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      Deliberative DemocracyPoltical TheoryIndignadosOccupy Wall Street
This article explores the development of Saudi Arabia during King Fahd's era through research which highlights the challenges and reasons behind the decline in achieving five year plans. Saudi Arabia is one of those Middle Eastern... more
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      Comparative ReligionComparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPolitical Philosophy
Ernest Mandel war einer der originellsten und produktivsten Denker der linken sozialistischen Bewegung. Seine über zwei Dutzend Bücher und unzähligen Artikel zur politischen Ökonomie des Kapitalismus, zur ökonomischen und politischen... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryPolitical PhilosophyMarxism
A project by EDELO with Emory Douglas and indigenous Zapatista communities. Co-edited with David Tomas.
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      Critical TheoryAestheticsPostcolonial StudiesCritical Pedagogy
Introduction to the Italian edition of De l'Esprit de Conquête (1814)
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      Classical LiberalismBenjamin ConstantPoltical Theory
Jeremy Bentham believes that human beings are intrinsically bound to seek pleasure and avoiding pain, and the concept of what is "good" and "bad" are defined by what is pleasurable and painful to human. If we will believe that for every... more
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      Political PhilosophyEthicsSocial SciencesPolitical Science
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      Political SciencePoltical Theory
The problem of this essay is to show how the dispute around pornography question should be solved. Pornography is suggested to be solved with idea of toleration. It is a useful tool but there should be clear understanding of the best way... more
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      Political PhilosophySocial PhilosophySocial JusticeGender Equality
This is a file of my 1995 book, A Nietzschean Defense of Democracy: An Experiment in Postmodern Politics
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      Friedrich NietzschePostmodernismDemocracyPoltical Theory
Analizzare il cosiddetto “mondo globalizzato” attraverso la categoria di egemonia elaborata in questo libro può aiutarci a comprendere come la congiuntura presente, lungi dall’essere l’unico ordine sociale naturale o possibile, sia... more
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      Intellectual HistoryMarxismMigrationPost-Marxism
Assuming that information and communication systems are central to all societies, this course takes a critical approach and situates media within larger national and international power relationships. In doing so, this course scrutinizes... more
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      Critical TheoryEconomic HistoryEconomicsPolitical Economy
Babette Babich, L’ATMOSPHÈRE, LE PARFUM ET LA POLITIQUE DE L’UTOPIE : LUCIEN, NIETZSCHE, ET ILLICH Traduit de l’anglais par Nicole G. Albert Presses Universitaires de France | « Diogène » 2021/1 n° 273-274 | pages 124 à 146 Article... more
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      Ivan IllichUtopia and Science FictionPoltical TheorySir Thomas More
Volume Two of Marx's Socialism from Within. Here I locate Marx within a concept of rational freedom which holds that the freedom of each individual is conditional upon and co-existent with the freedom of all individuals. I, in turn,... more
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      Social TheoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyHumanities
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      Critical TheoryPost Modern LiteratureHistoryCultural History
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      PsychoanalysisFeminist TheoryPhilosophy of EducationQueer Theory
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      PsychoanalysisFeminist TheoryPhilosophy of EducationQueer Theory
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      PsychoanalysisGender StudiesEthicsFeminist Theory
"The last two decades have witnessed a shift in how we perceive Xenophon the Athenian. Having fallen into neglect in the twentieth century, scholars now attempt to resuscitate and ultimately ‘rehabilitate’ Xenophon. The present thesis... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryIntellectual HistoryEthics
«Элит» хэмээх ойлголт шинжлэх ухааны хэрэглээнд нэвтэрсэн үе нь харьцангуй саяхных билээ. Уг ойлголт латин хэлний eligere-сонгох гэх үгнээс гаралтай бөгөөд орчин цагийн хэлэнд Италийн социологич, элит судлалын нэртэй онолч В. Парэтогийн... more
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      Political ScienceElites (Political Science)ElitesPoltical Theory
Lucrarea de față își propune să realizeze o prezentare sumară a perspectivelor ideatice abordate de unii specialiști în știința politică în ceea ce privește conceptul de suveranitate.
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      Political SciencePoltical TheoryPoltical Philosophy
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryMarketingSemiotics
According to Sylvia Wynter, Western Europeans, invented Man (the white, masculinist, Western, middle-class, heterosexual, imperialist version of the Human) and projected him onto the past as natural and timeless, rather than historical... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesEconomicsPolitical EconomyEducation
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      Jacques LacanSlavoj ZizekChantal MouffePoltical Theory
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      Comparative PoliticsSoutheast Asian PoliticsContemporary Political PhilosophyPolitical Islam
Soleimani, Kamal (2017), “Modern Islamic Political Thought, ‘Islamism’ and Nationalism”, Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies R&D. 2 (1), 1-16. This paper theorizes the nexus between “Islamism” and nationalism, showing that neither... more
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      Iranian StudiesNationalismTurkish and Middle East StudiesIslamic Studies
For the month of June, EG has become a print journal.
The 110-page magazine features work from 21 writers, four artists, and no analytic philosophers.
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      Creative WritingPoetry CompositionCritical TheoryReligion
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryCultural History
Ibidim, 4, 2015, Le letture di Planum, pp. 9-11
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      Political PhilosophyUrban StudiesPoltical Theory
In a given polity, interactions between the Governed and the Governing Strata are symbiotic. The Governed desire, and indeed need, infrastructure services organized. If such basic foundations are not provided, the economic activity so... more
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      AnthropologyPolitical PhilosophyHistoriographyPolitical Science
Holtponton van Magyarország. Holtponton van a magyar politika. Holtponton van a nemzetpolitika, mert nincs előrelépés sem a határon túli magyarság jövőjét érintő kérdések megoldásában, sem a magyarországi romák nemzeti-társadalmi,... more
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      SociologyPolitical EconomySocial SciencesMinority Studies
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      Cultural StudiesComparative PoliticsAfghanistanComparative Linguistics
Some philosophical juvenilia. A paper I wrote for a seminar in graduate school in the winter of 1999. This paper is also one of my few sustained examinations of a theme from political philosophy.
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      FreedomPoltical TheoryPositive and Negative Liberty
The Anthropocene thesis contends that the earth has entered a new geological epoch, dominated by human action. This article examines the Anthropocene in relation to law and aesthetics, arguing that the concepts of law and the stories of... more
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      JurisprudenceCritical Legal TheoryLegal TheorySimone Weil
Giorgio Agamben szerint a modern politika és állam alapvető sajátossága a kivételes állapot általánossá válása. A kivételes állapot egy olyan bizonytalan, kétségekkel teli helyzet, amely a jog és a politika határterületén helyezkedik el.... more
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    • Poltical Theory
A study of Plato's meals in common especially as discussed in The Laws.
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      PlatoAristotlePoltical Theory
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      Political PhilosophyHegelPoltical Theory
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    • Poltical Theory
Note: This article had been published wit International Journal of Zizek Studies (2014) The aim of this article is to examine how violence presupposed in Frantz Fanon’s and Slavoj Žižek’s theses are pretty helpful in urging me as a... more
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      Social and Political ThoughtPoltical Theory
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      American HistoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
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    • Poltical Theory
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      ChristianityIntellectual HistoryLawComparative Politics
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      Political PhilosophyDemocratic TheoryPoltical Theory
This is the introduction to the forthcoming collection of essays: Law, Obligation, Community (Routledge, 2018). The starting premise for this collection is that the contemporary expansion of rights discourse has obscured the work of... more
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      Sociology of LawLegal TheoryPoltical Theory
""The securitization of the spaces of Israeli-Palestinian interaction, from checkpoints to the West Bank Separation Wall, continues to intensify and receive attention from journalists, scholars, and activists. Understandably, the focus is... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsPeace and Conflict StudiesIsrael/PalestineArab-Israeli conflict
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      Political SociologyPolitical TheoryPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPopulism
Authors from Cicero to Smith held honor to be indispensable to make people see and do what is right. As they considered honor to be a social motive, they did not think this dependence on honor was a problem. Today, we tend to see honor as... more
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      SociologyPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEthics
Wisdom is at once one of the most elusive and most valued kinds of knowledge. Empirical research shows that, indeed, across cultures, people hope that life experience will eventually make them wiser. The problem is that, to date, the... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
"In Jacques Lacan’s psychoanalytical theory, there is a precise place for Marx in relation to psychology. It is the place of truth in opposition to capitalism. It is also the place of subversion against adaptation. According to Lacan,... more
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      MarxismCritical PsychologyJacques LacanLacanian theory
Politics and Truth in the Public Sphere Factual Truth and Rational Truth in Hannah Arendt’s Political Thinking Abstract The book refers to the political presentation and the relevance of the concepts of political truth based on Hannah... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LawPoltical Theory
A challenging argument following the global financial crisis of 2007-8 is that it marks a decisive shift in the development of capitalism in the affluent societies of the West. Both James K. Galbraith and Andrew Gamble have argued that... more
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      Public AdministrationPolitical EconomyPolitical PhilosophyEquality