Political law
Recent papers in Political law
Chapter by chapter summary of De Leon's Book on Public Officers
תקציר בעברית: מאמר זה מבקש לבחון מחדש את מקומה של הפוליטיקה במשפט הישראלי כאמצעי להפגת המתח הקיים סביב הרשות השופטת בכלל ובית־המשפט העליון בפרט מבלי להידרש לשינויים מוסדיים מרחיקי־לכת, וזאת במסגרת הדיאלוג הפוליטי שצריך להתפתח בין רשויות... more
Examining the determinants of legislative success at the Philippine House of Representatives, this study shows empirically why continuous entrenchment by political families can be detrimental to political institutions. Using count... more
This is a basic commentary on introduction of federalism in the Philippines.
this abstract for the BWA, Politics and within temples communications and law
Acting on behalf of its foreign principal, Qatar National Fishing Co., Pan Asian Logistics and Trading, a domestic recruiting and placement agency, hired Adriano Urtesuela as captain of the vessel M/V Oryx for the stipulated period of... more
This is not my work, but i hope this would help anybody
Qualifications, Disqualifications, Selection of the President, Senators, Members of the House of Representatives, Justices and Judges, Ombudsman, and Constitutional Commissions; Immunity of the President, privileges of Senators and... more
"X" filed a case against the Republic of the Philippines for damages caused his yacht, which was rammed by a navy vessel.
Melalui putusan nomor 117/PUU-VII/2009 Mahkamah Konstitusi menerapkan konsepsi keadilan Rawls yang menekankan kepada kesetaraan bagi semua orang dengan menerapkan fair equality of opportunity atau equal opportunity principle. Desain... more
Pasca berlakunya UU No. 12 Tahun 2011, Tap MPR dimasukkan kembali dalam hierarki peraturan perundang-undangan, yang menimbulkan permasalahan dalam konteks negara hukum Indonesia. Ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif. Saat ini jumlah... more
For educational reference only
partisipasi perempuan dalam ranah politik di parlemen
Secara normatif politik hukum pengelolaan sumber daya alam di Indonesia sudah ditentukan dalam Pasal 33 ayat (2) dan (3) Undang-Undang Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945., yang dimaksud sumber daya alam salah satunya adalah mineral dan... more
საქართველოს საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლომ 2015 წლიდან 2018 წლის ჩათვლით მარიხუანასთან დაკავშირებით 3 მთავარი და რამდენიმე მეორეხარისხოვანი საქმე გადაწყვიტა. პირობითად ამ საქმეებს (1) „დეპენალიზაციის“, (2) „დეკრიმინალიზაციისა“ და (3)... more
This research reviews the characteristics of federalism and explores the possibility of it being used to create, in due course, a new XXI century Constitution, in keeping the political and economic development of the Philippines in this... more
Examining the determinants of legislative success at the Philippine House of Representatives, this study shows empirically why continuous entrenchment by political families can be detrimental to political institutions. Using count... more
Facts: Before the Court is a petition for certiorari and prohibition filed by Romulo B. Macalintal, a member of the Philippine Bar, seeking a declaration that certain provisions of Republic Act No. 9189 (The Overseas Absentee Voting Act... more
Topic: Habeas Corpus Facts: "This is a case of disappeared persons" (desaparecidos). This was the opening plea filed six years ago by the late Senator Jose Wright Diokno as lead counsel on behalf of the parents of the two young persons... more
100 Defined Terms, Principles, Maxims, & Doctrines in Public International Law.
Based on 20/21 Bar Syllabus
Based on 20/21 Bar Syllabus
The law Bar Examination in Political Science yield the studies. Particularly in the Bar exam is adequate to answer if you are continuing your study to success, nothing is impossible if you enable to promise your dreams. This course is... more
Politik hukum disebut dalam istilah yang berbeda-beda. Di belanda dikenal Politik hukum dengan istilah rechtspolitiek, di Inggris ada beberapa istilah, politics of law (politik hukum), legal policy (kebijakan hukum), politic of... more
The purpose of the entire article is to engage in a thorough explanation and deep analysis of the opinions, whether majority, majority or dissenting, in the Rubi case, so as to provide some guidance to judges, who would be faced with a... more
This research reviews the characteristics of federalism and explores the possibility of it being used to create, in due course, a new XXI century Constitution, in keeping the political and economic development of the Philippines in this... more
Baru-baru ini saya melihat video kick andy yang membahas tentang peradilan sesat. Sempat saya meneteskan air mata melihat video ini. Sebagai warga negara dari suatu bangsa yang katanya beradab saya sadar bahwa ternyata keberadaban negara... more
საარჩევნო სისტემა განსაზღვრავს მექანიზმს, რომელმაც უნდა დააბალანსოს პირდაპირ დემოკრატიაზე უარის თქმით გამოწვეული ნეგატიური შედეგები: მოქალაქეების დისტანცირება საერთოზე ზრუნვის საქმიდან და სხვადასხვა ტიპის ძალაუფლების მქონეთა მიერ... more
whether democracy promotes economic development or vice versa or no relationship at all
According to the Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters, adopted by the Venice Commission, the fundamental elements of electoral law should be closed to amendment less than one year before an election or be written in the constitution... more
Dubbed as the fourth branch or estate of the government, the power of the media in shaping the opinion of the general public cannot be underestimated. In fact, even the Philippine Constitution itself recognizes the great power which the... more
PNP Chief and Director General Distinguished
A legal essay on Freedom of Expression
Sharing with you guys are the guide questions or pointers given to us by our professor in Constitutional Law I for our Final exam. This paper includes questions and answers, that covers Article 12 to 18 of the 1987 Constitution.... more