to analyse 21 Corynespora cassiicola isolates obtained from a number of Hevea clones grown in rubber plantations in Malaysia. The C. cassiicola... more
Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is considered an important cause of economic loss within bovine herds worldwide. In Argentina, only the use of inactivated vaccines is allowed, however, the efficacy of inactivated BVDV vaccines is... more
Rhizobia have the ability to increase growth of non-legume plants due to the production of phytohormones and protection of plant from diseases and pathogens. However, the practical use of these beneficial bacteria sometimes fails because... more
Genetic diversity assessment of genetic resources maintained at Gene-Banks has important implication for future improvement, conservation and collection activities. However, such information is not available for sesame collected by IBC,... more
Halophytes constitute a fascinating group of higher plants which exhibits unique morphological, anatomical, and physiological adaption in order to perpetuate and survive in highly saline conditions. India has significantly large extend of... more
The Arabidopsis thaliana THI1 protein is involved in thiamine biosynthesis and is targeted to both chloroplasts and mitochondria by N-terminal control regions. To investigate thi1 expression, a series of thi1 promoter deletions were fused... more
Maximum shoot regeneration in two indigenous potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) was observed on MS semi-solid medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/l BAP and 0.1 mg/l GA3. Among the two varieties, namely Lal Pakri and Jam Alu the former showed best... more
Rust fungi of the order Pucciniales are destructive pathogens of wheat worldwide. Leaf rust caused by the obligate, biotrophic basidiomycete fungus Puccinia triticina (Pt) is an economically important disease capable of causing up to 50 %... more
Aims: Evaluating the genetic diversity and molecular characterization of wheat varieties in Brazil, using microsatellite markers. Study Design: Random sampling of seeds from 32 varieties, was done. Place and Duration of Study:... more
Abstract Main conclusion Down-regulation of lipoxygenase enzyme activity reduces degradation of carotenoids of bio-fortified rice seeds which would be an effective tool to reduce huge post-harvest and economic losses of biofortified rice... more
Abstract The genus Drimia (syn. Urginea), commonly called squill, represents a species complex, infrageneric delimitation being ill-defined due to morphological variability, population variation within species and polyploidy. In the... more
We describe a droplet-vitrification cryotherapy method for the eradication of grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 (GLRaV-3) from diseased in vitro shoots of Vitis plants. The procedure involved pre-culture of 1.0-mm shoot tips... more