Politics of Time
Recent papers in Politics of Time
Seit Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts exportierten japanische Händler Soja aus der so genannten Mandschurei nach Europa und Amerika. Hier wurde es hauptsächlich als preiswerter Öllieferant für die Herstellung von Seife und Margarine verwendet.... more
During the 2006‒2014 mining boom in Marampa Chiefdom, Sierra Leone, local discourse around the performance and responsibilities of iron-ore miner London Mining toward its local environment was strongly informed by narratives of the... more
Across many developing countries, the power sector persistently underperforms despite years of market reform efforts. India, where de facto responsibility for the power sector rests with subnational (state) governments, provides a useful... more
In this paper I offer a contribution to the recent conceptual debate that has taken place regarding the understanding and use of Ulrich Beck’s theory of individualisation in the sociology of youth. I seek to defend Beck’s position against... more
In his reading of Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man, George Yancy argues that felt invisibility is a form of ontological and epistemological violence that points to the normative constructs of white perception. Yancy’s phenomenological... more
99 pb., 978 0 95752 955 7. Manifesto for an Accelerationist Politics is reprinted in the Reader. Page references are given in the main text as AR and MV, respectively.
This chapter delves into debates about time and democratic deliberation. Deliberative democrats have developed sequential models but tend to think of time mainly as a background variable. Critics have drawn attention to the inadequacy of... more
What stories do ruins tell? What is the legacy of the extractive coal industry? When is extraction complete in a single-industry area? Tied to global capital, fuelling the Industrial Revolution on the labour immigrants, the legacy of... more
This paper attempts to do a close reading of Benjamin’s idea about history with a focus on his seminal essay “Thesis on the Philosophy of History”. Elaborating on key concepts and idioms in Benjamin like ‘hope’, ‘politics’, ‘theology’,... more
This book explores how contemporary approaches to the meaning of time and history follow patterns that are simultaneously political and theological. Even after postsecular critiques of Christianity, religion, and secularity, many... more
In the most general sense, the modern idea of history is a conceptual tool deployed in order to domesticate experienced novelty and expectations of the future. In Western modernity, the operation we usually call historicization has been... more
This text responds to Tehching Hsieh’s "One Year Performance 1980–1981: Time Clock Piece" (1980–1981). Through a reading of Dolly Parton’s contemporaneous antiwork anthem "9 to 5" (1980), I reflect on historical shifts in the ways that... more
This article seeks to contribute to the debate about the relationship between time and social identity by studying the recent trend of simultaneous, crowd-sourced visual diaries. The article focuses on the concept of simultaneity and its... more
In the distance, a breaker formed a Black silhouette…As I paused, I could hear the soft murmur of the ghosts-ghosts of collieries, breakers, tipples, culm banks, and the miners whose bodies are entombed in long lost mines" Walter L.... more
The article focuses on the notion of the ‘politics of time’ from a performative point of view. I aim to show that periodization is a way we act upon time. The first part of the article argues that, during the nineteenth century,... more
In this article, I argue that the experimentalist model of democracy can contribute to contemporary disputes about deliberation at the supranational level. The fundamental idea is that, in conditions of disagreement, for a decision to be... more
Le rapport entre temps et politique est actuellement l’objet d’un intérêt croissant dans les études historiques et en philosophie politique. On trouvera ici une vue d’ensemble des analyses actuelles de ce problème dans différentes... more
The article addresses the various uses of expert knowledge during the controversy over shale gas in France and in Quebec (Canada). Cross-fertilization between policy analysis and science and technology studies demonstrates that political... more
An interview with Chris Rawls published on the American Philosophical Association Blog, as part of an interview series on the philosophy of time, "Time Will Tell."
Architecture is again at the heart of the question of future on various scales: On the one hand, questions of how to control contingency and to reduce the uncertainy of the future, especially how to encounter future disasters and on the... more
A disciplina tem por objetivo problematizar o tempo como questão fundamental e desafio para historiografia contemporânea. Em uma palavra, esta disciplina busca problematizar “tempo” como provocação a uma historiografia teoricamente (ou... more
The objective of this article is to examine the urban night as an innovative space-time on different scales and in different geographic contexts. In this introduction, I remind the reader that the night has often been approached... more
This chapter analyses the change in the informal trafficking of standard consumer goods between Israel and the West Bank since summer 2007, when Palestinian Authority’s security forces were redeployed under the supervision of General... more
La nuit est désormais à l’agenda de la recherche et des politiques publiques. Un nouveau champ de recherches, celui des « Night studiesxv » a peu à peu émergé qui réunit des historiens, des géographes, des urbanistes, des sociologies, des... more
«We stop everything and we think» was a slogan sung by the French insurrectionists of ‘68. This episode was not only an exercise in revolutionary frenzy but also a call for the interruption of the daily rhythms of... more
This contribution is about the ritual touching of soil (French terre, Lingala mabelè) during individual and collective gardening sessions of two spiritual movements in Kinshasa. The practice allows participants to uplift and reconcile... more
The Israeli separation policy that has been implemented since the early 1990s has not divided territorially Israelis and Palestinians. Rather, it has reorganized their trajectories and submitted these two populations to distinct time... more
Despite Connerton’s relatively early critique of memory studies’ focus on inscribed (visual, textual, architectural) mnemonic traditions and practices, we are still in need of further conceptual and empirical analysis to explore places... more
Countries across the world are facing reconstruction of their war-torn societies. The way of dealing ‘properly’ with the past is one of the burning political issues of our time, and often has a direct impact on today’s society. Recent... more
The Review of Fasolt C. Past Sense: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern European History. Leiden: Brill, 2014. — XVIII, 658 p. In Russian.
Presented as part of the panel Decolonial Genealogies of Critical Theory at SPEP 2017
(as originally submitted for consideration) In The Problem with Work, feminist Marxist scholar Kathi Weeks asks: " Why do we work so long and so hard? The mystery here is not that we are required to work or that we are required to devote... more
Il tempo nel testo e nella realtà extra-testuale
Napoli, 3 e 4 ottobre 2019
Il tempo nel testo e nella realtà extra-testuale
Napoli, 3 e 4 ottobre 2019