Political / International Communication
Most cited papers in Political / International Communication
Net-based public sphere researchers have examined online deliberation in numerous ways. However, most studies have focused exclusively on political discussion forums. This article moves beyond such spaces by analyzing political talk from... more
A range of different scientific disciplines are explored for what they might contribute to an understanding of the economic and other factors that influence mass media, and how the media in turn influence the political climate and the... more
ZUM BUCH: Lobbying, Kampagnenberatung, professionelles Kommunikationsmanagement und zusammenfassend Politikberatung sind spätestens seit dem Bundestagswahlkampf 1998 und dem Aufblühen der Beraterlandschaft in Berlin heiß diskutierte und... more
Der Herausgeberband "Die Kampagnenmacher" zeigt an Hand von internationalen Best-Practice-Beispielen die Strategien und Instrumente erfolgreicher Kampagnen aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft auf. Das Buch gibt... more
The Mass Dimension. Individuals, Crowds, and Consumption (1830-1945) The book explores the origins of mass society beginning with the era when the very term "mass" gained currency in public opinion. Over the last two centuries the... more
Previous studies have noted the dominance of official sources within the news process and their unique ability to shape media narratives. This research addresses the role and implications of news sources in contributing to the... more
This essay stems from the works of Armand Mattelart to envision a research program drawn to the critical and structural approach of international communication, in all its inequalities, asymmetries and relations of dependency. By... more
This course provides a detailed overview of research on political communication and its role in informing, influencing, and legitimizing decisions is crucial to both domestic and international politics. By analyzing the relationship... more
After the 1917 revolution, the Soviets experimented creatively to mobilize citizens for a new era. GERMAN: Nach der Revolution 1917 wagten die Sowjets kreative Experimente, um die Bürger für den Aufbruch zu mobilisieren.... more
The Routledge Handbook of Political Management is a comprehensive overview of the field of applied politics, encompassing political consulting, campaigns and elections, lobbying and advocacy, grass roots politics, fundraising, media and... more
Manchmal ist der Abstand zwischen Wissenschafts-und Wirtschaftslobby gar nicht groß. Knapp zwei Schritte sind es, von Tür zu Tür, auf einem Bürokorridor in der Brüsseler Rue du Commerce 31, zwischen Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und dem... more
"When introduced in the late 1840s, telegraphy quickly increased the speed of political communication. Financial and business interests formed around the technology, as did innovations in newspapers, news wire services, and public... more
"During the 1881 national elections in Imperial Germany, the National Liberal party met a disaster. The once strong and dominating party lost parliamentary seats by the dozens. One notable exception was a Black Forest constituency, where... more
"German emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm II, indulged in traveling. One of the most-traveled monarchs of the turn of the century, he rode automobiles, trains, yachts and ships, crisscrossing Germany, Europe, and even the Near and Middle East,... more
" During World War I, the German Empire very successfully financed the war effort through nine war bond drives. These campaigns quickly modernized and professionalized government public relations, combining civilian, commercial / banking,... more
This study resumes elements of pioneering research initially conducted in Internet addiction and dependency (Thompson, 1996). Further study of Internet phenomena over the 15 years since, has taken the author into the realm of iconic... more